
  1. 论欧元与美元的国际货币竞争

    International Currency Competition : Euro vs. the Dollar

  2. 只有担当起这个区域性的“关键货币”,才能在国际货币竞争的格局中赢得利益。

    Only RMB plays as a " key currency " in this sub-area can it benefits from the competing with other international currencies .

  3. 本章围绕着货币的计价和结算职能、交易便利性、货币公信力等特性,阐述了国际货币竞争地位的决定因素。

    The paper revolves the determinants of the currency around currency valuation and settlement functions , ease of trading , currency credibility and other features .

  4. 但欧元能够在多大程度上重整国际货币竞争结构,对均衡的国际货币体系的形成将发挥多大程度的影响,仍是一个值得探讨的课题。

    It is worth studying that to what degree the Euro can adjust the international monetary competitive structure and to what degree it can influence the international monetary system balance .

  5. 欧元的诞生是欧盟各国中央银行货币政策协调的结晶,同时也是对国际货币竞争体系的一次重大调整。

    The birth of Euro is a result of policy coordination of central banks of all EU member countries , but also achieve a big adjustment for international monetary competitive system .

  6. 其次,以美元取代英镑为代表的单一国际货币间的竞争。

    Second , as the representative of the competition between single international currency the U.S. dollar replaced sterling .

  7. 到目前为止,国际货币体系没有采取竞争性贬值而度过了危机,我非常希望这种状况可以继续下去。

    Until now the international monetary system got through the crisis without competitive devaluations and I hope very much it stays that way .

  8. 后危机时代各国综合国力此消彼长,国际经济力量呈现的多元化发展趋势催生国际货币多元化竞争格局,国际货币体系必将面临新的调整。

    In the post-crisis era , comprehensive national strength of various countries changed a lot . The trend of diversified international development economic forces must prompt diversified international monetary competition that the international monetary system will face new adjustments .

  9. 展望未来的国际货币格局,美国只有加速经济结构的转型,才能在国际货币竞争格局中保持相对优势,但无论如何,单一货币主导的货币格局将一去不复返。

    But any way , single currency will never dominate the international monetary structure .