
  • 网络normative document;regulatory documents
  1. 推行改革措施的规范性文件,必须经市政府批准。

    Normative document containing reformative measures shall be approved by the municipal government .

  2. 略论行政规范性文件的法律地位

    On Legal Status of Administrative Normative Document

  3. 加入WTO与广东省地方性法规、规章及其它规范性文件的清理

    WTO System and the Clearing Work about Local Relations , Decrees and Other Standardized Documents of Guangdong Province

  4. 我国在入世议定书已经承诺行政规范性文件将予以公开,因此,加入WTO以后其将成为行政法治中的一个重要问题。

    We have promised to put the executive standard document into public in the contract for the entry into WTO .

  5. 在WTO视野中,我国行政法治面临着挑战,即地方保护主义、内部规范性文件、行政审批制、行政性垄断。

    China 's entry of WTO challenges the country 's administrative law , such as its local protection , internal documents , administrative approval and monopoly .

  6. WTO争端解决程序中,经常会涉及到第三方加入的问题,而作为调整争端解决的规范性文件《关于争议处理规则与程序的谅解书》对此规定很不明确。

    The third party is always involved in WTO dispute settlement proceedings , while ironically , dispute settlement understanding , as the rules , scarcely deals with it .

  7. FIDIC联合会制定和颁布了许多规范性文件,被广泛应用于国际工程中。

    FIDIC league constitutes and promulgates many files of criterion , which are applied in international engineering project area .

  8. 其次,分析其他规范性文件在行政审判中的法律地位。

    Secondly , analyze the status of other administrative normative documents .

  9. 论军事规范性文件制定与实施的规范化

    On Regularization in the Making and Actualization of Military Regular Documents

  10. 其他行政规范性文件若干问题研究

    Research on the Problems of Other Documents of Administrative Norms

  11. 行政规范性文件司法审查的法理分析

    Jurisprudence Analysis on the Judicial Examination for Administration Standard Documents

  12. 行政规范性文件的审查监督制度研究

    Administration Normative Documents Study on the Examination and Supervision System

  13. 第三,建立健全社区矫正相关程序规范性文件。

    Third , develop the normative documents of the community correction program .

  14. 论我国行政复议调解制度的目标定位&以地方规范性文件的比较分析为视角

    On the Basic Objective of Mediation System of Administrative Reconsideration in China

  15. 行政规范性文件监控机制研究

    A Study on the Supervision System of the Administrative Norms

  16. 浅论出入境边防检查一般规范性文件

    A Discussion about the General Norm Document of the Exit-Entry Frontier Inspection

  17. 论陕北能源化工基地的地方规范性文件的制定

    On normative documents of the energy and chemical industry base of north Shaanxi

  18. 行政规范性文件的特征及其适用

    The Features of Administrative Standard Documents and Their Application

  19. 浅论渔业行政管理规范性文件

    A Study on the standardization Documents of Fisheries Administration

  20. 论行政规范性文件体系的缺失与规范

    Shortcomings and Standardization of System of Administrative Normative Documents

  21. 行政规则可称为内部规范性文件,①在行政执法实践中具有重要的地位。

    Administrative rules play an important role in the practice of administrative law enforcement .

  22. 普遍建立法律顾问制度。完善规范性文件、重大决策合法性审查机制。

    Establish a system of legal counsel and improve the review mechanisms on regulations .

  23. 这三类都是由地方国家机关制定的规范性文件。

    All of the three are normative documents made by the local state organs .

  24. 行政非立法性规范性文件不规范问题及立法规范的途径&对改革现行行政机关公文处理制度的若干建议

    Some Suggestions to Reform System of Dealing With Official Documents in Present Administrative Organizations

  25. 提高政府立法质量,建立和完善行政规范性文件的审查制度;

    Promoting the quality of law to set up and improve the review system ;

  26. 浅论规范性文件的合理性

    The rationality of criterion document 's confirmation

  27. 房地产抵押贷款方面的规范性文件滞后;

    Normalized documents lag behind mortgage loans ;

  28. 针对其他行政规范性文件制定程序规范的两个必要性进行阐述。

    Elaborated on the two necessity of the other administrative normative documents formulated procedure norm .

  29. 行政规范性文件是化解矛盾纠纷和进行行政管理的重要依据。

    Administrative normative documents is the important basis of resolving disputes and implementing administration management .

  30. 论行政规范性文件与依法行政

    Administrative Standard Documents and Administrating by Law