
  1. 用多元概化理论(MGT)分析国家公务员录用面试中的评分者信度

    Using Multivariate Generalizability Theory to Analyze Interviewer Reliability of National Public Servant Recruitment

  2. 目的:为省、地(市)级公务员录用考试编制一般行政能力倾向测验(简称GAAT)。

    Objective : To construct the General Administrative Aptitude Test ( GAAT ) for the government functionary .

  3. 中国公务员录用正式与非正式制度研究

    Research on the Chinese Civil Servant Formal and Informal Employing System

  4. 因此,公务员录用测评模型构建对于录用工作具有重要意义。

    So the servants employed evaluation model is very important .

  5. 我国公务员录用制度尽管取得了一定的成绩,但仍然存在一些问题。

    Although the Civil Servants Recruiting System works there are also some problems .

  6. 公务员录用公平性问题研究

    Research on the Fairness of the Civil Servants Recruitment

  7. 国家公务员录用面试初步研究

    Preliminary Research on Interview of Council Servant Recruitment

  8. 我国公务员录用考试的效标效度研究

    Research on the Criterion Validity of the Recruitment Examination for Civil Servant in China

  9. 国家公务员录用考试浅析&谈申论科目的考试内容和测评技术

    Explanation of Civil Servant Recruitment Examination & Statement measurement facts , contents and approaches

  10. 公务员录用对策公务员招聘的数学模型

    The Mathematical Model of Employing Public Servants

  11. 公务员录用是公务员制度的基本标志和关键环节。

    Civil servant recruitment is a fundamental symbol and key link of the civil service system .

  12. 我国公务员录用、管理与退出机制的关系及整合研究

    Research on Relationship and Integration among Civil Servant 's Recruitment , Management and Exit Mechanism in China

  13. 因此,本文试图通过比较,发现企业招聘制度中可供公务员录用制度参考和学习的经验。

    Therefore , this passage tries to find out the useful experience for the civil service recruitment system .

  14. 公务员录用制度作为公务员入口环节,是公务员制度运行的基石。

    Civil Service recruitment system as the entrance part of the civil service is the cornerstone of the civil service .

  15. 公务员录用制度的建立和实施,充分体现了我国干部人事制度的深刻变革。

    The setting and the implement of civil servant recruitment system reflect the deep reform of cadre and personnel system .

  16. 关于公务员录用考试演绎推理试题类型的探索我的试题只做完一部分。

    Exploration on the Deductive and Inferential Items in the Examination for Civil Servants ; My test is only partly finished .

  17. 本文结合江苏省实行公务员录用轨制的成效和存在题目,剖析提出了入一步完美我国国度公务员录用轨制的基本对策。

    The Civil Servants Recruiting System doesn 't have a long history in China but it makes obviously and intentionally accomplishment .

  18. 公务员录用考试的科学化是完善公务员考试录用制度的方向。

    The scientificity of civil service recruitment through examination is a directive for perfecting the system of civil service recruitment through examination .

  19. 公务员录用考试是通过考试和考核的办法,为国家公务员队伍选拔、补充优秀人才,完善公务员队伍的一种重要方式。

    The examination-employment for civil servant is an important way to select outstanding appropriate person to civil service through examination and assessment .

  20. 公务员录用测评是公务员制度的核心内容,是由多种测评方法组合起来的人事选拔体系。

    Civil Servant Evaluation is the core of the civil service system , a variety of evaluation methods by combining the personnel selection system .

  21. 因此,公务员录用考试不仅是学术界研究的课题,也是社会上一直炙热不解的热点。

    Therefore , the civil service entrance examination is not only a subject of academic research , but also is a hot social topic .

  22. 同时本研究也为完善国家公务员录用面试的测量设计、规范实施程序提供了极为宝贵的资料和理论依据。

    The research also supplies the valuable theoretic basis for optimizing the testing design and standardizing the procedure in the National Public Servant Recruitment .

  23. 公务员录用考试测评体系主要分为笔试和面试,笔试科目由行政职业能力测试和申论组成,面试采用的是结构化面试。

    The exam evaluation system consists of written examination and interview , written test has administrative professional ability test and essay-type examination , interview adopts structured interview .

  24. 为保护公民平等担任公职的权利,有必要对现行公务员录用体检制度进行改革。

    Therefore , it is necessary for us to reform the present check-up system for employing civil servants to protect citizens ' equal right to hold public office .

  25. 他谈到,如果从国家层面上把公务员录用考试体检标准进行修改,接纳艾滋病感染人群,那么,预防艾滋病工作就会有新的局面。

    Secondly , he talked about the AIDS infected people in the community the root causes of discrimination is being made public because of privacy will lose their jobs .

  26. 第二:从考录程序上,我国实行的是职位考试,相比西方的资格考试而言,某种程度上更符合我国现实的公务员录用制度。

    Secondly our policy is a post test in the examination procedures . It compared the qualifying examination in the West which is fixes our current civil service examination .

  27. 尽管它还在录用制度本身身和录用具体环节等方面还有缺陷和不足,但我国公务员录用制度已经顺利迈上了一条健康发展的轨道。

    Though there are still deficiencies in the system itself and specific links , the civil servant recruitment system of China is going on the track of sound progress .

  28. 公务员录用轨制的研讨,对于公务员步队素质和政府管理的效力的提高起着主要的作用。

    The principle , procedure and ways of Civil Servants Recruiting are of exemplary and instructional significance on the construction , stabilization , development and innovation of civil service system .

  29. 各地公务员录用体检办法和体检标准中因存在许多不合理的体格归类,而使相当多的具有一定生理缺陷的人被无情地挡在了公务员门槛之外,且难以获得公正的救济。

    The physique classification in the employment standards used in different places is so unreasonable that many physical disabled persons are disqualified from office and cannot get a just remedy .

  30. 公务员录用考试有利于提高公务员队伍的整体素质,增强国家行政管理效率,实现政府职能的转变。

    And it is used to improve the overall quality of the civil service , strengthen national administrative efficiency , and carry out the change of role and function of the government .