
  • 网络Company Valuation;Corporate Valuation
  1. PrivCo将数据划分为每两周为一个阶段,结果显示Facebook在6份和7月的部分时间里表现良好,成交价为35美元每股,整个公司估值将近840亿美元。

    The data is broken out into two-week periods , and shows that Facebook spent the better part of June and July trading at $ 35 per share , for a company valuation of approximately $ 84 billion .

  2. 公司估值指标,如市净率、市值、前一年增长率等,对于并购的长短期绩效解释力度都有限。

    As for the corporate valuation variables , I find that PB ratio , market value and pre-annual stock return have limited explanation to both short-term and long-term performance .

  3. 公司估值约为400亿美元,与通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)大致相当。

    It has a value of roughly $ 40 billion , almost the same as General Motors .

  4. 2011年11月,Groupon的IPO进行得非常成功,公司估值达到127亿美元。

    The November 2011 IPO went gangbusters , valuing the company at $ 12.7 billion .

  5. 依据雅虎2014年预期息税折旧摊销前收益计算的市盈率目前为25.5倍,与科技公司估值相当,差不多是谷歌(Google)的两倍。

    These now sport a tech-like multiple of 25.5 times 2014 earnings before interest , taxes , depreciation and amortization , about double that of Google .

  6. Facebook通过IPO筹得160亿美元,公司估值达到1040亿美元。这是美国历史上规模第三的上市案例。

    The IPO raised $ 16bn , the third biggest offering in US history , when Facebook was valued at $ 104bn .

  7. Twitter的公司估值高达数十亿美元,但是收益却相对较少,因此那些认为硅谷再度出现了泡沫的人往往拿爱Twitter来说事儿。

    With a multi-billion-dollar valuation and relatively small revenues , Twitter is exhibit a for those who believe Silicon Valley is experiencing another bubble .

  8. 在尝试为各公司估值时,研究拉各斯computerwarehouse公司案例小组负责人瑞安彼得森(ryanpetersen)也报告了类似的问题。

    Ryan Petersen , who headed the team studying computer warehouse in Lagos , reported similar issues when trying to place a valuation on companies .

  9. 因而,除非真实的整体公司估值随时间出现了明显下跌(如下讨论),否则投资者的回报就会显著超过GDP的增速。

    As a result , unless the aggregate real value of public corporations decreases materially over time ( as discussed below ) , investor returns will significantly exceed GDP growth .

  10. 帕特里克科利森(PatrickCollison)是总部在旧金山的支付集团Stripe的首席执行官、联合创始人,该公司估值最近达到35亿美元。

    Patrick Collison is CEO and co-founder of Stripe , a San-Francisco based payments group recently valued at $ 3.5bn .

  11. ZC国际工程股份有限公司估值分析研究

    The Valuation of ZC International Engineering Company

  12. 中国股市与2000年的纳斯达克(Nasdaq)相似,当时,炙手可热的互联网公司估值达到荒谬的水平,而流通股却很少。

    China 's stock market is similar to Nasdaq 's in 2000 when the hot internet companies had ridiculous valuations but small free floats .

  13. 将Ebitda利润率再翻一番至40%,50亿美元的公司估值很容易就能达到。

    Double ebitda margins to 40 per cent and a $ 5bn company is easily within reach .

  14. 或者至少是,他们让足够人数的天真的风险投资人信了这一套,使得Secret在这短短的存活期里筹到了3500万美元(约合2.2亿元人民币)的资金,公司估值一度达到1亿美元。

    Or at least they convinced enough gullible venture capitalists of this that they were able to raise some $ 35 million during their company 's short life , giving it a valuation at one point of $ 100 million .

  15. 百度在周五表示收到一份收购其流媒体视频网站爱奇艺(多数股份的非约束性提议,对公司估值约为28亿美元。百度在中国的地位相当于谷歌(Google)。

    Baidu , China 's equivalent of Google , said Friday that it had received a nonbinding proposal to acquire its majority stake in the Chinese video streaming website , valuing the business at about $ 2.8 billion .

  16. 据传,Groupon正在准备首次公开募股(IPO),甚至还聘请了高盛(GoldmanSachs)和摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)作为主承销商,公司估值目前已超过250亿美元。

    Groupon now is rumored to be prepping an IPO that could value the company at upwards of $ 25 billion , having even hired Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley as lead underwriters .

  17. 阿里巴巴集团本月晚些时候启动令公司估值或将达到1600亿美元的首次公开募股(IPO)时,投资者对于谁是这家公司的掌控者将不会有任何疑问。

    When the Alibaba Group goes public later this month in an offering that could value the company at about $ 160 billion , investors will have little doubt about who is in control of the company .

  18. 本月早些时候Uber宣布了新一轮融资消息,公司估值在成立5.93年后达到410亿美元,在市场中脱颖而出。

    Earlier this month when the taxi service announced a round of financing that gave it a $ 41 billion valuation at 5.93 years old , Uber set itself apart .

  19. 之后,谷歌强势增长证明了公司估值合理,而Facebook高达104倍的市盈率则意味着,投资者相信,这家公司的增长速度将达到当年谷歌增长速度的一半。

    At its implied valuation of 104 times earnings , that means investors today should believe that Facebook will grow at roughly half the rate that Google did when it first came out of the gates to justify its valuation .

  20. IPO过程中,对公司估值只是定价的基础工作,在此基础上,承销商和发行人要根据市场的需求权衡利弊,最终确定新股的发行价格,这必然要涉及到IPO发行体制和定价方式。

    In the process of IPO , estimating the value of enterprise is the first step , and then underwriter and issuer should balance the profit and loss according the market demand and decide the final price of new issue .

  21. MBO在实际操作过程中,主要应注意几方面的问题:一是定价问题(公司估值),二是方案设计问题,三是融资问题,四是法律问题。

    In terms of the practice of MBO , there are several elements should be taken into account : the first is evaluating company , another is designing , the third question is financing , the last one is some associated with law .

  22. 最新的公司估值是8亿美元,但Chegg的公开市场价值可能更高。

    The most recent valuation of the company was $ 800 million , but its public market value is likely to be much higher .

  23. 国际通行的企业估值方法有很多,自由现金流、股权现金流量折现法、EVA价值评估方法在国外公司估值实践中的已经很成熟,而在我国的实际应用还在有待提高。

    International practices of the firm estimate of value method has a lot of freedom , cash flows turn now , eva value of the assessment method is in a foreign firm estimate of value in practice has been relatively mature , and in the application has been developed .

  24. 在解释这两者间巨大差距的过程中,LinkedIn认为至少部分原因是因为确定发行价区域时,使用的可比同业组迥异于公司估值报告中采用的可比同业组。

    The company , eager to explain away that rather large gap , now attributes it at least in part to the use of a substantially different set of comparable companies to determine our price range as compared to the comparable companies utilized in our valuation report .

  25. 因此,公司估值下降,他们是最惨的。

    As such , they are most penalised by falling valuations .

  26. 去年的一轮募资对该公司估值3亿美元。

    A fundraising round last year valued the company at $ 300m .

  27. 这笔融资令该公司估值达到160亿美元。

    The deal values the company at $ 16bn .

  28. 公司估值在并购中的应用

    Application of Firm Valuation in Merger and Acquisition

  29. 他们没有给这家公司估值。

    They 're not valuing the company .

  30. 上市公司估值就是通常所说的上市公司价值评估,它是证券分析中最重要、最关键的环节。

    The valuation of listed companies is the most important and critical part of Securities Analysis .