
  • 网络opportunity entrepreneurship
  1. 依据角度的不同,创业类型有多种划分方法,其中GEM(全球创业观察)从创业动机的角度将创业划分为生存型创业与机会型创业。

    Based on the different points of view , entrepreneurship can be distinguished in different ways , which GEM ( Global Entrepreneurship Monitor ) divided into necessity entrepreneurship and opportunity entrepreneurship by the perspective of entrepreneurial motivation .

  2. 生存型创业与机会型创业比较研究

    Comparative Study of Necessity Entrepreneurship and Opportunity Entrepreneurship

  3. 本文在初步综述创业环境研究进展和分析机会型创业过程之Timmons模型的基础上,认为Timmons模型存在严重的学理性缺陷,并不足以分析和解释机会型创业过程;

    On the basis of the review of the research on the entrepreneurial environment and the analysis of Timmons 's model of venture creation process , this paper believes that Timmons 's model contains an academic defect and is inadequate to explain the process of opportunity-orientated new venture creation .

  4. 进而提出了机会型创业推进方格模型,认为这一模型才有助于恰当分析和理解机会型创业过程。

    The paper puts forward the " opportunity-orientated new venture creation pushing pane model " which helps to comprehend the process of opportunity-orientated new venture creation completely .

  5. 但是归国留学人员创业这一分支却主要表现为机会型创业活动,对我国现阶段的创业活动的发展具有非同寻常的意义。

    But entrepreneurial activity of returned personnels studying abroad is mainly expressed in opportunity entrepreneurship , at now which has extraordinary significance in the development of entrepreneurial activity .

  6. 根据结果概括出生存型创业与机会型创业的路径图,强调企业家精神与核心能力随着环境的变化和创业过程的进行而不断地动态调整。

    Based on the result , it tries to generalize the path chart of necessity entrepreneurship and opportunity entrepreneurship which emphasize the continuous dynamic adjustment of entrepreneurship and core competency along with environment changes and entrepreneurial processes .

  7. 美国具有较强的创业文化,把创业认为是一个创造、增长财富的动态过程,并侧重于支持机会型创业发展模式。

    The United States of America has a strong entrepreneurial culture , they consider entrepreneurship a dynamic process of creating and increasing wealth , and they lay special emphasis on the development mode of " opportunity entrepreneurship " .

  8. 上述研究理论上可以填补创业研究领域的空白,在实践上可以指导国内机会型创业者的创业活动,并为政府部门制定相关创业政策提供参考。

    Firstly from theory aspects , it will supply a gap in the research field of entrepreneurship . Secondly from practice aspects , it can give guidance to the domestic opportunity entrepreneurs and references to related government sectors for policies making .