
  • 网络Chilling Effect;chillingeffects.org
  1. 这对于市场有着寒蝉效应(Chillingeffect)。

    This could have a chilling effect on the market .

  2. 不过,由美国亚洲协会(AsiaSociety)发表的这份主要关注中国对美投资的报告表示,政治对抗心态、尤其是美国国会的对抗心态,可能对流向美国的投资产生一种寒蝉效应。

    However , the report , published by the Asia Society , which focuses on Chinese investment into the US , says that political antagonism , especially from Congress , could have a chilling effect on flows into America .

  3. 首先,自2005年中海油(Cnooc)迫于巨大政治压力而撤出原定185亿美元收购优尼科(Unocal)的计划以来,政客和监管者对中国买家产生了寒蝉效应,尤其在美国。

    For one thing , especially in the US , politicians and regulators have had a chilling effect on Chinese buyers since Cnooc withdrew from a planned $ 18.5bn purchase of Unocal in 2005 in the face of huge political opposition .

  4. 网站堵塞。他说,要求软件销售的所有电脑有可能在年底寒蝉效应用户。

    He says requiring software be sold in all PCs could have a chilling effect on end users .

  5. 英国诽谤法被指责过于保护名誉权,对新闻工作施加了寒蝉效应。

    The English defamation law has been criticized for over-protecting the right to reputation and imposing a serious chilling effect on journalism .

  6. 直到最近,它的重要性才开始显露出来,相关案件和所造成的寒蝉效应均引人注目。

    Its significance started to show itself only lately , both in terms of cases brought and the chilling effect it has exercised .

  7. 起诉的可能性似乎不大,但这些举动对投机者揭穿政客谎言的能力产生的寒蝉效应可能是灾难性的。

    Prosecution appears unlikely , but the chilling effects of the moves on the ability of speculators to call politicians ' bluff could be disastrous .

  8. 威胁禁止某位公民前往中国也产生不了潜在的赴美禁令所带来的寒蝉效应。

    Nor does a threat to bar an individual from travelling to China have the chilling effect of a potential travel ban to the US .

  9. 法庭指出,刑事诽谤罪对新闻界具有“寒蝉效应”,有碍媒体发挥公共监督人的作用。

    The court noted that criminal libel convictions have " a chilling effect " on the press and discourage the media from practicing their role as public watchdog .

  10. 美联社董事长认为政府没收美联社记者电话记录的行为违背宪法。他说此行为对新闻的收集工作造成了寒蝉效应。

    The Associated Press 's chief executive is calling the government 's seizure of AP journalists ' phone records unconstitutional and says it 's already having a chilling effect on newsgathering .

  11. 或许寒蝉效应、也或许兔死狐悲,终归特侦组将难以自安,后面可能造成的效应难料。

    Perhaps the cicada effect , also perhaps the like grieves for like , after all especially will detect the group with difficulty from peacefully , behind will possibly create effect difficult material .

  12. 卡梅伦希望法国和德国搁置彼此间的分歧,在年底前采纳一项五点计划以结束不确定性,而目前这种不确定性正对全球经济产生一种寒蝉效应。

    The UK prime minister wants France and Germany to bury their differences and to adopt before the end of the year what he claims would be a decisive five-point plan to end the uncertainty , which was having a chilling effect on the world economy .

  13. 在共和党占多数的众议院,一位知名的共和党议员玛丽•波诺•马克对该提议不是很支持,表示她会与机构合作推进,但“任何急躁的判断都可能对经济造成‘寒蝉效应’,就算不会削弱,也会潜在地破坏网络创新。”

    A leading Republican on the issue in the GOP-controlled House , Representative Mary Bono Mack , gave tepid support , saying she would work with the administration but that " any rush-to-judgment could have a chilling effect on our economy and potentially damage , if not cripple , online innovation . "