
huán jìnɡ lún lǐ xué
  • environmental ethics
  1. 环境伦理学有其特有的科学基础和价值基础。

    Environmental ethics has its unique scientific basis and values basis .

  2. 中国古代环境伦理学思想初探

    A tentative probe into thoughts on environmental ethics in ancient China

  3. 现实的人是环境伦理学的理论基点

    The realistic human being is the theory base of environmental morals

  4. 环境伦理学的逻辑前提是自然的内在价值。

    The logic premise of environmental ethics is natural intrinsic value .

  5. 环境伦理学及其对中国城市发展的几点启示

    Environmental Ethics and its Inspirations on the Urban Development in China

  6. 当代世界环境伦理学理论之比较

    A Comparison of the Theories of Modern World Environmental Ethnics

  7. 论科学发展观蕴涵的环境伦理学思想

    Discussion on the Environmental Ethics Thought Contained in the Scientific Development View

  8. 第三部分,环境伦理学的核心话语。

    Part Three is about the core of environment ethics .

  9. 试析自然中心主义环境伦理学及其理论困境

    On Environmental Ethics of Natural Centre Doctrine and Its Predicament

  10. 这也是和环境伦理学的本质区别所在。

    This is the essential difference between his theory and environmental ethics .

  11. 环境伦理学:西方现代绿色经典文献选评

    Environmental ethics : comment on Modern Western Green Classic Documents

  12. 自然价值是环境伦理学的理论支点。

    Natural value is the theoretical fulcrum of environmental ethics .

  13. 环境伦理学:伦理学史上的绿色思维

    Environment Ethics & the " Green Thought " in the Ethics History

  14. 西方环境伦理学的理论误区及其实质

    The Theoretical Misunderstanding and Essence in the Western Ethics of the Environment

  15. 环境伦理学是研究人与自然关系的伦理学。

    Environmental ethics researches the relationship between human and nature .

  16. 建构西部环境伦理学的理性思考

    Rational Thinking about Setting up Environmental Ethics in West China

  17. 后现代环境伦理学对哲学主体关系的偏离

    Deviation of Post-Modern Environmental Ethics from Subject Relation of Philosophy

  18. 罗尔斯顿的环境伦理学与机体哲学的联系

    Relations between Holmes Rolston 's Enviromental Ethics and Organic Philosophy

  19. 环境伦理学对中国风景园林发展的启示

    The Inspirations of Environmental Ethics on the Development of Landscape Architecture in China

  20. 环境伦理学具有了伦理学和自然科学双重品性;

    Environmental ethics possesses the dual features of both ethics and natural science .

  21. 探究环境伦理学的理论性质

    A Study of the Theoretical Nature of Environmental Ethics

  22. 人与自然:环境伦理学的科学定位

    Human And Nature : Scientific Position of Environmental Ethics

  23. 环境伦理学:深层生态学思想及理论旨趣

    Environmental ethics : ideas and theories of deep ecology

  24. 科学发展观:中国环境伦理学的理论基点

    Scientific Outlook on Development : the Theory Base of the Chinese Environmental Ethics

  25. 西方环境伦理学的整体主义诉求与困惑&现代系统整体论的启示

    The Holism of Western Environment Ethics and its Problem

  26. 西方环境伦理学在非西方国家中的地位:西方面对东方

    The Role of Western Environmental Ethics in Non-Western Countries : West Meets East

  27. 环境伦理学:非人类中心范式及其启示录

    Environmental ethics : paradigm of non-anthropocentrism and Its Apocalypse

  28. 我国环境伦理学的进展与反思

    Progress and Introspection of the Environmental Ethics of China

  29. 深生态学是西方环境伦理学的一种新的范型。

    Deep ecology is a new model of the western contemporary environmental ethics .

  30. 内在价值的含义与环境伦理学

    The Meaning of Intrinsic Value and Environmental Ethics