
fán ěr sài
  • Versailles;humblebrag
凡尔赛 [fán ěr sài]
  • [Versailles]法国巴黎大区伊夫林省省会。是欧洲游人最多的历史名胜之一。在巴黎西南18公里处,原为法王路易十三打猎之地,路易十四建为城市,后来作为法王的行宫,第一次世界大战结束后,1919年1-6月协约国在此举行和会,签订对德和约

  1. 现代的最高级会议始于1919年的凡尔赛(乔治F.威尔)

    Modern summitry began at Versailles in 1919 ( George F.Will )

  2. 20世纪80年代中期,Francis就下令在巴黎附近建了一个宏伟的总部,它是以仿照凡尔赛宫建设的。

    In the mid-1980s Francis had commissioned a grandiose headquarters near Paris that was modelled on the Palace of Versailles .

  3. 最晚从1919年起,英语就在不断入侵国际舞台。当时的《凡尔赛条约》(TreatyofVersailles)就是以英语和法语写就的。

    English has been invading international settings since at least 1919 , when the Treaty of Versailles was written in English as well as French .

  4. Murakami作品展于2010年在凡尔赛宫举办过后,多哈也为这位日本艺术家的作品举办了一场回顾展出。

    A Murakami show at the Palace of Versailles in 2010 led to the Japanese artist 's Doha retrospective .

  5. 两人都很早就进入了政治事件的中心:1919年,凯恩斯参与了凡尔赛和约(TreatyofVersailles)的谈判;熊彼特则是奥地利财政部长。

    Both gravitated early to the centre of political events . In 1919 , Keynes was negotiating the Treaty of Versailles ; Schumpeter was Austrian minister of finance .

  6. 法国的情况更加糟糕:《世界报》(LeMonde)往往读起来就像是1788年左右的凡尔赛宫报纸,记载着哪位侍臣正得宠。

    It 's worse in France : Le Monde newspaper often reads like a Versailles palace gazette circa 1788 , chronicling which courtiers are currently in favour .

  7. 1919年德国被迫签订凡尔赛条约(TreatyofVersailles),德国人感受到奇耻大辱,并其它方式继续战争。

    Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles in1919 , whose unexpectedly high demands were perceived as humiliating in Germany and as a continuation of the war by other means .

  8. 德国战败后,凡尔赛势力建议丹麦采取行动收回石勒苏益格―荷尔斯泰因(Schleswig-Holstein)。

    Following the defeat of Germany , Denmark was offered by the Versailles powers the return of Schleswig-Holstein .

  9. 关于二战,最广为流传的一种观点是:二战起因是德国对凡尔赛条约(theTreatyofVersailles)的苛刻条件感到不满。

    One of the most commonly repeated myths about World War II is that the reason it started in the first place was that the Germans were disaffected by the harshness of the Treaty of Versailles .

  10. 路易斯十四世在凡尔赛修建了豪华的浴池,MathieudaVinha却解释说这座在凡尔赛的浴池不是为了清洁路易斯十四世的身体的。

    Louis XIV had sumptuous bathrooms built at Versailles but not , explains Mathieu da Vinha in " Le Versailles de Louis XIV ", in order to clean the body .

  11. 凡尔赛宫的生活似乎就是漫长的唇枪舌剑,如果能展示出“esprit”——聪明、博学且时常很尖刻的机锋,并让其他人显得可笑——那么你就能赢得地位。

    Life at Versailles was apparently a protracted battle of wits . You gained status if you showed " esprit " - clever , erudite and often caustic wit , aimed at making rivals look ridiculous .

  12. 在道德上并不重要的是,衡量平等程度的基尼系数(GiniCoefficient)不断轮回的历史起落,或者1%的富人中1%的豪富的过分行为,300年前我们或许能在凡尔赛宫看到类似的行为。

    What does not matter ethically are the routine historical ups and downs of the Gini coefficient , a measure of inequality , or the excesses of the 1 per cent of the 1 per cent , of a sort one could have seen three centuries ago in Versailles .

  13. 华伦天奴的秀台是田园风格的,它的轻薄连衫裙(右下的两款)可能很适合玛丽·安托瓦内特(MarieAntoinette)18世纪在凡尔赛修建的幻想农场——王后村庄(中下)。

    In a rural setting , Valentino 's gauzy frocks ( both bottom right ) might fit in Marie Antoinette 's 18th-century fantasy farm , L'Hameau de la Reine ( bottom center ) , at Versailles .

  14. 据意大利ANSA通讯社称,其他场景将在罗马有意大利的凡尔赛之称的卡赛特皇宫南部拍摄,而且在塞尔维亚和萨里的松林制片厂也有镜头。

    Other scenes will be shot south of Rome at the Royal Palace of Caserta , known as the Versailles of Italy , as well as in Serbia and at Pinewood studios in Surrey , according to Italian news agency ANSA .

  15. 本片讲述了一位国王如何将凡尔赛

    This is the story of a king who took Versailles ,

  16. 我没什么可以加在凡尔赛的荣誉上了。

    I have nothing to add to the glory of versailles .

  17. 我们去了凡尔赛宫一日游。

    We took a day trip to the palace of versailles .

  18. 当快回到凡尔赛的时候他说

    as he was getting back to Versailles , he said ,

  19. 他是凡尔赛宫的第一位主人

    He was the first act on the stage of Versailles .

  20. 结果凡尔赛的花园从未

    of course , was that the great gardens of Versailles never

  21. 从莫斯科的观点来看,西方的政策属于凡尔赛政治。

    Viewed from Moscow , western policy is the politics of Versailles .

  22. 《凡尔赛条约》就是在这间屋子里签订的。

    The Treaty of Versailles was signed right here in this room .

  23. 诚然,法国比起凡尔赛的时代已经发生了一些变化。

    Granted , France has changed a bit since Versailles .

  24. 她被移出了凡尔赛朝臣记录了这一切

    She 's shifted out of Versailles , and courtiers record that ,

  25. 他在凡尔赛花园里开办大型庆祝会

    he celebrated with a huge party in the gardens of Versailles .

  26. 凡尔赛&华盛顿体系与中国外交方略的转变

    The Versailles - Washington System and the Change of Chinese Diplomatic Policy

  27. 1919年的今天,一战和平会议在法国凡尔赛召开。

    1919-the World War One Peace Congress opened in Versailles , France .

  28. 勒沃改造凡尔赛宫的计划已经完成

    Le Vau 's plans for the remodelling of Versailles were complete ,

  29. 凡尔赛宫可以充分发挥他的才能。

    And Versailles could use a man of his gifts .

  30. 在凡尔赛会议和围绕条约进行斗争之后,这种梦想破灭了。

    The dream was shattered after Versailles and the subsequent treaty fight .