
  • 网络Confidentiality system;Secrecy System
  1. 关于人事档案保密制度的探讨

    A probation into the personnel archive secrecy system

  2. 离岸保密制度是破坏了企业及金融监管的不透明性的一个主要因素。

    The offshore secrecy system has been a main element of the opacity that has undermined corporate and financial regulation .

  3. 与ADR相关的保密制度探讨

    A Probe into the Institution of Confidentiality Related to ADR

  4. 欧盟和经合组织(OECD)也在税收和银行保密制度上向瑞士施压。

    The European Union and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development are also piling pressure on Switzerland over tax and banking secrecy .

  5. 瑞银(UBS)昨日与美国政府达成庭外和解,了结了针对瑞士神圣不可侵犯的银行保密制度的最猛烈打击之一。

    UBS and the US government yesterday agreed an out-of-court settlement to resolve one of the most bitter assaults on Switzerland 's hallowed bank secrecy .

  6. 在最近的G20峰会上,法国总统尼古拉萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)得意地宣称:避税天堂、银行保密制度这一切都结束了。

    At the recent G20 summit , Nicolas Sarkozy , French president , crowed : Tax havens , banking secrecy all that is finished .

  7. 在美国的压力下,瑞士传统的银行保密制度已大打折扣瑞银(UBS)不得不向美国政府交出数千客户的名单。

    Under pressure from the US , the Swiss have seriously compromised their tradition of banking secrecy UBS has had to hand over the names of thousands of clients to the American authorities .

  8. 似乎可能的结果是,瑞士和亚洲的竞争对手最终将采取类似的保密制度,这种制度将基于双方都认可的经济合作与发展组织(oecd)规则。

    It seems likely that Switzerland and its Asian competitors will end up with similar confidentiality regimes based on rules drawn up by the organisation for Economic Co-operation and development , which they have all accepted .

  9. 咨询机构德勤(Deloitte)的一份报告称,欧洲对银行保密制度的打击以及亚洲亿万富翁数量的增多,促使香港和新加坡在过去两年吸引的海外资金规模超过瑞士等竞争对手。

    Clampdowns on bank secrecy in Europe and a proliferation of billionaires in Asia helped Hong Kong and Singapore attract more overseas money over the past two years than rivals such as Switzerland , according to a report by Deloitte .

  10. 二是建立健全各项保密制度。

    Second , establish a sound system of secrecy .

  11. 美国银行业个人财务隐私保密制度及其对我国的启示

    Security system of customer financial privacy in American banks and messages to China

  12. 协助公司完善保密制度、保密协议及竞业限制协议;

    Assisting company to perfect its confidentiality system , confidentiality agreement and non-competition agreement ;

  13. 戴恩是位连续创业者,他在创建前几个公司时使用了薪资保密制度,

    Dane is a serial entrepreneur who started many companies in a pay secrecy condition

  14. 她的经历揭示了存在于许多企业和文化中的工资保密制度。

    Her experience illustrates the secrecy that exists in many companies and cultures around wages .

  15. 谭博斯曼说,自由港的严格保密制度令这类抵押变得更加复杂。

    Templesman said the free port 's embrace of confidentiality made such seizures more complicated .

  16. 包括用纸制度、副本制度、保密制度和安全制度思想。

    Includes using paper system , duplicating system and keeping secret system and safe system thought .

  17. 客体是国家的保密制度。

    And the object of the crime is the secret - protection system of the state .

  18. 美国银行对客户信息保密制度研究

    American Legal System of Bank Confidentiality

  19. 在此基础上,本章对国际税收情报交换保密制度的重建进行了探讨。

    In this foundation , the confidential system of the international tax information exchange should be reconstructed .

  20. 提高诊疗卡的安全性,确立患者就诊信息的保密制度与安全预警制度。

    Establishing the system about patient private information security and early warning to improving security of clinics card .

  21. 但由于中情局严格的保密制度,大量的历史档案没有解秘。

    Thanks to the strict secret keeping system , there are a lot of historical files not decoded .

  22. 最后从人员管理、保密制度、审计制度等方面论述了电子商务的安全管理。

    Lastly , personnel management , security systems , auditing system security management and other aspects of e-commerce .

  23. 他表示,未来与瑞士各银行的关系,必须建立在银行保密制度被废除的基础上。

    Future relations with Swiss banks must be based on an end to banking secrecy , he said .

  24. 提前介入制度与侦查保密制度、回避原则的冲突之处,是可以解决的,这有待在制度的设计上进一步完善。

    Conflicts with the secret investigation system and the challenge principle can be solved when the system is further improved .

  25. 他来自伯恩申报组织,一个杰出的致力于揭露利用银行保密制度逃税的团体。

    Andreas Missbach from the Berne Declaration , a rare Swiss group that campaigns to lift bank secrecy for tax evasion .

  26. 除此之外,政府还通过战时新闻检查制度、保密制度、对司法系统的维护、对媒介广告的管理等手段和方式加强对国内新闻机构的管理和钳制。

    Except for these , the government also suppressed and managed media by news examined system secrecy system and something else system .

  27. 因人事档案固有的管理体制和严格的保密制度,我国的人事档案仍披着一层神秘的面纱。

    Due to the original archive management system and the strict confidentiality system , personnel archives are wearing a layer of mysterious veil .

  28. 米拉博表示,打击银行保密制度目前尚未影响到银行的业务,但以后可能会产生影响。

    Mr mirabaud said the crackdown on bank secrecy had yet to lead to an impact on business , but could do so in future .

  29. 这些参数可能会非常严苛,因为民意调查显示瑞士人支持银行保密制度;否则该法案可能会遭到公众的否决。

    The parameters are likely to be demanding as polls suggest that the Swiss support banking confidentiality ; otherwise , the law could be publicly voted down .

  30. 目前同样不清楚的是,在瑞士银行保密制度面临挑战的情况下,该国管理下的资产是否真的会大量流往亚洲。

    It is also unclear whether Switzerland will really suffer a substantial outflow of assets to Asia as a result of the challenges to its banking secrecy regime .