
gōng shāng xíng zhèng guǎn lǐ
  • industrial and commercial administration
工商行政管理[gōng shāng xíng zhèng guǎn lǐ]
  1. 第四部门详细论证了服务型政府建设中的工商行政管理的改革和建设。

    The fourth part elaborates the reform and construction of industrial and commercial administration construction in the formation of service-oriented government .

  2. 以企业的设备和其他动产抵押的,为财产所在地的工商行政管理部门。

    If equipment and other movable properties are mortgaged , the registration shall be handled by the local industrial and commercial administration departments .

  3. 不过,也许导致阿里巴巴股价损失的最大原因,应该是该集团与中国监管机构国家工商行政管理总局(StateAdministrationforIndustryandCommerce)之间的争端。

    But perhaps most of the damage was due to Alibaba 's dispute with the State Administration for Industry and Commerce , a Chinese regulator .

  4. C房地产开发有限公司于2003年经山东工商行政管理局批准正式注册成立,注册资金3200万元,国家房地产开发三级资质,主要从事房地产开发项目。

    The C real estate Co. LTD was registered in 2003 by Shandong Suzhou Municipal Bureau of Industrial and Commercial Administration , registered capital was 32,000,000 RMB .

  5. 根据中国法规,外国集团要设立外商独资企业,必须向中国国家工商行政管理总局(StateAdministrationforIndustryandCommerce)申请营业执照。

    Under Chinese regulations , foreign groups that want to set up a WFOE must apply for a business licence from the State Administration For Industry and Commerce .

  6. 目前只有一个之前披露过的调查尚未有结果——该调查涉及微软(Microsoft)和中国国家工商行政管理总局(StateAdministrationofIndustryandCommerce,简称工商总局),后者也是反垄断执法机构。

    Only one previously disclosed investigation has yet to be resolved - that involving Microsoft and the State Administration of Industry and Commerce , which also polices aspects of the 2010 Anti ­ Monopoly Law .

  7. 具体而言,国家工商行政管理总局关注的是IE浏览器和Windows媒体播放器这些基本功能与Office办公软件的捆绑方式。

    Specifically , the State Administration for Industry and Commerce is concerned about the way basic functions like the Internet Explorer web browser and Windows Media Player are bundled with products like the Office suite .

  8. 上海市工商行政管理局表示,宝洁夸大了有关佳洁士(Crest)牙膏的一些宣传,经过数字处理改变了广告中的图像,让牙齿变得更白。

    The Shanghai watchdog said the brand overstated some claims about its Crest toothpaste and digitally altered images used in advertising to make teeth look whiter .

  9. 相关法律部门已向国家工商行政管理局提出申请,请求将深圳唯冠持有的iPad商标过户给苹果。

    A request has been made by legal authorities to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce to transfer the iPad name from Proview Shenzhen to Apple .

  10. 随着中国加入WTO,我国的经济体制将与世界经济深度接轨,我国的工商行政管理体制也面临着按照WTO国际法规的要求加快改革。

    With the entry into WTO , China 's economic system will be in line with the world economy and China 's industrial and commercial administrative system will also confront with the needs of the WTO international regulations to quicken the steps of reforms .

  11. 在中国互联网巨头腾讯申请将QQ的提示音注册为商标遭拒之后,该公司将国家工商行政管理总局商标评审委员会告上了法庭。

    China 's Internet giant Tencent has sued the country 's Trademark Review and Adjudication Board ( TRAB ) after its application to trademark QQ 's beeping sound was rejected by the latter .

  12. 假《白雪公主》(SnowWhite)娃娃或假《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)背包的生产者和商贩已接到中国国家工商行政管理总局的通知,工商总局承诺将用一年的时间,“在全国开展保护迪士尼注册商标专用权专项行动。”

    Producers and peddlers of fake Snow White dolls or " Frozen " backpacks were put on notice by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce , which pledged in a statement to carry out a special one-year " crackdown on infringement of Disney 's registered trademarks . "

  13. 根据国家工商行政管理总局(SAIC)网站发布的消息,该局还突击检查了承担微软公司财务外包的咨询公司埃森哲(Accenture)的办公室。

    The State Administration for Industry and Commerce also raided the offices of consultancy Accenture , which does financial work for Microsoft , according to a message on the SAIC website .

  14. 本文将有关企业CIS设计的一些原理和方法引入到政府管理部门,对工商行政管理部门导入CIS进行有益的探索和研究,为政府其它管理部门引入CIS提供理论依据和实践经验。

    This paper put some theories and methods about CIS into government departments , and conduct some valuable studies about the Industrial and Commercial Administration government departments applying CIS , providing theory basis and practice experience for other government departments applying CIS .

  15. 与定价和反竞争行为相关的法规由国家工商行政管理局(SAIC)和国家发展改革委员(NARC)负责。它们有望很快宣布具体的实施指导方针。

    Laws relating to pricing and anti-competitive behaviour are the responsibility of the State Administration of Industry and Commerce and the National Development and Reform Commission , which are soon expected to announce detailed implementation guidelines .

  16. 对完善工商行政管理职能的思考

    Thinking about the Improvement of Industrial and Commercial Administration Management Functions

  17. 市场作证&访四川省新都县工商行政管理局局长郑定荣先生

    Market Will Prove It Xindu County Industry and Commerce Management Bureau

  18. 中外工商行政管理工作比较研究

    Comparison and Research on Chinese and Foreign Industrial and Commercial Administration

  19. 到拟设立企业住所所在地国家工商行政管理总局授权的地方工商行政管理局申请登记注册

    Local Administration for Industry and Commerce , authorized by the State

  20. 网络经济对工商行政管理的冲击与思考

    Reflections on Network Economy 's Impact on Industrial and Commercial Administration

  21. 工商行政管理信息化标准体系的研究

    Study on the Standards System of Administration for Industry and Commerce

  22. 必须持有工商行政管理部门核发的营业执照;

    Business license issued by the industrial and commercial management departments .

  23. 工商行政管理机关是公司登记机关。

    The Administration for Industry and commerce is the company registration authority .

  24. 第三条劳动保障行政部门、外经贸行政部门和工商行政管理部门在各自职权范围内负责

    Administration offices industry and commerce are charged , under their division of

  25. 德国工商行政管理考察报告

    Inspection Report on the German Administration for Industry and Commerce

  26. 试论工商行政管理职能转变的实质和方向

    About the Essence and Orientation in the Transformation of Business Administrative Management

  27. 工商行政管理组织机构重组探讨

    Discussion on Reorganization of the Structure of the Business Administration

  28. 对工商行政管理机制改革的理性思考

    On the Mechanism Reform of Administration for Industry and Business

  29. 市级工商行政管理电子政务系统的构建

    Construction of City-level Industry and Commerce Administration E-government System

  30. 转轨中工商行政管理部门的角色定位与功能转换

    Role Orientation and Function Transferring of Industry and Business Administration Departments during Transmitting