
jiào yù jī jīn
  • Education Fund;educational foundation
  1. 总部设在华盛顿的美国高校妇女教育基金协会(AmericanAssociationofUniversityWomenEducationalFoundation)昨日公布了这份报告。报告表示,在获得学士学位后一年的时间里,女性的薪金只有男性的80%。

    The report , released yesterday by the American Association of University Women Educational Foundation , a Washington , DC-based group , said that one year after receiving a college degree , women make 80 per cent of what their male counterparts earn .

  2. 发展大学教育基金会,促进大学教育捐赠

    Developing Educational Foundation of Universities and Promoting Educational Donation to Universities

  3. 乔治索罗斯(georgesoros)留出了在金融赌博中获得的一部分利润,用于资助教育基金会和做其它善事。

    George Soros sets aside a proportion of the profits from his financial gambles to fund educational foundations and other good works .

  4. GailWilensky是国际卫生教育基金会HOPE项目高级研究员。

    Gail Wilensky is a senior fellow at Project HOPE , an international health education foundation .

  5. 托马斯·萨恩斯(ThomasSaenz)是墨西哥裔美国人法律辩护和教育基金(MALDEF)的主席。

    Thomas Saenz is president of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund ( MALDEF ) .

  6. 亚裔美国人法律辩护与教育基金会(AsianAmericanLegalDefenseandEducationFund)的一项研究显示,费城唐人街受到的冲击尤其明显,不少投资者涌入那里大举购买周边的豪宅,推高了房地产价格和房租。

    The Chinatown in Philadelphia is particularly exposed to an influx of investors buying up surrounding luxury developments which is pushing up property prices and rents , according to a study by the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund .

  7. 美中教育基金会学术委员会CNI教学标准。

    The CNI course is designed according to the standards the of ACEF academic committee .

  8. 她于1994年及1995年分别获亚洲文化协会(ACC)及美国国际教育基金(IIE)颁发前往美国实习的奖助。

    She is the recipient of a fellowship from the Asian Cultural Council ( ACC ) in1994 and from the Institute of International Education ( IIE ) in1995 .

  9. 英格兰高等教育基金会(HEFCE)之组织学研究

    Research on Higher Education Founding Council for England ( HEFCE ) Based on Organization Theory

  10. 本文在国际购物中心协会教育基金会(ICSCEF)的资助下,对上海市购物中心发展模式做了较为深入的探讨。

    Funded by International Council of Shopping Centers Education Foundation ( ICSCEF ), this thesis examines the development patterns of shopping centers in Shanghai as well as their impacts on the restructuring of the city 's commercial landscape .

  11. 里查德·艾伯林,经济教育基金会主席。

    Richard Ebeling is president of the Foundation for Economic Education .

  12. 谢谢你们一直以来对海外中国教育基金会的支持和帮助。

    Thank you for your ongoing support to OCEF 's cause .

  13. 泛美卫生和教育基金会网站-英文

    Pan American Health and Education Foundation ( PAHEF ) web site

  14. 教育基金会情报中心

    On Competitive Intelligence Education in the Information Society ; Foundation centre

  15. 影响中国大学教育基金会发展的若干因素研究

    Study on the Influential Factors of Development of Chinese University Education Foundation

  16. 优质教育基金秘书处〔教育统筹局〕

    Quality Education Fund Secretariat [ Education and Manpower Bureau ]

  17. 服务社会医疗和教育基金会

    Service of Society ( SOS ) Medical and Educational Foundation

  18. 教育基金会正是这样一种重要的筹资渠道。

    Education foundation is one of the important channels .

  19. 女选民联盟海外教育基金

    Overseas Education Fund of the League of Women Voters

  20. 我国高校教育基金会的现状分析与发展路径选择

    Current Conditions , Problems and Development Patterns of Education Foundations of Chinese Colleges

  21. 优质教育基金督导委员会〔教育统筹委员会〕

    Quality Education Fund Steering Committee [ Education Commission ]

  22. 大学教育基金会与大学战略发展关系探析

    Higher education fund and strategic development of universities

  23. 我想成立一个教育基金会。

    I wanted to start an education foundation .

  24. 她为了纪念她母亲而设立了一个教育基金会。

    Eg1 : She set up an educational fund in memory of her mother .

  25. 政府应该拨款作教育基金。

    Government should appropriate funds for education .

  26. 在加州,债券债务优先于除教育基金以外的其它支付。

    Bond obligations have priority over other payments in California , except funds for education .

  27. 巴勒斯坦难民大学教育基金

    University 's Educational Fund for Palestinian Refugees

  28. 基于教育基金保险的期权定价

    Options Pricing on Education Annuity Insurance

  29. 子女教育基金投资潜力巨大

    Tremendous Potentiality of Children Education Fund

  30. 书面的十字架明确“圣召暨教育基金会”的性质。

    The cross on the book illustrates the character of " vocation and education fund " .