
  • 网络Institutional Fund
  1. 在收紧对冲基金监管规定方面,新加坡正面临着越来越大的压力,因为投资者越发担忧这个城市国家对机构基金经理的放任政策。

    Singapore is facing growing pressure to tighten its hedge fund regulations amid increasing investor concerns over the city-state 's laisser-faire approach to institutional fund managers .

  2. 譬如,既然知道各家银行都是迫不得已的卖家,机构基金经理大可从中坐收渔利。

    Knowing that all banks are forced sellers , institutional fund managers , for example , will be able to play them off against each other .

  3. 而资产在10亿美元以下的小型捐赠基金回报率为8.3%,同那些表现欠佳的机构基金相当。

    Small endowments with assets of less than $ 1bn had returns of 8.3 per cent , marginally under-performing institutions .

  4. 结果,机构基金并不直接进入证交所买卖大宗股票。

    As a result , institutional funds do not go directly to stock exchanges to buy and sell large blocks of shares .

  5. 全球的富裕个人估计拥有40万亿到50万亿美元可投资资产,比托付管理的机构基金规模还要庞大。

    Wealthy individuals are estimated to have between $ 40000bn and $ 50000bn of investable assets , which is more than the size of institutional funds under management .

  6. “巴菲特压低了吉百利的股价,这很可能帮了卡夫管理层一个忙,”一位美国机构基金经理表示。

    " Buffett may be very well doing a favour for the Kraft management to bring down the stock price of Cadbury , " said one US-based institutional fund manager .

  7. 我国目前创业风险资本的来源渠道有五种,分别是政府基金、公司投资基金、金融机构基金、民间资本和国外战略投资人。

    Now our accumulating channels of risk capital have five kinds those are the governmental risk funds , banking funds the corporation funds , the personal capital and the abroad strategy inventor .

  8. 资产在10亿美元以上、但非前十名的捐赠基金,能轻易击败主流机构基金,但仍不敌该领域的巨头们,这些巨头的平均回报率能达到11.4%。

    Endowments with more than $ 1bn in assets , but outside the top ten , handily beat mainstream institutions , but were less impressive than the giants of the sector , with an average return of 11.4 per cent .

  9. 至2006年6月的十年间,美国最大的十家捐赠基金以14.5%的平均年回报率而自豪,这远远高于中等机构基金8.6%的回报率。

    In the decade to the end of June 2006 , the ten largest endowments in the US boasted average annual returns of 14.5 per cent , vastly in excess of the median institutional fund , which generated a return of 8.6 per cent .

  10. 谁对社会贡献更大呢,是IBM这个跨国集团还是遍布世界的慈善机构卡耐基基金会?

    Has the multinational business or universal philanthropy done more for society ?

  11. 慈善机构惠康基金会(WellcomeTrust)曾提出一个光辉的计划,要把奥林匹克公园变成一个世界一流的生命科学和先进技术中心。

    The charitable Wellcome Trust came up with a glorious plan to turn the Olympic Park into a world-class centre for the life sciences and advanced technology .

  12. 英国智库机构英皇基金(King'sFund)于2011年公布的报告,突出反驳了政治辞令对英国国民卫生服务体系(NHS)“呆板官僚”大军的“嘲笑”。

    A report published in 2011 by the King 's Fund , a UK think-tank , highlighted the " sneering " political rhetoric about the National Health Service 's armies of " faceless bureaucrats . "

  13. 安泰保险(AetnaInc.)旗下独立慈善机构安泰基金会(AetnaFoundation)也在赞助一项研究&每天抽奖是否足以激励人们坚持服用华法林(warfarin)。

    Aetna Foundation , the independent philanthropic arm of insurer Aetna Inc. , also is sponsoring a study of whether daily lotteries motivate people to stick to warfarin .

  14. 例如,当私人股本公司tpg推销一只规模为数十亿美元、投资于陷入困境的美国金融机构的基金时,首先接洽的是中投公司。

    For example , when the private equity firm TPG was marketing a multi-billion-dollar fund to invest in troubled US financial institutions , it first approached CIC .

  15. 可惜的是,梵高的这些画作中,却没有一幅留在阿尔勒,就连专以组织当代艺术家举办梵高相关艺术展著称的新建机构梵高基金会(FondationVincentvanGogh)里也没有。

    Alas , not one van Gogh canvas remains in Arles , not even at the splashy new Fondation Vincent van Gogh , which organizes van Gogh-related exhibitions by contemporary artists .

  16. 英国资助机构Wellcome基金会上周(7月28日)宣布,一种结核病新疫苗的临床试验已经在冈比亚和南非开始。

    Clinical trials of a new tuberculosis vaccine have begun in the Gambia and South Africa , announced UK funding body the Wellcome Trust last week ( 28 July ) .

  17. 为了帮助其它发展伙伴支援国家应对这场危机的努力,世行正在建立一个多机构信托基金(MDTF)。

    To facilitate other development partners to support country efforts to address the crisis , a Multi Donor Trust Fund ( MDTF ) is being created .

  18. 证券监管机构与基金管理者的进化博弈分析

    Evolutionary game analysis of stock market supervisor and fund managers

  19. 书库拥有这种藏书的机构或基金会。

    An institution or a foundation maintaining such a collection .

  20. 金融机构私募基金监管问题研究

    Legal Research on the Supervision of Private Placement Fund in Financial Institutions

  21. 基金管理公司、基金托管机构、基金销售机构;

    Fund management companies , fund custodian institutions , and fund sale institutions ;

  22. 国际慈善机构阿玛基金会的贝阿·阿里表示她们听起来绝望无助。

    They sound hopeless , says Baher Ali of the international charity AMAR Foundation .

  23. 书库拥有这种藏书的机构或基金会收藏书籍、集成书库

    An institution or a foundation maintaining such a collection . accumulate books , a library

  24. 相应的,对于投资组合的操作和机构或基金投资也有指导意义。

    Accordingly , it is also instructive for the portfolio or fund investment operations and agencies .

  25. 随着基金数量的增多,基金规模的壮大,投资者越来越依赖于第三方评级机构的基金评级。

    With the development of funds , investors turn to depend on the third party rating agencies .

  26. 重新部署的双边机构和基金

    Bilateral redeployment institution and fund

  27. 在联合国及其各专门机构、基金和方案之间加强协调以支持千年发展目标;

    That coordination be strengthened between the UN and its agencies , funds and programmes to support the MDGs ;

  28. 你们是否会为其他机构提供基金,贷款或其它形式的资金分发?你们会从其他机构或政府部门得到基金吗?

    Will you make grants loans or other distributions to organizations ? Do you get grants from other organizations or government ?

  29. 此外,双边资助机构和基金会可以把资金从短期的项目转向建立解决长期能力建设的新机构。

    In addition , bilateral donor agencies and foundations could switch funds from short-term projects to new institutions addressing long-term capacity building .

  30. 今年是巴菲特参加拍卖会的第12年,这令旧金山慈善机构格莱德基金会受益。

    It 's the12th year that Buffett has participated in the auction , which benefits San Francisco-based charity , the Glide Foundation .