
huán jìnɡ zhènɡ jù
  • circumstantial evidence
  1. 环境证据有如黑莓,当其呈红色或白色之时,其实还是青的。

    Circumstantial evidence be like a blackberry , which when red or white be really green .

  2. 其次,此案的环境证据足以定罪,陪审团也认为足够明显而被说服。

    Second , circumstantial evidence is enough to convict and the jury found that evidence to be compelling .

  3. 第四纪风沙环境证据的研究进展

    Some Advances in Evidences of Quaternary Aeolian Environment

  4. 有些环境证据非常有力,犹如当你在牛奶中发现一尾鳟鱼之时。

    Some circumstantial evidences are very strong , as when you find a trout in the milk .

  5. 在有些情况下,取消资格的偏见可通过环境证据而非根据官员的公开陈述得到证明。

    In some situations , disqualifying bias can be shown by circumstantial evidence rather than by an overt statement by the official .

  6. 如有需要,税务局可查阅银行户口记录,或从环境证据核实纳税人陈述的供养资料。

    If necessary , the IRD may check the records of their bank accounts or verify from the circumstantial evidence the maintenance information provided by the taxpayers .

  7. 能够提供环境威胁证据的大多数科学家都有理由认为,环保团体不会放过这个问题。

    Most scientists who can present evidence of an environmental threat can reasonably assume that a pressure group will take up the issue

  8. 环境诉讼证据规则的专门化。

    The specialization of proof rules in environmental litigation .

  9. 富有机质黑色页岩的形成长期以来被认为是缺氧沉积环境的证据,并被作为全球缺氧事件的标志。

    Black shales have been considered as a sign of anoxic depositional environments and anoxic events for a long time .

  10. 过去全球变化研究中,来自陆地生态系统的环境变化证据,对于理解和揭示全球气候变化的机制和结果起着至关重要的作用。

    The records from terrestrial ecosystems play a key role to the understanding of the history and mechanisms of the past global changes .

  11. 那么我们在地球上最古老的岩石样品中发现了什么液态水环境的证据呢?

    So , what evidence of a liquid water environment did we find in rock samples taking from the oldest rocks on Earth ?

  12. 但面对越来越多的关于持续存在的水源和由此导致的温暖环境的证据,气候学家开始倾向于两种互相交叉的解释&两种解释都意味着可能有早期生命存在。

    But faced with mounting evidence of longstanding water and consequently warmer conditions , the climate scientists have gravitated toward two interwoven explanations & both with implications for early life .

  13. 就在经济增速放缓造成中国电力需求下降之际,体现煤炭污染环境的证据越来越多,这给30年来一直以稳定增长著称的煤炭行业带来了供给过剩危机。

    Mounting evidence of coal 's environmental damage comes as China 's slowing economy has reduced demand for electricity , creating an oversupply crisis for an industry that has known nothing but steady growth for the last three decades .

  14. 它们提供了有关行星形成所处环境的最好证据。

    They offer some of the best evidence available about the environment in which planets foitned .

  15. 23亿年地质环境突变的证据及若干问题的讨论

    Evidences for the catastrophe in geologic environment at about 2300 Ma and the discussions on several problems

  16. 三是看环境行政执法证据是否充分,环境行政机关作出的决定应以事实为依据,以法律为准绳,要遵循先取证,后裁决的规则,否则就有恣意行政的可能。

    That is to say , the decisions the environmental administration department made must be based on facts and examined by law in case of the abuse of the administrative rights .

  17. 全文阐述了计算机信息处理环境对审计证据采集工作的影响,并探讨了计算机辅助采集审计证据的技术以及应该注意的一些问题。

    This paper has stated the influence on collecting the audit evidence under computer information environment , and has discussed some techniques of collecting the audit evidence as well as what should pay attention to .

  18. 结果未发现DNA疫苗转化环境细菌的直接证据。

    The results demonstrated that the transfer and spreading of two DNA vaccine plasmids studied into environmental bacteria from receptor pigs were not found .

  19. 在分析完可信JVM之后,我们研究了远程认证,因为远程认证在可信计算中起着重要作用,它能提供可信环境存在的可靠证据。

    Because remote attestation plays an important role in trusted computing , which can provide reliable evidence for existence of a trusted environment .

  20. 结果表明,在密集目标环境下,基于证据决策的(EK-NN)航迹关联算法明显优于最近领域法(NN),较K近领域法(K-NN)也有一定的改进。

    The results showed that the performance of the EK-NN algorithm is better than the NN and K-NN algorithms in dense target environments .

  21. 该报告说没有证据显示目前的转基因作物破坏环境,也没有证据显示食用含有转基因成分的食物会伤害人们。

    It stated that there is no evidence that current GM crops damage the environment , or that consuming foods containing GM ingredients harms people .

  22. 从法律角度,环境监测是获取证据的手段,其监测报告是一种证据或依据。

    From legal perspective , environmental monitoring is deemed as an approach to evidence ; and monitoring reports could be regarded as evidence or legal basis .

  23. 笔者从分析违反治安管理行为的认定入手,提出了一种适用治安管理处罚法处理环境违法案件的证据收集模式。

    This paper starts from the analysis of cognizance of violation of public security administration , proposes an evidence collection mode of handling environmental violation cases with the Administrative Penalties for Public Security .

  24. 因此,在修订环境基本法时将环境诉讼证据规则的专门化固定下来,并以司法解释加以具体化,将有利于保护受害者的权益。

    Thus , it will help to protect the interests of victims to fix the proof rule of environmental litigation in amending the environmental basic law and to specific the means of the rule by judicial interpretation .

  25. 在那些日子,并没有多少外国公司在中国盈利,在危险工作环境、监狱劳工以及其他中国滥用工作环境权利的证据面前,更没有多少公司能够说得服人权活动人士。

    Not many foreign companies were making money in China in those days and fewer still were ready to shout down activists armed with evidence of dangerous working conditions , prison labor and other Chinese workplace-rights abuses .