
  • 网络Protected Area;Protective Ground
  1. 浅谈保护地管理模式及我国的模式选择

    On the Issue of Management model of Protected Area and Mode Selection in China

  2. 从历届世界公园大会议题看国际保护地建设与发展趋势

    The Trends of Protected Area Development by Analyzing Changes of lssues Presented in World Park Congresses

  3. 保护地蔬菜栽培对土壤盐分积累及pH值的影响

    Effects of Protected Field Vegetable Cultivation on Soil Salinity Accumulating and pH

  4. 保护地黄瓜对增施CO2的生理生态反应

    The Physiological and Biological Reactions of Cucumber tp CO_2 Application in Greenhouse

  5. 保护地CO2施肥研究进展

    Research Progress of CO_2 Fertilizer under Protection Ground

  6. NET技术等进行简要介绍的基础上,重点分析了保护地蔬菜栽培专家系统的构建过程及技术要点。

    NET are introduced briefly , the constructing process and the main point of the technique are analyzed stressfully .

  7. 部分保护地土壤已达到对蔬菜生产造成不同程度Cu、Zn污染的状况。

    Part of the greenhouse soils has reached the Cu and Zn pollution limit to vegetable production .

  8. 本文探讨了保护地黄瓜在增加CO2浓度条件下的生理生态反应。

    The effects of CO_2 application on the physiological and biological reactions of greenhouse cucumber was studied in greenhouse .

  9. 同时,本文给出了保护地蔬菜栽培专家系统Web服务的封装过程及调用方法,以及Web服务的描述、测试及注册流程。

    This paper also offers the encapsulation procedure and calling method of protected horticulture vegetable planting web services , as well as web services ' description , testing and registration .

  10. 保护地条件下黄瓜对养分的吸收量是K>N>Ca>Mg>P。

    Under sheltered ground condition , the amount of nutrient absorbed by cucumber were considerable different in the order of K > N > Ca > Mg > P.

  11. 根据不同施氨水平下番茄的产量效应及对氮素利用的情况,初步提出京郊保护地番茄生长的氮素供应目标值为535kg·hm~(-2)N。

    Based on tomato yields and N utilization with different N input levels , the nitrogen target value of 535 kg-hm-2N was estimated for the maintenance of protected tomato production in Beijing suburb .

  12. 通过NaCl处理筛选出了适合保护地栽培的耐盐西瓜砧木,并对其耐盐机理进行了研究。

    Salt-tolerant watermelon stock suit for greenhouse culture was successfully isolated through NaCl stress , and the mechanism of salt-tolerance of stock was studied .

  13. 这些区域被统称为保护地(ProtectedAreas),它们是通过法律或其他有效手段进行管理,以便为人类提供长期经济利益和环境利益的地区。

    These areas are collectively referred to as " Protected Areas ", we through law or other effective means to manage in order to provide long-term economic benefits for human and environmental interests of the region .

  14. 瓜类保护地土壤镰孢菌种群及UP-PCR多样性分析

    UP-PCR diversity analysis of Fusarium population isolated from greenhouse melon soils

  15. 结果表明:DRC-148和爱心为西宁地区保护地栽培的适宜品种。

    DRC-148 and Aixin is suitable for protected cultivation varieties in Xining area .

  16. 北京市主要蔬菜生产地区保护地根结线虫以南方根结线虫(M.incognita)为主。

    , Collection and identification of the root-knot nematodes in main production areas of vegetables in Beijing .

  17. 采用416-B最优混合设计,以珍珠岩作为保护地基质栽培小白菜,研究NO-3-N、P、K和NH+4-N对保护地无土栽培小白菜产量和硝酸盐含量的影响。

    The experiment was made to study the effects on the yield and nitrate of the pakchoi of NO ~ - _3-N , P , K and NH ~ + _4-N , and determine their optimal ingredient in the nutrient solution by the optimum compound design ( 416B ) .

  18. 设施栽培中渗灌技术研究现状与发展趋势试验结果表明,在渗灌管埋深为20~40cm范围内,保护地渗灌灌水后土壤全盐均表现出明显的表聚特性;

    Current Situation and Developing Trend of Subsurface Irrigation Technology in Protected Land Cultivation The results show that soil total salt accumulated in topsoil after subsurface irrigation with infiltration depth between 20 cm and 40 cm .

  19. 保护地番茄灰霉病分生孢子飞散动态

    The Dynamics of Airborne Spores of Tomato Grey Mold in Greenhouse

  20. 保护地土壤生态问题及其防治措施的研究

    Research of Ecological Problems and Countermeasures on the Soil of Greenhouse

  21. 保护地黄瓜叶片光合作用温度特性的研究

    Studies on Photosynthetic Temperature Characteristic of Cucumber Leaves in Protective Field

  22. 根据检测结果提出了提高保护地土壤肥力的施肥措施。

    The fertilization recommendations were proposed based on the test results .

  23. 蔬菜保护地节点式渗灌管的研制与应用

    The Development and Application for Sectional Type Subirrigation Tip in Greenhouse

  24. 保护地番茄栽培渗灌技术的研究

    Study on Percolation Irrigation Technology in Tomato Cultivation in Plastic House

  25. 韭菜早春保护地适宜品种的研究

    Study on Preferential Chinese Chive Varieties in Early Spring Protect Cultivation

  26. 国外自然保护地分区模式比较及启示

    Comparison of Zoning Models in Protected Natural Areas Overseas and Its Enlightenment

  27. 保护地蔬菜灰霉病综合治理对策保护地蔬菜根结线虫的发生与无公害防治

    Occurrence and Harmless Control of Greenhouse Vegetable Root-Knot Nematode Disease

  28. 雷竹保护地栽培林分立竹结构的初步研究

    Preliminary study on composition of Lei bamboo in protected plot

  29. 保护地土壤次生盐渍化的研究进展

    Progress in the study on soil salinization of protected farmland

  30. 保护地辣椒疫病的发生规律及无公害防治技术

    Phytophthora Blight and Its No-pollution Controll in Hot Peppers under Protected Cultivation