
qián tíng
  • vestibule;front;antecourt;parvis;vestible;parvise
前庭 [qián tíng]
  • (1) [parvis; parvise]∶正屋前的庭院

  • (2) [front]∶前额

  • 宽阔前庭

  • (3) [vestible]∶内耳中维持平衡的器官

前庭[qián tíng]
  1. 前庭功能是否正常不影响重心晃动的参数值(P0.05)。

    Vestibule function whether of normal or abnormal did not influence parameters ( P0.05 ) .

  2. Nd~(3+):YAG激光光纤治疗鼻前庭囊肿

    Nasal vestibule cyst treated with Nd ~ ( 3 + ): YAG laser fiber

  3. C组:前庭功能障碍3个月大鼠3只;

    Group C : 3 rats with vestibular dysfunction of 3 months ;

  4. CT多平面重组在大前庭水管综合征诊断中的应用

    Diagnostic application of CT multiplanar reformation in large vestibular aqueduct syndrome

  5. 大前庭导水管综合征CT诊断1例报告

    One Case : CT Diagnosis of Large Vestibular Aqueduct Syndrome

  6. 随着修复期延长,前庭感觉上皮IGF-l及其受体表达逐渐减少(P<0.05)。

    Then the expression of IGF-1 and its receptor decreased gradually ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 作者对7例反复发作眩晕伴听力下降和耳鸣的患儿进行详细检查发现,其颞骨CT均显示出前庭导水管扩大,说明该征候群也可因先天性耳畸形所致。

    Cases with fluctuating hearing loss and vertigo received temporal bone CT scan .

  8. 前庭导水管的冠状面CT研究

    Evaluation of Coronal CT Scanning in Observing Vestibular Aqueduct

  9. 目的对18例大前庭导水管综合征患者的CT及MRI表现进行分析。

    Purpose To analysis the CT and MRI findings of large vestibular aqueduct syndrome .

  10. 前庭导水管扩大畸形的CT诊断

    CT Diagnosis of Large Vestibular Aqueduct

  11. MR影像易于判断面、前庭蜗神经的分支。

    The branches of the facial and vestibulocochlear nerves could be easily visualized on Fast SE MR imaging .

  12. 前庭导水管扩大的CT和MRI的诊断(附14例报告)

    The Diagnosis of Large Vestibular Aqueduct on CT and MRI ( A Report of Fourteen Cases )

  13. 结论螺旋CT三维重建技术可以重建前庭小管外口,并可直接测得其宽度。

    Conclusion Spiral CT-3D reconstruction technique may reconstruct the external aperture of VA , and measure its width directly .

  14. 结论(1)平行秋千摆动中迷走神经活动显著增强,反映迷走神经兴奋水平的HF应作为前庭耐力评价的重要指标。

    Conclusion The vagal nervous activity was markedly increased during swing .

  15. 本研究采用听觉选择注意试验模式,研究正常青年人在不同前庭刺激条件下听觉选择注意的ERP成分变化。

    The ERP were measured in normal young subjects under different vestibular stimuli using auditory selective attention paradigm .

  16. 两侧前庭功能较均衡(P0.05)。

    The vestibular function is more symmetrical ( p0.05 ) than in the case of the other two groups .

  17. 豚鼠一侧迷路毁损后前庭内侧核c-fos表达

    C-fos Expression in Medial Vestibular Nucleus of Guinea Pigs After Unilateral Labyrinthectomy

  18. 在听力受损者中,有17.4%前庭功能冷热试验双侧不对称比值(CP)超过正常范围。

    The SPVN and CP were abnormal in more than 17.4 percent workers with hearing loss .

  19. PDS基因检测&诊断大前庭水管综合征的新方法

    Genetic testing of PDS gene-alternative diagnostic method for dilated vestibular aqueduct syndrome

  20. 目的探讨大前庭水管综合征(largevestibularaqueductsyndrome,LVAS)患者的听力学特点。

    Objective To present the audiological findings in the patients with large vestibular aqueduct syndrome ( LVAS ) .

  21. 目的:对展神经、面神经、前庭蜗神经进行塑化切片与MRI对照研究,获得正常影像和断层解剖资料。

    Objective : To obtain the normal image and sectional anatomical data of the abducent nerve , facial nerve , vestibulocochlear nerve with MRI and plastination .

  22. 家族性大前庭水管患者的PDS基因型分析

    Genotypic analysis of familial dilated vestibular aqueduct syndrome

  23. 豚鼠Ⅱ型前庭毛细胞ACh-敏感性BK电流

    ACh-sensitive BK current in guinea pig type ⅱ vestibular hair cells

  24. 结论传出性前庭神经系统CGRP在外周前庭器官损伤后可能起一定的调节性作用。

    Conclusion Activity of CGRP in efferent vestibular system plays a regular role on accelerating vestibular compensation .

  25. 庆大霉素对豚鼠前庭上皮IGF-1及其受体表达的影响

    Effect of gentamycin on the expression of IGF-1 and IGF-1R in the vestibular epithelium of guinea pig

  26. 基于这一研究现状,本课题将采用事件相关电位(ERP)技术,对前庭刺激影响脑高级功能之一&选择注意功能的动态变化过程进行研究。

    In this study we will deal with the dynamic changes of selective attention - one of the high brain function using event-related potentials ( ERP ) technique .

  27. 目的:探讨BAEP与TCD对前庭系统性眩晕的诊断价值。

    Objective : To explore the diagnostic value of BAEP and TCD in the diagnosis of vestibular system vertigo .

  28. 豚鼠发育过程中前庭上皮IGF-1及IGF-1R的表达变化

    Expression and Function of IGF-1 and IGF-1R in Vestibular Epithelium During the Development of Guinea Pig

  29. 是否伴有前庭功能失调及其严重程度能影响ADHD患儿临床症状和行为特点的分布。

    The severity degree of the vestibular dysfunction accompanying ADHD will influence the distributing of the core symptom of ADHD .

  30. 结论:BAEP是鉴别前庭系统周围性和中枢性眩晕比较敏感的诊断方法。

    Conclusion : BAEP detection might be a more sensitive approach for differentiating vestibular system peripheral and central vertigo .