
  • 网络Flanders;Flemish;Flandre
  1. 事实上,证券交易的想法可以上溯到1世纪,在佛兰德斯成立了称为“交易所”(TheBourse)的证券交易所。

    In fact , the idea of the stock exchange goes back to the fourteenth century , when in Flanders the first stock exchange called The Bourse was established .

  2. 跟那些在佛兰德斯与她一起生活的人谈谈。

    Speak to those who have lived with her in flanders .

  3. 明天这个时候,我就已经在去佛兰德斯的路上了。

    This time tomorrow , I 'll be on myway to flanders .

  4. 有些人认为它仅仅只是“佛兰德斯的”的意思。

    Some believe it simply means " Flemish " .

  5. 亨利七世资助过一位佛兰德斯的艺术家马布斯。

    Henry VII patronized a Flemish artist , mabuse .

  6. 嘿,巴特-你想怎么着,佛兰德斯?

    Say , Bart ? - What do you want , FIanders ? -

  7. 这幅画被冒充为佛兰德斯或荷兰的早期艺术品。

    The painting had been passed off as early flemish , or dutch .

  8. 鲁本斯的艺术体现出天主教的南方佛兰德斯的巴洛克风格特征;

    Rubens ' art shows the Flemish Baroque style of the southern Roman Catholics ;

  9. 佛兰芒矛兵来自佛兰德斯地区,装备轻甲和戟枪。

    Hailing from Flanders , these mercenaries are armed with pikes and wear light armour .

  10. 但他却在佛兰德斯战场倒下了。

    But he fell on Flanders field .

  11. 他倒在了佛兰德斯战场上。

    He fell on Flanders field .

  12. 对,闭上嘴,佛兰德斯,说得好,小子!

    Yeah , shut up , Flanders . - Well said , boy . - Steady .

  13. 谁在乎佛兰德斯干过什么?

    Who cares what he did ?

  14. 在佛兰德斯战场。

    In the Flanders fields .

  15. 想想意大利北部与南部、或是比利时的佛兰德斯与瓦隆尼亚之间的紧张关系就明白了。

    Think of the strains between northern and southern Italy ; or between Flanders and Wallonia in Belgium .

  16. 对佛兰德斯这个比利时讲荷兰语的地区来说,低价位房屋和发展管理都是重点问题。

    Affordable housing and growth management are both key issues in flanders , the Dutch-speaking region of belgium .

  17. 文艺复兴的意大利、17世纪的佛兰德斯和荷兰等再现性绘画的重要发展阶段。

    Renaissance Italy , 17th-century Flanders and the Netherlands , the reproducibility of painting an important stage of development .

  18. 意大利文艺复兴的发展,佛兰德斯的艺术大师和之后的荷兰北部艺术都是很好的例证。

    The rise of the Italian Renaissance , the Flemish masters and later , Dutch art seem to support this .

  19. 这种纸花使人追忆起在佛兰德斯的战场上盛开的花朵。在火车站、商场、办公楼,成千的志愿者都在卖纸花。

    the paper blooms -- reminiscent of those that grew over the battlefields of Flanders -- are sold by thousands of volunteers , at train stations , in shops , and in offices .

  20. 博鲁盖尔对日常生活热情地赞扬笔调预示着一种新绘画的诞生,这种新绘画直接促进了之后的荷兰与佛兰德斯绘画的昌盛。

    Bruegel praised the enthusiasm of the daily life of a new painting style to herald the birth of this new painting directly contributed to the Dutch and Flemish paintings , after the prosperity .

  21. 在第一次世界大战的最后一年,英国骑兵军官萨摩福特少校在佛兰德斯的战场作战时,一个闪电把他劈落马下,致使其腰部以下瘫痪。

    British cavalry officer Major Summerford was fighting in the fields of Flanders in the last year of WW1 , a flash of lightning knocked him off his horse and paralysed him from his waist down .

  22. 佛兰德斯荷语区政府已于今年承认炸薯条为比国文化不可或缺的一部分。预计法语区与德语区将在明年就此事展开讨论。

    The government of the Dutch speaking region of Flanders recognized Belgian fries as an integral part of national culture this year , and the French - and German-speaking communities are expected to debate the issue next year .

  23. 这个传统起源于第一次世界大战;这种纸花使人追忆起在佛兰德斯的战场上盛开的花朵。在火车站、商场、办公楼,成千的志愿者都在卖纸花。

    The tradition dates back to World War I ; the paper blooms reminiscent of those that grew over the battlefields of Flanders are sold by thousands of volunteers , at train stations , in shops , and in offices .