
  • 网络factory cost
  1. 在削减工厂运营成本的同时,缩短产品的生产周期。

    While cutting down the operation cost of the factory , we shorten the production cycle of the products .

  2. 如果你正跨公司代码的计算成本,系统从其它工厂传送成本数据。

    If you are costing across company codes , the system transfers the costing data from the other plant .

  3. 国家统计局说,一衡量工厂采购成本的指数二月份上升了10.4%,因为原材料价格的增长。

    An index measuring manufacturers'purchasing costs rose by10.4 percent in February because of the rising price of raw materials , the NBS said .

  4. 要衡量工厂对成本上涨的消化能力到什么程度,是非常困难的不同产品的情况也有所不同。

    It is quite hard to measure the extent to which factories can absorb rising costs – it varies for different kinds of products .

  5. 从竞争角度而言,建造晶圆代工厂的成本极为高昂(约10亿美元),而科技则十分先进。

    On the competitive issue , the cost to build a wafer fab is extremely high ( about US $ 1b ), and the technology is usually state-of-the-art .

  6. 而供应系统总成本则包括工厂生产成本、运输成本、物流中心营运成本及物流中心存货成本等四项。

    Herein , total expected cost is the sum of total production costs , total transportation costs , total operation costs of distribution centers , and total inventory costs of distribution centers .

  7. (到餐厅购买龙虾的这一步时,价格就已经抬高一些了,因为要加上供应链环节的费用,包括码头费、经销商或批发商的分成以及工厂加工成本。)

    ( By the time a restaurant buys lobster , its price has gone up as the supply chain can include wharf fees , a cut for dealers or wholesalers and processing-plant costs . )

  8. 资料表明,在美国、日本等西方发达国家,直接劳动成本所占比例不足工厂总成本的10%,并且这一比例还在不断下降:而储存、运输所支付的费用却占生产成本的40%。

    Data show that in developed countries such as USA and Japan , direct labor cost is under 10 % of total enterprise cost which is reducing , while logistics cost share 40 % of total cost .

  9. 尽管富士康(foxconn,苹果的供应商)已经开始将工厂转移到成本较低的中国内陆地区,但该公司今年的工资水平还是增加了四分之一有余。

    In spite of moving manufacturing to lower-cost inland China , Foxconn ( a supplier for Apple ) has increased wages by more than a quarter this year .

  10. 我们怎么知道每家工厂的生产成本?

    How do we know each factory 's cost of production ?

  11. 调查了部分具有典型代表性的工厂其生产成本构成。

    At the same time , the production cost of some representative national plants is investigated as well .

  12. 这意味着日产必须将更多工厂和管理成本转移到日本以外的地区,比如美国或与美元关联的经济体。

    That means Nissan needs to have more of its factories and administrative costs outside Japan , in the US or dollar-linked economies .

  13. 车床的自动化管理,对于降低制造业工厂的生产成本,提高其经济效益至关重要。

    Automatic management of lathes has a critical meaning for reducing cost of production and for enhancing economic benefits of a manufacturing factory .

  14. 由于几乎不需要进行跨国公司所要求的那种可行性研究,以检验商业和环境状况,工厂的建设成本低廉,工程迅速。

    With little need for the kind of feasibility studies required by multinationals to test their business and environmental cases , the plants were built cheaply and quickly .

  15. 其中一半工厂位于劳动成本很高的日本,而日圆升值又会降低在海外销售的利润率。

    Half are in Japan where labor costs can be high and a strong yen can cripple profit margins when funds from products sold overseas are repatriated into yen .

  16. 大多数将工厂设在高成本国家的制造商发现,过去几年可谓度日维艰,因为制造业力量的天平已经开始向以中国为首的低工资国家倾斜。

    Most manufacturers with their plants mainly in high-cost countries have found the past few years a struggle , as the balance of power has swung towards low-wage nations led by China .

  17. 高桥浩平表示:如果我们假定中国的工资水平是日本的五分之一到三分之一之间,中国工厂工人的成本应该在销售额的2%左右。

    " If we assume wages in China are between one-fifth and one-third those in Japan , the cost of factory floor workers in China comes to around 2 per cent of sales ," Mr Takahashi says .

  18. Jack认为公司应在CostaRica建立新工厂来节约产品成本。

    Jack believes the company should build a new factory in Costa Rica to save money on production costs .

  19. 她的结论是:当运输成本或关税壁垒较高,工厂层面的固定成本相对于企业层面的固定成本较低,FDI就会更加流行。

    Her conclusion is that : When transport costs or tariff barriers are higher , plant-level fixed costs compared to the firm-level fixed costs lower , FDI will be more prevalent .

  20. 介绍了实时数据库PI3.3的系统结构及管理,并讨论了PI系统在工厂数据采集和成本核算方面的应用。

    The configuration and management of PI real-time database are presented in this paper . The applications of data collecting in the plant and cost accounting are discussed as well .

  21. 1000kg啤酒原料成本与12°BX啤酒相降低了41,6%左右,年产10Mkg啤酒工厂可节约原料成本约110万元。

    The cost of meterials each ton beer is reduced about 41.6 % and saved about 1,100,000 yuan in a factory of the annual output of 107 kilogram beer , compared with 12 ° BX beer .

  22. 印度企业马欣德拉(Mahindra&Mahindra)并没有利用亚洲工厂里的低成本劳动力组装其新产品——GenZe电动摩托车——并出口到美国,而是选择打造一款“全美国产品”。

    Instead of assembling the product - the new GenZe electric scooter - with low-cost factory labour in Asia and exporting it to the US , India 's Mahindra & Mahindra has opted for what it calls an " all-American product . "

  23. 但鹤山KTC等制造商表示,比薪资上涨更严重的问题是,很难招聘到足够多拥有合适技能的工人来维持持续生产。薪资上涨不过让工厂增加了一些成本。

    But some manufacturers , such as KTC in Heshan , say a more serious issue than rising wages – which can be absorbed at a cost – is the difficulty in finding enough workers with the right skills to allow production to continue .

  24. 这家工厂已经决定低成本、大批量的生产这种仪器。

    The factory has decided to mass-produce the equipment at a low cost .

  25. 同时,本研究还以春兰的根状茎为材料,进行简化试验,以降低工厂化生产的成本。

    Rhizomes were used as simplify experiment materials , in order to cut down tissue culture cost .

  26. 对于很多工厂而言,违规成本低于守法成本。

    For many factories , the cost of violating the rules is lower than the cost of compliance .

  27. 他认为,在斯托克城经营一家有100名员工的工厂,增加了成本的同时,也增加了灵活性。

    Operating a factory emp-loying 100 people in Stoke inc-reases flexibility as well as cost , he says .

  28. 据天津开发区海关官员介绍,保税工厂降低了贸易成本,提高了贸易效益。

    According to officials of Tianjin 's development zone Customs , bonded factories have cut down trade costs and improved trade benefits .

  29. 如果不是把工厂转移到低成本国家,许多欧洲和北美的制衣公司或玩具制造公司今天都将不复存在。

    Many European and North American companies making clothes or toys would not be around today had they not moved their factories to low-cost countries .

  30. 并结合工厂实际情况对成本控制进行了方案设计、对工厂的成本二级核算体系进行了详细设计。

    With respect to the actual conditions of the factory , the thesis offers project design on cost control and secondary cost accounting system in details .