
  • 网络Categories;category theory
  1. 泛型程序设计的范畴论模型研究及其应用

    The Research and Application of the Category Theory Model for Generic Programming

  2. 张岱的艺术范畴论

    On Zhang Dai 's Artistic Category Theory

  3. 她是个理论数学家,研究范畴论(categorytheory)这个罕为人知的领域,它非常抽象,“甚至许多纯数学家都觉得它走得太远了,”郑博士说。

    She is a theoretical mathematician who works in a rarefied field called category theory , which is so abstract that " even some pure mathematicians think it goes too far , " Dr. Cheng said .

  4. 文章首先阐述了几种常见Petri网类型的形式化定义,给出了参数化网络类的表示方法,它包括集合论方法和范畴论方法;

    The thesis firstly illustrates the formal definitions of several familiar types of Petri nets and the representation approaches of parameterized net classes , which include set-theoretical approach and categorial approach .

  5. 文章最后通过一个简化的手机短信信息服务系统作为一个实例,详细介绍了基于MSC的需求建模过程,验证了基于范畴论的理论来进行需求建模是可行的和有效的。

    Finally , we take a simplified SMS information service system as an example , and introduce requirements modeling process based on MSC in detail . The research explicitly demonstrates that it is feasible and effective for requirements modeling based on MSC .

  6. 范畴论认为现代派诗歌的审美特质是古典意境与现代意识的统一,现代派诗美范畴是病态美与朦胧美;

    Modern poetry rang includes the morbid aesthetics and obscurity aesthetics .

  7. 劳动范畴论析(下)劳均纯收入的收入不良指数为12.5;

    The net income per labour distribution index is 12.5 ;

  8. 教育管理学基本范畴论

    On the basic ranges of the science of educational management

  9. 一种基于范畴论的应急决策概念建模方法

    A Category Theory Based Conceptual Modeling Method for Emergency Decision-Making

  10. 饮食美的范畴论(上)

    The Scope Theory of Dietetic Beauty ( first Part )

  11. 康德的范畴论是其知识论的核心内容。

    Kant 's theory of categories is the kernel content of his epistemology .

  12. 康德《纯粹理性批判》范畴论演绎之我见

    My Opinions of Theory of Categories of Kant 's Critique of Pure Reason

  13. 道德教育范畴论审理

    The Revision about the Categories of Moral Education

  14. 矛盾与和谐:马克思社会理论的核心范畴论析

    Contradiction and Harmony : On the Core Category of the Social Theory of Marxism

  15. 商主体人格范畴论

    On Category of Personality of Commercial subject

  16. 进而,把范畴论作为一种高效的数学工具引入到软件工程领域。

    Furthermore , category theory is introduced into software engineering as an efficient mathematics tool .

  17. 基于范畴论的产品形位几何规范信息集成系统研究

    Study of Integrated Information System for Geometrical Tolerances in the New-generation GPS Based on Category Theory

  18. 冯契的知觉范畴论略

    On Feng Qi 's Perception Category

  19. 生态哲学十大范畴论评

    On Ten Categories of Ecology Philosophy

  20. 范畴论程序设计风格函子:范畴的设想:(一)纯一的范畴作为对象

    Tentative Ideas of the Category-Theoretical Style of Programming " Functor : Category ":(ⅰ) Homogeneous Categories as Objects

  21. 审美时尚范畴论

    On Category of Aesthetic Fashion

  22. 彭漪涟先生《逻辑范畴论》述评&逻辑范畴理论的新探索、新成果

    Commentary of Logic Category by Peng Yilian & A New Exploration and Achievement of Logic Category Theory

  23. 范畴论支持图形化建模,有利于对体系结构的建模、理解和跟踪。

    Category theory supports the diagrammatic representation of concepts , which makes the architecture more understandable and traceable .

  24. 其基本理论体系主要包括本体论、历史论、价值论、范畴论、运行论等部分。

    Its basic theoretical system consists of ontology , development , axiology , category and operation of Constitution .

  25. 体育学的范畴论&元体育学研究之六

    Category of Sports Science

  26. 思想政治教育学范畴论尚处于起步阶段,其研究有待拓展空间,以便将研究引向深入。

    The categorical theory of ideological pedagogy is still at its initial phase , and its study needs to be extended further .

  27. 艺术美论包括功能论、范畴论、语言论三个方面,全面体现了他对文学艺术基本问题的见解。

    Art theory includes functional theory , category theory , language theory , fully reflect the basic issue of the literary and artistic .

  28. 本文采取从微观到宏观,从概念到程序的写作思路,将逮捕制度研究分为四个部分,即逮捕范畴论、逮捕价值论、逮捕运行论和逮捕完善论。

    This article is divided into four parts , namely the category , the importance , the operation and the improvment of arrest system .

  29. 借助范畴论这一数学工具,定义了增量式产品线体系结构的形式化语义,指明了各种概念的含义以及概念间的语义关联。

    Based on category theory , the formal semantics of incremental SPL architecture is defined . The meanings of the concepts and relationships among them are specified .

  30. 上篇(理论篇):从文化学范畴论、结构论、价值论三个方面构建文学流派文化学研究的理论视景。

    Former Charter : Theory prospect of culturology on literary schools stands on three parts : cultural category theory , cultural structural theory and cultural value theory .