
  • 网络BAROQUE;Baroque music
  1. 六七十年代人们对巴洛克音乐的兴趣只得到了缓慢的发展。

    A more widespread interest in baroque music developed only slowly in the Sixties and Seventies .

  2. 辛辛那提音乐学院举办各种活动,包括由著名乐团“拉萨勒四重奏”、CCM爱乐乐团以及各个音乐家团体通过现代音乐呈现的巴洛克音乐表演。

    CCM organizes a variety of events , including performances by the well-known LaSalle Quartet , CCM 's Philharmonic Orchestra , and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music .

  3. 安东尼奥·维瓦尔第的e小调奏鸣曲最初是为大提琴与通奏低音创作的,是典型的巴洛克音乐。

    Sonata in E minor from Antonio Vivaldi is originally composed for Cello and basso continuo in Baroque Style .

  4. 由于他们杰出的成就,使巴洛克音乐达到了高峰。

    Due to their outstanding achievements , Baroque music reached peak .

  5. (音乐)复调的巴洛克音乐传统。

    ( music ) polyphonic traditions of the baroque .

  6. 第一章:巴洛克音乐特征分析。

    Chapter I : Characteristics of Baroque music .

  7. 巴洛克音乐创作的美学价值

    The Aesthetic Value of Baroque Music Creation

  8. 形象化一些就是:听听巴洛克音乐。

    Visualize . Listen to Baroque music .

  9. 你的风格极其兼容并蓄。你有没有最喜欢的音乐类型呢?比如巴洛克音乐?

    J.V. : Your style is extremely eclectic . Have you a favourite music style , like " baroque " for example ?

  10. 巴洛克音乐在德国作曲家亨德尔和巴赫的手中达到了顶峰。

    The baroque music were developed to the summit with Germany composer G · F · Handle and J · S · Bach .

  11. 本文首先从巴洛克音乐时期的社会发展一般背景和音乐实践背景两个方面分析了拉莫和声理论形成所具备的外部条件;

    First , this paper analyzes the external conditions which form Rameau 's harmonic theory from the social and musical background in the Baroque .

  12. 钢琴家米娜•伊万诺娃擅长的曲目范围广泛,从巴洛克音乐到爵士乐无一不通,其中很大一部分是保加利亚音乐和不同民族乐派的作品。

    Mina Ivanova is a pianist whose repertoire comprises of a wide range of works from baroque to jazz , including Bulgarian music and works of different national schools .

  13. 巴洛克音乐传承了文艺复兴时期音乐艺术的先进理念和优秀成果,在整个人类音乐史中占有重要的历史地位。

    The Baroque Music succeed all the advanced viewpoint and excellence progeny of the Renaissance Music Art , and it occupied a significant historical status in the whole human music history .

  14. 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫,欧洲音乐史上的伟人、巴洛克音乐最杰出的代表。是成功把西欧不同民族的音乐风格浑然溶为一体的开山大师。

    John Sebastian Bach , a music giant in the European history and the greatest representation of Baroque music , is the forerunner to successfully mix different western nations ' musical styles together .

  15. 如果巴洛克音乐去掉装饰音,就如同把一座具有整体和谐艺术美的雕塑的装饰拿掉,从而破坏了整个艺术品的架构。

    If the ornament of Baroque music removed , just like the one in harmony with the overall artistic beauty of the decorative sculpture removed , thereby undermining the whole structure of works of art .

  16. 巴洛克音乐时代是文艺复兴运动在新历史环境中的继续,文艺复兴时期音乐艺术的先进理念和优秀成果毫不例外地被巴洛克时代所传承。

    The era of Baroque music is the continuum of Renaissance movement in the new historic environment . The advanced concept and superior achievement of music art in the period of Renaissance are unexceptionally inherited in the era of Baroque .

  17. 巴洛克时期音乐与建筑相通性的比较研究

    Baroque Music and Construction of the Comparative Study of the Same

  18. 古代至巴洛克时期音乐节奏的演变及特点

    Music Rhythm 's Evolution and Character from Ancient to Baroque Period

  19. 斯特恩解释了巴洛克式音乐的特点。

    And Stern explains the feature of Baroque music .

  20. 在高校图书馆设置巴洛克背景音乐阅览室的一些设想

    Some Presumptions of Establishing the Baroque Background Music Reading Room in University Library

  21. 很多巴洛克式音乐,如J.S.Bachs的音乐就是这种类型的。

    Much baroque music , such as J.S.Bach 's , was of this type .

  22. 我们发现这些修饰中有许多不只是在巴洛克时期音乐中运用过,就是在经典的和浪漫派音乐中也有。

    We find many of these embellishments not only in Baroque but also in Classical and Romantic music .

  23. 本文将通过对巴洛克器乐音乐史的梳理,了解那个时期的小提琴音乐的发展背景以及作曲家的创作概况。

    With introduction to the Baroque music history , this thesis briefly gave reference to the development background and composition summary of violin in this period .

  24. 和声学源于对位的实践,反过来和声学又影响着对位法原则的形成与发展,并逐渐将对位纳入自己的控制之下,于是出现了巴洛克复调音乐的顶峰时代。

    Harmonics originals from the practices of counterpoint and which in turn influences the formation and practices of the writing of counterpoint , and gradually brings counterpoint into its own control . The result of this process is the appearance of the prosperity of Baroque polyphony .

  25. 巴洛克时期是音乐发展史上的重要时期。

    Barpque is an important period of the history of music development .

  26. 巴洛克时期键盘音乐特点及力度处理

    Keyboard Music and the Handling of Strength in Baroque Period

  27. 第二部分,简述了巴洛克时期的音乐特征及器乐音乐的发展。

    The second part outlines the characteristics of Baroque music and instrumental music .

  28. 浅谈巴洛克古钢琴音乐

    Discuss the clavichord music in Baroque period lightly

  29. 巴洛克时期不仅音乐风格比以前更加丰富,音乐体裁也更加多样化。

    Baroque style of music is not only richer than before , the music genre also more diverse .

  30. 巴赫作为18世纪的重要音乐代表人物,他的一生对巴洛克时期的音乐风格的形成,产生了巨大的影响。

    As an important music representative figure of the 18th century , Bach 's life exerted a great influence on the formation of the musical style in the Baroque Period .