
  • 网络city siting
  1. 论秦汉城市选址及其规划思想

    On city location and urban planning of the Qin and Han dynasties

  2. 西部物流中心城市选址研究

    Study of selecting the site for western logistics center citys

  3. 自然环境&中国古代城市选址的首重因素

    Natural Environment ── the First Aspect for Site Choice of City Construction in Ancient China

  4. 针对其城市选址、道路布局、交通运输、基础设施、建设管理、功能分区、街廓尺度等方面的问题进行了研究和比较。

    The paper makes comparative study on the city location , street layout , transportation , infrastructure , development codes , district functions , and block sizes .

  5. 独具江南地域特色的子城、罗城,从城市选址、建设规划、功能布局一直到建筑物实体的设计营筑,均体现了当时较高的认识水平和技术水平。

    Later in Tang dynasty Ningbo City was built , which is systematic and of great regional characteristics , and shows the high technology of the early people .

  6. 中国传统居住方式在城市选址、城市形态上综合体现了一种整体性的防灾思考,并且在城市规划与建筑设计中采用了系统性的防灾、减灾设计。

    The disaster prevention of Chinese traditional residence is based on a macro view of natural environment , especially thinking much of the location and form of a city , then put the means of architecture design and city planning into a cultural symbol system .

  7. 全文共分八章,包括三大部分,即航空港的城市选址(宏观),航空港的总平面规划(中观),航空港航站楼的空间设计(微观)。

    This dissertation is divided into eight chapters , including three main parts , which are the location choice of the airport in the city ( macroscopical ), general plane layout of the airport ( mediscopical ), and the spatial design of airport terminal ( microscopical ) .

  8. 我国城市动物园选址的误区与对策

    Mistakes and Counterplans in position choosing of China City Zoos

  9. 城市在选址特征上体现出对微观自然地理环境的高度依附性。

    The location characters being attached to the micro natural geographical environment obviously .

  10. 新疆绿洲型城市优化选址的环境地质模型

    A geological model of optimizing the site selection for oasis city in Xinjiang

  11. 中国城市的选址与河流

    City Localities and Rivers in Ancient China

  12. 城市企业选址的博弈分析

    Game analysis on firm location in urban

  13. 测氡在城市建筑选址中的应用

    The application of the Radon measurement in the selection of the architecture location E City

  14. “西游记”大型乐园可先在北京、上海和其他沿海城市中选址筹建。

    The park could initially be replicated in major cities such as Beijing , Shanghai and other coastal cities .

  15. 尝试从城市的选址、方位、轴线、尺度、街道、景观、建筑等方面对山水城市格局的营造方法进行总结与探讨。

    Try from the city location , orientation , the axis , dimension , streets , landscape , building etc , for the construction of Shan-shui city pattern to summarize and discuss methods .

  16. 城市的实际选址取决于这片土地的自然状况。

    The actual site of a city is determined by the natural lie of the land .

  17. 基于GIS和CEM的资源型城市物流节点选址研究

    Research on Site Selection of Logistics Node for Resource-based Cities Based on GIS and CEM

  18. 城市有益设施选址中的加权minimax准则研究

    Study of the Facility Locations Method by Weighted Minimax Norm

  19. 应用模糊物元理论,研究了一种基于AHP的多方案、多特征的城市加油站选址决策方法。

    Applying fuzzy-matter element theory , it puts forward a multi-schemes and multi-characters method of the location selection decision of service station in cities based on AHP .

  20. 基于粒子群算法的城市消防点选址研究

    Research of urban fire station location based on particle swarm optimization

  21. 城市户外广告选址定位信息系统的构建

    Construction of Urban Outdoor Advertisement Site-selecting and Positioning Information System

  22. 全程物流枢纽城市物流中心选址评价问题研究

    Research on Location Evaluation of Logistics Center in Total Logistics Hinge Cities

  23. 城市客运枢纽选址方法

    Approach to Location Selecting of Urban Passenger Transfer Center

  24. 基于经济性和时效性的城市配送中心选址模型研究

    Study on Urban Distribution Center Location Allocation Model based on Economic and Time-effectiveness

  25. 城市物流基地选址问题研究

    The Study of Urban Logistic Terminal Location

  26. 介绍了利用模糊C-均值聚类方法实现城市物流中心选址的原理、流程以及聚类完成后的有效性检验指标计算。

    The paper introduces the principle of fuzzy C-mean clustering method and effectiveness certification calculation method .

  27. 加拿大城市住户居住选址行为研究&以多伦多都市普查区和蒙特利尔都市普查区为例

    A Study on Residential Location Behavior of Canada 's Urban Households-Two cases of Toronto and Montreal Census Metropolitan Area

  28. 通过求取模型的子博弈完美纳什均衡,分析得出企业在城市中的选址由企业间竞争与合作的相对力量决定。

    Through the subgame perfect Nash equilibrium and comparative analysis , it was shown that the equilibrium location depends on the relative strength of the cooperation effect over the competition effect between firms .

  29. 主要运用综合评价方法对西安城市行政中心选址的实际案例进行应用研究,并且推广所得的评价结论,从而增强论文的现实参考价值。

    The main use of comprehensive evaluation methods on the site in Xi ' an administrative center of the actual cases to conduct applied research and evaluation findings from the promotion so as to enhance the reality of paper reference value .

  30. 研究城市停车设施选址规划的模型和算法,根据不同城市或区域的土地使用限制条件分别提出了约束型和无约束两种选址模型,并分别设计了线性规划与遗传算法相结合的计算方法。

    This paper mainly researches the planning method of urban parking facilities ' locating model with its genetic algorithm . Under different condition of land use , we design a restraint multi-object-planning model and a non-restraint-planning model , and use liner programming and the genetic algorithm to solve the problem .