
chéng shì zhōng xīn
  • City Center;City Centre;Urban Center;urban core
  1. 城市核心是城市的历史性中心区,与旧城、城市中心区、中央商务区、中央金融区有着不同的概念和范围。

    Urban core is the historical central area of a city . It is a different concept and range than that of old city , urban central area , CBD , and central financial district .

  2. 轨道交通与城市中心体系的空间耦合

    Study on Space Coupling of Rail Transit and Urban Center System

  3. 破坏性极大的飓风席卷了城市中心地区。

    This devastating hurricane passed right through the heart of the city .

  4. 迁出城市中心成为普遍现象,而市区的租户们主要都是由贫苦的劳工阶层构成。

    Movement out of city centers was widespread , and downtown tenants were predominantly made up of the working poor .

  5. 就此之后,受访群众对千禧一代是否会延续父母的做法,移居到郊区养家糊口,或是继续留在城市中心存在分歧。

    After that , survey respondents disagree over whether this generation will follow in their parents , footsteps , moving to the suburbs to raise families , or will choose to remain in the city center .

  6. 如今,全球有很多城市中心区域都没有汽车通行。

    Nowadays some downtown areas around the world don 't have cars .

  7. 湖北城市中心广场设计集锦-包含多个广场设计的CAD和效果图!

    Hubei City Center Plaza Design Collection-contains more than one square design of the CAD and renderings !

  8. 共有1631人聚集在利物浦的城市中心齐唱《爱我吧(LoveMeDo)》,这些狂热追随者中不乏千里迢迢来到这里的秘鲁人与日本人。

    Aficionados poured in from as far afield as Peru and Tokyo for a weekend of live music and Beatlemania , which kicked off with 1631 people singing " Love Me Do " outside the city 's central Liver Building .

  9. 采用GIS空间分析技术,对1949~1996年期间上海城市中心区工业用地变化的时空进程进行空间分割和历史形态分析。

    According to the GIS spatial analytical technology , the spatial and temporal process of the central district of Shanghai 's industrial land use change from 1949 to 1996 was analyzed by spatial-comminuting and historical-morphological approaches .

  10. 城市中心区紧凑布置220kV变电站的设计

    Design of compact 220 kV substations in urban area

  11. wilkinsoneyre养成了一种成功的习惯,即建造优雅、看似毫不费力的建筑物,而这些建筑物会迅速成为或者复活为城市中心的“名片”。

    Wilkinson Eyre has made a successful habit of creating elegantly , and seemingly effortlessly , engineered structures that quickly come to define new or revived city centres .

  12. 智库“城市中心”(CentreforCities)近日的一份调查报告称,伦敦有35%的工作需要大学学历,三分之一的英国居民在二十几岁时迁往伦敦定居,年轻人和外国移民的流入要多于年长者的流出。

    A report by the Centre for Cities this week found that 35 per cent of London 's jobs are graduate level , and a third of UK residents who relocate in their twenties move to London . This inflow of the young and foreign immigrants more than offsets an outflow of older people .

  13. 本研究的目的是对城市中心商业区(CBD)内的公交线路实施合理管理,减少CBD内过于集中的公交线路和停车站点对道路交通和商店街景观的影响,削减CBD内的交通公害。

    This study aims to proper manage bus lines and bus stops in CBD , to reduce the negative impacts of dense bus lines on road traffic and landscape in CBD , and to improve tail gas emission , traffic noise and vibration .

  14. 在实际调研考察资料的基础上,依据城市中心商务区(CBD)和副中心商务区(Sub-CBD)的理论,分析了西安市CBD的现状特点及其未来空间发展受阻的因素;

    On the base of data from field survey and according to the theory of both the urban CBD and Sub-CBD , this paper analyzes the current characteristics of the Xi ′ an CBD and influential factors for its future .

  15. 多核层级网络&兼并型城市中心区形态问题研究

    The study on the city center form of the amalgamated cities

  16. 一些网站远离城市中心。

    Some of the sites are far from the city center .

  17. 城市中心规划中高层综合体建筑的交通组织分析

    Traffic Arrangement Analysis of High rise Complex in Urban Central Planning

  18. 机场铁路在城市中心的绿岛

    The Airport Railway has stations at City Centre on Green Island

  19. 上海市电信局城市中心监控系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the Monitor System in Shanghai Telecommunications Bureau

  20. 远离城市中心的城区。

    A part of the city far removed from the center .

  21. 创建函数索引计算城市中心。

    Create a functional index that computes the city center .

  22. 中等城市中心区空间形态浅析

    Analysis of Spatial Form of Urban Center in Medium-size Cities

  23. 城市中心区路边停车管理问题探讨

    Exploration into the Problem of Curb Parking in City Center

  24. 现代城市中心商务区新型公园规划

    New type park planning in modern urban central business district

  25. 城市中心绿色斑块的引入。

    The introduction of green pockets in the city center .

  26. 我有一个重建城市中心的计划。

    I have a plan for the reconstruction of the city centre .

  27. 中国城市中心医院糖尿病健康管理调查

    A survey of diabetes management in Chinese primary healthcare centers

  28. 城市中心区地下空间开发与利用

    The Exploitation and Utilization of Underground Space in City Downtown

  29. 对西安、重庆、成都城市中心性的分析

    An Analysis on the City Centricity of Xi'an , Chongqing , Chengdu

  30. 远离城市中心商业区的居民区。

    A residential part of town away from the central commercial district .