
ɡōnɡ zuò shì
  • studio;office ;workroom
  1. 工作室里备有基本设施,如暖气装置和自来水。

    The studio had all the essentials like heating and running water .

  2. 兄弟几个总是要到正午前后才姗姗来到工作室。

    The brothers usually roll into their studio around midday .

  3. 他一直用这辆车牵引他的活动工作室。

    He had been using the vehicle to tow his work trailer

  4. 约翰住在一个新潮而又混乱无序的艺术家的工作室里。

    John lived in a stylishly shambolic artist 's studio .

  5. 我把阁楼卧室改装成了工作室。

    I outfitted an attic bedroom as a studio .

  6. 我一连几天呆在这个工作室里。

    I spend days on end in this studio .

  7. 工作室就在从他姑姑的老宅到他的小屋的中途。

    The studio is midway between his aunt 's old home and his cottage .

  8. 海明威的工作室在右面。

    Hemingway 's studio is to the right

  9. 他又沮丧又生了病,再一次躲进了自己昏暗的工作室。

    Depressed and ill , he had again shut himself away in his darkened studio .

  10. 那是1月,在我们初次相遇37年之后,我和丹尼斯一同回到了工作室。

    In January , 37 years after our first meeting , I was back in the studio with Denis

  11. 他从一个朋友的公寓搬到另一个朋友处,最初是睡在西奥多工作室的地板上。

    He moved from one friend 's flat to another , first kipping on the floor of Theodore 's studio .

  12. 在这位老艺术家的工作室开派对是再好不过了,那里的屋顶很高,空间也很大。

    The old artist 's studio is a brilliant place for a party with a high ceiling and plenty of room .

  13. 这个工作室是艺术家和嬉皮士的安乐窝。

    This studio is a haven for artists and hippies .

  14. 这些公司中包括一些此行业的重量级公司,如电子艺界、失眠者游戏工作室、动视暴雪和迪士尼。

    The companies include some of the heavyweights of the industry , like Electronic Arts Productions , Insomniac Games , Activision and Disney .

  15. 仅仅几个月之后,Leah就开经营她的第一家瑜伽工作室,然而成功并非一蹴而就。

    Only a few months later Leah opened her first yoga studio , but success was not instant .

  16. 最初,为了让一切正常运转,Leah在开瑜伽工作室的时候,仍然在做会计的工作。

    Initially Leah stayed with her accounting job while starting up the yoga studio to make it all work .

  17. Leah的成长激励她开了第二家工作室——这并不是为了钱。

    Leah 's growth spurred her to open her second studio — and it wasn 't for the money .

  18. Leah反思了一件触发她恐惧的事情,那时她的投资人威胁要关掉她的工作室:“我当时要应对的可能是我人生当中最大的恐惧,”她说。

    Leah reflects on one incident that triggered her fears , when her investors threatened to shut her down : " I was probably up against the most fear I 've ever had , " she says .

  19. 老实说,我并不需要再开一家工作室。

    Honestly , I didn 't need to open a second studio .

  20. 从那时起,她创办了两家瑜伽工作室,结识了一个新的生活伴侣,并组建了一个新的社区。

    Since then , she has founded two yoga studios , met a new life partner , and formed a new community of people .

  21. 他知道我对瑜伽的热爱,看到离他住的地方很近的一抉空地时,他觉得可能正好适合做瑜伽工作室。

    He knew my love for yoga and had seen a space close to where he lived that he thought might be good to serve as a yoga studio .

  22. Yolo!制片和狮鹫公司联合打造了这部拉吉夫·约瑟夫的剧集,它讲述了一位折纸艺术家邀请一个天才少年和他的老师去她工作室的故事。

    Yolo ! Productions and the Great Griffon present the play by Rajiv Joseph , in which an origami artist invites a teenage talent and his teacher into her studio .

  23. "我喜欢跳舞,"爱荷华州一家舞蹈工作室的老板莱斯特·布里奇斯说。

    " I adore dancing , " says Lester Bridges , the owner of a dance studio in Iowa .

  24. 如今,这里有画廊、工作室、餐厅,还新建了邻居们分享经验的工作坊,那里现在充满了新生活与能量。

    Today , there are galleries , studios , restaurants and newly built work spaces where neighbors share experiences , where there is renewed life and energy .

  25. 八年级时,有人告诉我,我必须上美术课才能达到毕业要求,所以九年级时我上了工作室与美术课。

    In my 8th grade , I was told that I had to take an art class as a graduation requirement ; so in the 9th grade I took Studio and Art .

  26. 工作室违反了协议,但她没有。

    The studio broke the agreement , but she did not .

  27. 是派拉蒙工作室使伦巴德成为了一个明星。

    It was Paramount Studio that made Lombard a star .

  28. 工作室给她起了个新名字,并让她参演了几部电影。

    The studio gave her a new name , and she acted in several films .

  29. 1925年,她与20世纪福克斯工作室达成了协议。

    In 1925 , she had an agreement with a studio , 20th Century Fox .

  30. 传统艺术家的作品通常是在工作室完成的,他们的画作往往是现实主义,看起来和真实世界里的东西一样。

    Traditional artists always did their artwork in a studio and their paintings were realistic-they looked exactly like the real world .