
  • 网络national fund;country fund;NSF
  1. 在参考了美国国家基金会(NSF)的CAREER提出的IP-DiffServ的动态定价机制后,提出了一个以市场和计划为基础的优化动态定价机制。

    After referring to the IP-DiffServ adaptive pricing mechanism of NSF CAREER , this paper presents an optimal adaptive resource pricing mechanism on the base of market and plan .

  2. 梅尔文称,eos希望亚洲地区的国家基金将与欧洲和北美的公共基金及其他机构投资者一起进行投资。

    Mr Melvin said EOS hoped regional state funds would invest along with public funds and other institutional investors in Europe and North America .

  3. 鉴于匈牙利、南非、埃及和土耳其的经常账户赤字,这种情况损害了EMEA基金,而且已开始给印度国家基金带来压力。

    That has hurt EMEA funds , given the current account deficits being run by Hungary , South Africa , Egypt and Turkey , and has started to weigh on India country funds as well , he says .

  4. 对这三个国家基金监管的经验进行研究,对于我国基金监管具有重要的借鉴意义。

    The regulation experience of these three countries is meaningful for us .

  5. 一旦在美交易受阻,上述国家基金的一个应对之道,或许就是选择更为复杂和隐蔽的交易。

    If blocked in the US , one response for state funds may be to opt for more complex , hidden transactions .

  6. 皇室的金钱来自两部分:国家基金以及个人财富。

    The Royal Family 's money comes from two sources : government funds and their own personal wealth , which is considerable .

  7. 国家基金项目、省部级基金项目和国际项目分别为29.9%、43.9%和20.4%。

    The ratio of national , ministry ( provincial ) and international projects was 29.9 % ? 43.9 % and 20.4 % respectively .

  8. 例如沙特阿拉伯就准备建立一个国家基金用来在贫穷的国家购买农田以满足国内的日益增长的粮食需求。

    Saudi Arabia plans to set up a state fund to buy farmland in poor countries to meet rising food demand at home .

  9. 那些花费或保险的比那些没有花费和依靠国家基金医疗保险能获得更好的服务。

    There , those who pay or are insured get a better service than those who do not and rely on state-funded Medicare .

  10. 一个被称为美国政策国家基金会的组织称,一名高熟练度的印度工人可能需要等待长达70年之久。

    A group called the National Foundation for American Policy says a highly skilled Indian worker could have to wait up to seventy years .

  11. 事实上,与许多走多元投资组合路线的国家基金和地方基金比起来,社保计划的财务情况要好得多。

    Indeed , Social Security is in a rather better financial condition than many state and local funds which have followed the diversified-portfolio route .

  12. 私人基金会对美国社会的发展产生着巨大影响,尤其是对美国高等教育的发展起到不可估量的重要作用,这是其他国家基金会所无法比拟的。

    Private foundations take an immeasurable effect to society development , especially to the development of American higher education , which has the great use beyond that of other national foundations .

  13. 招致最多争议的一项建议,是建立一个地方新闻国家基金,相关资金由联邦政府向美国电信用户、广播执照持有者或互联网服务提供商募集或征收。

    We have drawn the most controversy by proposing a national fund for local news with money the federal government collects from , or could impose on , American telecom users , broadcast licenees or Internet service providers .

  14. 本课题的基本思路是分析我国证券投资基金治理结构中存在的问题,通过对发达国家基金治理结构的比较研究,为进一步完善我国证券投资基金治理结构提出了具体的建议。

    The main task of this thesis is to analyze the existing problems in the governance structure of securities investment fund in China . Compared with the fund governance of developed countries , it puts forward concrete proposals for the improvement and perfection of the fund governance in China .

  15. 美国国家科学基金会就是其中之一。

    The US National Science Foundation is among these .

  16. 国家睡眠基金会的最新调查发现,10到12岁的孩子中有35%只睡七八个小时。

    But the new National Sleep Foundation survey found that 35 % of 10 - to 12-year-olds get only seven or eight hours .

  17. 美国国家科学基金会称,位于波多黎各的直径达305米的阿雷西博射电望远镜设备平台一夜之间坍塌。

    The instrument platform of the 305-meter telescope at Arecibo Observatory overnight , according to the National Science Foundation .

  18. 随后,她负责领导国家艺术基金会(NationalEndowmentfortheArts)民间艺术项目。

    Later , she directed the folk arts program at the National Endowment for the Arts .

  19. 据美国国家睡眠基金会(NationalSleepFoundation)的一项调查显示,约有三分之二的被研究者非周末睡眠不足。

    According to a survey from the National Sleep Foundation , roughly two-thirds of people studied do not get enough sleep on weeknights .

  20. 该研究是由美国国家科学基金会和L.S.B.李基基金会提供支持的。

    The research was supported by the National Science Foundation and the L. S. B. Leakey Foundation .

  21. 这些结果与包括政府支出在内的中国整体研发趋势相契合。美国国家科学基金会(NationalScienceFoundation)称,中国政府的研发支出仅次于美国。

    The findings dovetail with overall research and development trends in China , including government spending , which the National Science Foundation found , is second only behind the United States .

  22. 有关该问题的最可靠研究之一当属综合社会调查(GeneralSocialSurvey),这项研究由美国国家科学基金会(NationalScienceFoundation)资助,从1972年开始向美国人询问同一批问题。

    Among the most reliable studies on this issue is the General Social Survey , sponsored by the National Science Foundation , which has been asking Americans the same questions since 1972 .

  23. 各种中国国家投资基金买了部份的黑石(Blackstone),摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)和巴克莱银行(Barclays)。

    Various Chinese state investment funds have bought chunks of Blackstone , Morgan Stanley and Barclays .

  24. 在基于本体论和语义Web的产品信息基础结构研究国家自然基金课题的支持下,论文就这个问题进行了深入的研究。

    In this thesis , we have deeply investigated this problem under the support of the National Science Fund Project - " The study of Product Information System Based on Ontology and Semantic Web " .

  25. Jones此前担任美国国家科学基金会的国际科学和工程办公室主任,在那里她支持了与发展中国家的项目。

    Jones previously served as director of the National Science Foundation 's Office of International Science and Engineering where she supported programmes with developing countries .

  26. 这是美国国家科学基金会认证-61标准,饮用水系统中使用NSF认证的地方,需要设计的。

    It is certified to NSF-61 standards and is designed for use in potable water systems where NSF certification is required .

  27. 并结合国家创新基金项目面向制造企业的供需链管理系统集成平台(简称中天ERP),开发出了一个生产过程控制系统,给出了系统运行实例。

    Combined with the national innovation fund project ' Manufacturing-oriented Supply Chain Management System integrated platform ' , viz . ZT_ERP . We developed a production process control system , and the running examples are put forward .

  28. 本文系英国A机构委托国家留学基金管理委员会留学预科学院为A机构英语水平ESOL证书及课程所做的国内市场营销建议书。

    This thesis is actually a marketing strategy proposal for a Scottish official institute by Foundation College of China Scholarship Council .

  29. 为评价算法性能,在14节点的国家科学基金网(NSFNET)拓扑中进行了仿真。

    To estimate the algorithm , we do the emulation in the 14-nodes national science fund network ( NSFNET ) .

  30. 1995年NSFNET回归研究网络的角色,将网际网络的流量留给网络提供者传递,而不用国家科学基金会的超级计算机。

    In1995 the NSFNET reverted to the role of a research network , leaving Internet traffic to be routed through network providers rather than NSF supercomputers .