
  • 网络type system
  1. 多年来,人们一直在争论C的类型系统的扩展,比如longlong。

    For years , people have been debating extensions to the C type system , such as long long .

  2. XML数据库类型系统研究

    Research on the Type System of XML Database

  3. openSCA规范目前支持使用以下接口类型系统来描述SCA接口

    The open SCA specifications currently support the following interface type systems for describing SCA interfaces

  4. 这些技术中的第一个是使用利用了XMLSchema的SOAPWSDL绑定作为文字使用的类型系统。

    The first of these is to use the SOAP WSDL binding with XML Schema as the type system with literal usage .

  5. 插入这种类型系统到留言簿程序中并且把HTML校验和转换代码与它合并。

    Insert this type of system into the message board application and merge it with the HTML validation and conversion code .

  6. 一种基于扩展Spi演算的类型系统

    Type system based on extended Spi calculus

  7. CLS到IDL的语言类型系统映射研究

    Research on Type System Mapping From CLS to IDL

  8. 其次,因为我们转换了类型系统或转换成DOM模型,我们加入了显著的性能开销。

    The second is as we convert the type system or convert to a DOM model , we add significant performance overhead .

  9. SCA事件结构可以使用XML信息集进行描述,尽管它们不必非得用XML模式来描述,还有其他的类型系统可以用。

    SCA event shapes are describable using an XML infoset , although they don 't have to be described using XML Schema , other type systems could be used .

  10. 委托在通用类型系统(CTS)中有独特的支持,因此,这是被允许的。

    Delegates have special support in the Common Type System ( CTS ), so this is allowed .

  11. 在此基础上,本文还给出了一个简单的AH二演算的类型系统,使得对移动智能体系统中资源存取限制的形式化推导成为可能,其中的突出之处是引入了可递归类型。

    Then we present a type system of AH π , which make it possible to formally deduce the limitation of resource access in MA systems .

  12. 为了理解本文中描述的大多数方法,您必须理解XSLTv2类型系统。

    To understand most of the methods described in this article , you must understand the XSLT v2 type system .

  13. 强类型系统所带来的一些保障是它语法上最大的吸引力。这些保障在以上这些领域中常常会很关键,而且还能通过VisualStudio带来极好的工具体验。

    On top of the syntactic appeal , the strong type system yields the sort of guarantees which are often crucial in these domains , and enables a superb tooling experience through Visual Studio .

  14. 动态语言运行时提供了一个共享的动态类型系统,希望能在CLR平台上削除Ruby和Python之间存在的壁垒。

    The Dynamic Language Runtime offers a shared dynamic type system that should eliminate the barriers between Ruby and Python on the CLR platform .

  15. 原因很简单:Java的类型系统不支持这些东西,Surinx也不会引入新的类型系统。

    The reason is simple : Java 's type system doesn 't support such things , and Surinx does not introduce a new type system .

  16. 这个SDK也包含一些在DLR之上构建新语言的服务,包括共享的动态类型系统和语言托管模型。

    The SDK also includes services to build new languages on top of the DLR , including a shared , dynamic type system and a language hosting model .

  17. UIMA类型系统定义能够在文档中找到并且能够被分析引擎提取的各种对象的类型。

    The UIMA type system defines the various types of objects that might be found in documents and that can be extracted by analysis engines .

  18. 许多其他的规范已经采用了WXSDataTypes规范,尽管也有开发其他数据类型系统的呼声。

    Many other specifications have used the WXS Datatypes specification , although there have been calls to develop alternative data type systems .

  19. 为寻求各种类型系统的镇定设计方法,从矩阵A的对称分支阵H(A)入手,利用李雅普诺夫稳定理论、LMI和矩阵理论,研究了一类局部稳定系统。

    Through H ( A ), the symmetric part of matrix A , a class of stable part system is studied by employing Lyapunov stable theory , LMI and matrix theory . A sufficient condition for absolute part stable systems is given .

  20. 类型系统最出色的方面在于,在运行时,XSLT处理器实际上会根据变量的类型检查变量值,并在不匹配的时候(包括其多样性)发出警告。

    The nice thing with a type system is that at run time , the XSLT processor actually checks the value of a variable against its type and complains if it doesn 't fit , including its multiplicity .

  21. Oslo和Ometa只能定义语言的解析器,与之相比,MPS的功能更多,能定义语言的编辑器、约束、类型系统、数据流分析,还有生成器。

    Comparing with Oslo and Ometa that only allow defining parsers for languages , MPS provides additional features such as editor , constraints , type-system , data flow analysis and generator .

  22. jr东海可能能够在在高速系统的规划和设计方面,发挥与法国国营铁路公司(sncf)在法国境外建设tgv类型系统的一些项目中相同的作用。

    Jr central could play the same role in planning and designing high-speed systems that SNCF , the French state-owned operator , has played in some projects to build tgv-type systems outside France .

  23. 您创建的样例注释器将为包含最少元音的单词创建注释,因此类型系统应该包含一个VowelCountAnnotation类型。

    The sample annotator you are building creates annotations for words with a minimum number of vowels , so the type system should contain a VowelCountAnnotation type .

  24. 构建了Bichon语言编译器原型,涉及到编译器的结构,词法、语法分析,抽象语法树的设计,编译遍的设计,类型系统和代码生成技术。

    A prototype compiler is described by discussing the structure of the compiler , lexical and syntax analysis , design of abstract syntax tree , complier pass , type system , and code generation technology .

  25. 这项测试通常涉及到对不同目标类型系统的攻击。

    The test usually involves different types of target system attack .

  26. 关系数据库类型系统的扩充

    The Extension of the Type Subsystem of a Relational Database SYSTEM

  27. 类型系统是编译代码优化的前提。

    A type system is a prerequisite for building a optimizing compiler .

  28. 类型系统包含注释类型及其特征。

    The type system contains information about annotation types and their features .

  29. 然而,所述方法仅使用基本类型系统。

    However , the methods described use only the basic type system .

  30. 它还可以用一个类型系统描述有效负载数据。

    It can also describe the payload data using a type system .