
  1. 模型的适用范围。期权及其定价模型

    Study on option model and its application

  2. 二叉树模型是使用范围最广的期权定价方法之一。

    Two-binomial tree model is one of the most popular methods used in option pricing .

  3. 通常一个完整的股票期权方案至少包括六个要素:实施股票期权的企业范围、授予股票期权的对象、授予股票期权的数量、股票来源、行权价格、和行权时间表。

    A typical SOP comprises 6 elements , namely the target enterprise , the target employees , the stock sources , the exercise price and the exercise schedule .

  4. 文章在分析时考虑到预期未来现金流的实际难度和我国企业债券的实际情况,因此确定了研究对象范围是不含期权特征的普通企业债券。

    Through the analysis , considering the difficulty of forecasting the expected cash flow , and the real situation of the domestic corporation bonds , the object of the research is finally decided to be normal corporation bonds without embed option .