
  • 网络Educational Ethics
  1. 从教育伦理学上看,教育权威有两种:理性权威与非理性权威。

    From educational ethics , education authority consists of two kinds : rational and non-rational .

  2. 我们认为,教育伦理学作为关于教育伦理现象的研究不应当泛化,而应当聚焦具体的教育伦理问题,但在教育伦理现象分析中不仅仅只有伦理学取向,还应当基于教育学取向。

    We think that the research of educational ethics should not be generalized but focus on the specific educational ethics problems and we should not only take ethical approach but also educational approach .

  3. 教师职业道德评价,是目前教育伦理学以及教育学关注和研究的热点问题。

    Evaluation of professional ethics of teachers is a hot spot currently concerned and researched by ethics education and education .

  4. 教育伦理学的立场转换相比于其它教育分支学科的立场转换可能更为复杂。

    Comparing with the changing of standpoint of other educational branches disciplines , it is more complicated for educational ethics ' changing .

  5. 传统的教育伦理学把教育公正当作教师合理地对待学生的个体公正道德范畴。

    The educational justice is regarded as the teacher 's individual morals category that the teacher reasonably treats students in traditional educational ethics .

  6. 此外,通过对教育伦理学研究范围变化的知识梳理,介绍了对师生冲突研究的启示。

    In addition , based on the come the change of education ethics , introduces the knowledge of the conflict between teachers and students study enlightenment .

  7. 政府辅助幼儿教育责无旁贷伦理学视角下政府救助弱势群体的原因分析

    Reasons the Government Gives Assistance to the Underprivileged Group

  8. 素质教育的伦理学思考

    An Ethic Thought over the Quality Education

  9. 时代的发展、社会的进步愈益凸显出道德教育、伦理学研究的重要性和必要性;

    With the development of society moral education and the research of ethics become more and more important and necessary .

  10. 高等教育决策的伦理学分析

    Ethics Analysis of Decision-making in Higher Education

  11. 本文试图在教育学和伦理学理论的指导下,针对我国研究生教育实际,主要从导师的角度,探讨导师与研究生之师生关系的伦理基础,以及研究生导师的应具备的职业伦理素养。

    This essay does a research on the ethical basis of relationship of tutor and postgraduate and also on the professional ethical qualities the tutor should possess , from the angle of tutor on the reality of postgraduate education in the theoretical guide of Pedagogy and Ethics !

  12. 教育伦理作为应用伦理学的分支学科,多年来取得了长足的发展。

    Educational Ethics as the branch of applied ethics has had the tremendous development .

  13. 为更好地建设小康社会,就需要在政治、经济和教育层面以环境伦理学视角来分析可持续消费的实现路径。

    In order to construct well-off society , we need to analyze the road of sustainable consumption realization in politics , economics and education from environment ethics'angle .

  14. 论学校教育中的道德关系&兼谈教育伦理学的研究对象

    On the Moral Relation of Schooling & Discussing Concurrently the Object of Educational Ethics

  15. 第一章首先探讨了教育关涉幸福问题的现实意义,并对教育学、伦理学、经济学和心理学等学科领域有关幸福的研究作了细致的梳理。

    Chapter 1 discusses the significance of education in the pursuit of happiness and summarizes the studies on happiness in pedagogy , ethnics , economics and psychology .

  16. 本文试图通过对学校教育教学过程中各种道德关系的具体研究以求进一步明晰教育伦理学的研究对象。

    The paper tries to further explore the object of Educational Ethicsthrough the specific study of moral relations of schooling .

  17. 对此进行理论探索和论证,旨在使教育伦理更好地发挥价值导向、规范教育行为、建立良好的教育伦理秩序的作用,也将有利于教育伦理学研究视野的拓展,促进这一学科的发展。

    The aim of discussing and studying education ethic lies in making it play a better role in value guiding and .