
bǎo ān
  • security staff;ensure public security;ensure safety;askari
保安 [bǎo ān]
  • (1) [ensure public security]∶保护地方的安宁

  • (2) [ensure safety]∶保障工人安全,使不发生工伤事故

保安[bǎo ān]
  1. 今天早上,保安老虎收到了邮递员送来的一根大骨头。

    Today morning , ensure public security tiger received a big bone from postman .

  2. 近代学派在保安处分和刑事政策研究方面也作出了重大贡献。

    The modern school has also made great contributions in taking disciplinary action to ensure public security and researching on penal policy .

  3. 一名过于尽职的保安打开了婴儿的奶瓶来查看。

    An overzealous security guard checked inside the baby 's bottle .

  4. 他叫保安人员把他们轰出了俱乐部。

    He had the bouncers throw them out of the club .

  5. 他想方设法骗过保安员走了。

    He managed to trick his way past the security guards .

  6. 人们担心保安摄像机会侵犯人身自由。

    People fear that security cameras could infringe personal liberties .

  7. 袭击事件已被保安摄像机拍摄下来。

    The attack was captured on film by security cameras .

  8. 两个少年偷唱片时被保安录像机拍摄了下来。

    Two young boys were filmed stealing CDs on the security video .

  9. 旁观者声称他们遭到了保安人员的粗暴推搡。

    Bystanders claim they were manhandled by security guards .

  10. 咱们来看一下保安问题。

    Let 's look at the question of security .

  11. 无保安通行证不得入内。

    There is no admittance without a security pass .

  12. 保安部队的到达使局势更加难以控制。

    The situation was further inflamed by the arrival of the security forces .

  13. 他们装扮成保安人员混了进去。

    They got in disguised as security guards .

  14. 夜间保安人员定时巡逻。

    Security guards make regular patrols at night .

  15. 她尚未获保安部门批准做机要工作。

    She hasn 't been cleared by security .

  16. 我向保安员出示了通行证,他挥手让我通过。

    I showed my pass to the security guard and he waved me through .

  17. 到处都能见到保安人员在巡逻。

    Guards can be seen patrolling everywhere .

  18. 他们已打入机场保安组织。

    They had penetrated airport security .

  19. 保安人员突然出现,他们丢下钱就跑了。

    The sudden appearance of a security guard caused them to drop the money and run .

  20. 教师们对必须加强学校的保安有普遍的共识。

    There is a general consensus among teachers about the need for greater security in schools .

  21. 他们还声称保安人员将一位乘务员推搡至一边。

    They also claim that the security team elbowed aside a steward

  22. 保安部队继续巡逻至深夜。

    Security forces remained on patrol until late into the night .

  23. 有些公司要求保安每天工作12小时。

    Some firms expect the guards to work twelve hours a day .

  24. 他按铃叫保安放他出去。

    He rang for the guard to let him out .

  25. 没有迹象表明例行的保安措施存在问题。

    There are no indications that standard security arrangements were at fault .

  26. 使馆保安人员不允许他和夫人进入。

    Embassy security personnel refused to admit him or his wife

  27. 数以千计的退伍军官在私营保安公司找到了收入不菲的工作。

    Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms .

  28. 女粉丝冲破保安的阻拦,撕扯他的衣裳。

    Female fans fought their way past bodyguards and tore at his clothes .

  29. 他这家中介公司有保安和保镖可供雇用。

    His agency hires out security guards and bodyguards .

  30. 我们在该地区各处部署了保安。

    We have a security guard around the whole area