
  • 网络Company Option
  1. 香港交易所(hongkongstockexchange)比上海或深圳更能从内地公司期权的活跃交易中受益,这是因为这两个内地对手还不够成熟,无法提供这些复杂的产品。

    The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has benefited from the heavy trading in Chinese company options , rather than Shanghai or Shenzhen , because its mainland rivals are still not mature enough to offer these sophisticated products .

  2. 公司期权制度与试用期组合机制&一个人力资源信息甄别博弈模型

    A Game Theory Model on the Information Screen Effect of Compose of Option and Probation Period Mechanism

  3. 通过对中国即将设立的创业板特点的分析,对创业板上市公司期权设计方案进行了初步探讨,并对推行股票期权制度需要解决的若干法律、政策问题提出了建议。

    In the end , the author probes into the stock-option plan for the chinese listed companies in the second stock market and puts forward proposals and solutions to many problems need solving in the carrying of the stock-option incentive system .

  4. GH(集团)公司股票期权激励计划研究

    The Analysis of the Stock Option Stimulating Program of GH Group

  5. 银河仪表有限公司期股期权方案

    Stock Futures and Options Project in Yinhe Instrument Co. , Ltd

  6. 完善公司股票期权激励与公司治理的策略

    Strategy on the Perfection of Stock Option Incentive and Corporate Governance

  7. 上市公司股票期权设计要素和方案探讨

    Design Factors & Project of Stock Option of Enterprises on the Market

  8. 我国上市公司股票期权制度分析

    The Analysis on ESO of Listed Company in Our Country

  9. 中小科技型公司技术期权设计研究

    Research on Technical Stock Option for the Middle-Small Technical Corporations

  10. 对上市公司股票期权制度的博弈分析

    Analysis of stock future system on market

  11. 非上市股份有限公司股票期权计划探析

    Discuss on Executive Stock Option of the Stock Company Which Has not Come into the Market

  12. 上市公司股票期权计划对公司绩效的影响研究

    Research on the Effect upon the Stock Option Plan of the Listed Companies to the Company Performance

  13. 员工可以获得所在子公司的期权,如果这些子公司变得足够盈利,也可以推动这些公司上市。

    Employees would receive options in their subsidiary , with an eye to IPOs when they become profitable enough .

  14. 保时捷2005年买进了大众20%的股份,之后开始秘密买进该公司的期权。

    Porsche discreetly began buying VW options in2005 , when it first took a20 % stake in the company .

  15. 上季度,它研发开支的相当一部分被用于支付公司股票期权。

    And a good portion of that expense , about a quarter , was the cost of handing out stock options .

  16. 当市场价格下降幅度较大时,公司利用期权,可以规避市场风险,获得相对稳定的收益。

    The company can avoid market risks and obtain relatively stable income when the fall range of market price is bigger .

  17. 本文的主要研究内容是对于传媒行业的部分优质上市公司采用期权定价模型进行估值。

    This essay mainly focuses on the valuation of the listed companies onthe media industry by means of real option pricing model .

  18. 经理业绩评价对股票期权激励效率的影响我国上市公司股票期权激励制度与实际绩效实证分析

    Relation Between Incentive Efficiency of Stock Options and Job Evaluation of Managers An Empirical Research on the Shareholding Motivation Effect of Chinese Listed Companies

  19. 借鉴美国上市公司股票期权运作的方法,结合中国相关法律法规的规定,充分考虑企业的内外部环境,提出期股计划,以解决无股可期的实际矛盾。

    Learning the stock option practice of the US public company and considering the related domestic laws and rules , we can design a stock option program according to the enterprise 's circumstances , which helps solving the contradiction of " no stock to expect " .

  20. 获得公司股票期权的员工希望公司股票升值,这样,通过执行期权,也就是说,以较低的价格购买公司的股票,然后,按照较高的市场价格出售股票,就可以获得现金。

    The staff who got the stock-options hope the company 's stock increased in value , so that they can purchase company 's stock in such a low price through enforced options . Then , they can sale the stock in a high market price and receive cash .

  21. 对第一部分的评审将决定基于员工表现的花红奖金,包括现金、表现股份(performanceshares)和公司股票买入期权。

    For the first part , it will be used to determine performance-driven remuneration , including cash bonus , performance shares and stock options .

  22. 采用线性回归及F检验,对我国上市公司当前股票期权及其涉及的会计处理和披露问题进行实证分析,并提出了会计处理方法的改进设想;

    Using the linearity recursion and F test method , the paper makes positive investigation analysis about the accounting and disclosure problems of stock option plan in listed companies and then proposes the betterment of the stock option accounting process ;

  23. 关于国有上市公司经营者股票期权的几点思考

    Some thoughts on ESO held by state-owned listed company 's administrators

  24. 竞争性条件下公司投资实物期权的博弈分析

    Analysis on Business Investment under Competition Based on Real Option Games

  25. 上市公司经理人股票期权的会计确认探析

    On the Accounting Identification of Executive Stock Option in Listed Company

  26. 我国上市公司经理股票期权制的适用性分析

    On the applicability of the mechanism of executive stock options in China

  27. 中国高科技上市公司实施股票期权的研究

    The Implementation of Stock Options By Chinese Hi-tech Listed Companies

  28. 中国上市公司高管股票期权激励有效性研究

    Research on Effectiveness of Top-Management Stock Option Incentive on Listed Companies in China

  29. A公司期股、期权激励方案研究

    Research on the Encouraging Scheme of A Company 's Stock Futures 、 Stock Options

  30. 可转换公司债券复合期权定价方法

    Pricing Convertible Bonds Based on Compound Option Model