
  • 网络environmental communication;Context Propagation
  1. 因此,以此地区作为样本进行环境传播研究具有典型意义。

    Therefore , taking this area as sample to do Environmental Communication research has typical significance .

  2. 同时在分析过程中,指出了珠三角地区环境传播存在的不足,为其改进提供了可行策略。

    At the same time , in the process of analysis , this paper points out the shortage of Environmental Communication for Pearl River Delta , providing a feasible strategy for improvement and hoping to promote the construction of the ecological civilization for Pearl River Delta .

  3. 强子-原子核碰撞的Drell-Yan过程是研究冷核中入射夸克的能量损失效应的最佳过程,通过研究核Drell-Yan过程的研究,可以更好的了解入射夸克在核环境传播过程中的能量损失情况。

    The Drell-Yan process of hadron - nucleus collision is to study the cold nuclear incident quark energy loss in the best effect of the process , we can know well the incident quark in nuclear environment propagation of energy loss .

  4. 丛林环境传播损耗实验研究

    Experimental Research of the Propagation Loss in the Forest Environment

  5. 霍乱可以经由受到污染的水和不良的卫生环境传播。

    Cholera can spread from contaminated water and bad sanitation .

  6. 结果表明两种环境传播霉菌情况无统计差异(P>005),具有共同的逻辑特征;

    Results There was no significant difference ( P > 0.05 ) statistically , and the common logical rules were found between experimental and natural groups ;

  7. 室内WLAN环境电波传播预测的改进模型

    Indoor WLAN Environment Radio Communication Models to Improve Forecast

  8. UWB室内视距环境多径传播模型

    Multipath model for UWB indoor LOS environments

  9. 此映射让TCS将环境信息传播到事务的所有单元。

    This mapping allows the TCS to propagate context information to all elements of the transaction .

  10. 当前,随着电子商务网站日趋同质化以及竞争白热化,中国B2C电子商务企业正面临着新的市场环境、传播模式及行业洗牌的巨大挑战。

    Nowadays , as the Homogenization of the E-commerce site and the Intense competition , Chinese B2C E-commerce company are facing the huge challenge of new market environment , mode of dissemination as well as industry reshuffle .

  11. 中原地区森林环境电波传播实验研究

    Investigation on Radiowave Propagation in Forest Environments in Central China

  12. 基于抛物方程法的复杂海洋环境电波传播特性分析

    Analysis of Radio Propagation over Complicated Ocean Environments Using Parabolic Equation Approach

  13. 电磁波在大气波导环境下传播特性研究

    A Study on Propagation Characteristics of Electromagnetic Wave under the Atmospheric Duct Environment

  14. 山区环境电波传播路径损耗的预测

    Prediction of Radio Propagation Path Loss in Mountain Areas

  15. 简述空调环境微生物传播及防治

    Microorganism Spreads and Prevention in Air Condition Environment

  16. 粉螨在仓贮环境中传播霉菌的逻辑质的研究

    Logical and qualitative research on the capacity of acaroid mites for mold carrying and transmitting in storage circumstance

  17. 数字网络时代,改变了作品传统的创作环境和传播方式。

    With the digital network era , the way of work creation and distribution is extremely different from traditions .

  18. 本文采用椭圆模型对已有的射线追踪方法进行加速,并将复射线理论应用到城区环境电波传播预测中,提出新的预测方法――混合射线方法。

    The Ellipse model was used to improve the efficiency and the speed of the developed ray tracing method .

  19. 定性、定量分析高速铁路高架桥诱发的环境振动传播规律。

    The propagation law of the ambient vibration induced by the high-speed railway viaduct is analysed qualitatively and quantitatively . 3 .

  20. 本文根据语音信号在实际环境下传播存在多径效应而造成反射信号之间产生时延差异的特点,提出了一种新的基于卷积混合矩阵模型的盲分离算法。

    A new blind source separation algorithm for convolved mixtures of speech singals is developed with consideration of different delayed multi-path reflections .

  21. 医疗废物管理不严,处理或处置不当会污染环境,传播疾病,威胁健康,危害很大。

    Medical waste caused the severe harm to the social , economy and environment , for the irregular management or improper treatment .

  22. 三维非理想爆轰波阵面传播过程的数值方法和数值模拟基于抛物方程法的复杂海洋环境电波传播特性分析

    The Numerical Method and Simulation for Propagating Front of Non-Ideal 3D Detonation ; Analysis of Radio Propagation over Complicated Ocean Environments Using Parabolic Equation Approach

  23. 进一步的实验室研究显示猫能在它们的消化道和粪便中携带病毒,因此能通过污染环境来传播病毒。

    Further lab work showed that cats can carry the virus in their guts and faeces , and so could contaminate the environment to spread the virus .

  24. 使开展蒸发波导环境特性传播特性及其应用的研究具有重大理论意义和军事价值。

    So the researches on the characteristics of evaporation duct environment , propagation and its applications have great theoretical significance and are of great value to military .

  25. 文学的创作环境、传播与接受方式都发生了显著的变化,因而带来文学是否终结的疑问。

    Literature environment , communication and acceptance have taken place in the way a significant change , which brought about the end of the doubt whether literature .

  26. 而信息技术的发展带来了新的信息环境与传播渠道,改变了企业传统营销传播企划的格局。

    The development of information technology brings about new environment of information and channels of communication . It changes the patterns of traditional marketing communication planning in enterprises .

  27. 此外,藉著找寻电波传播路径的方式,我们可以找出反射为无线电波在楼梯环境间传播的主要机制。

    In order to find out best coverage performance of the base-station location in the building , all the received power and RMS delay spread are also regressed .

  28. 所以它们不能在没有密实物理介质的真空环境中传播,这也就是为什么它们无法穿过行星间的太空了。

    So they can 't travel through a vacuum , where there is no dense physical medium , which is why they can 't travel through interplanetary space .

  29. 减少弯曲杆菌在家禽中流行的措施包括强化生物安全,以避免弯曲杆菌从环境中传播到农场的鸟类之中。

    Measures to reduce the prevalence of Campylobacter in poultry include enhanced biosecurity to avoid transmission of Campylobacter from the environment to the flock of birds on the farm .

  30. 当今时代,媒体格局正在发生深刻变化,媒体环境和传播格局的变化为广电媒体带来了空前的机遇。

    Today , the media landscape is undergoing profound changes , changes in the media environment and the pattern of communication has brought unprecedented opportunities for radio and television media .