
hán lěng
  • coldness;cold;chill;frigid;frigidity;bite;nip
寒冷 [hán lěng]
  • [cold] 发冷的感觉

  • 寒冷的气候

寒冷[hán lěng]
  1. 这种天气即使在一月份也算得上非常寒冷。

    The weather , even for January , was exceptionally cold .

  2. 因天气寒冷,农作物今年成熟得晚。

    Because of the cold weather the crops are later this year .

  3. 在寒冷或冰雪覆盖的天气尽量不要外出。

    Try to avoid going outdoors in very cold or icy weather .

  4. 那寒冷黑暗的大海,他想想都吓得发抖。

    He shivered at the thought of the cold , dark sea .

  5. 她习惯了寒冷以后身体立即就好了。

    She was fine once she had acclimatized herself to the cold .

  6. 空气非常寒冷,我们难以呼吸。

    The air was so cold we could hardly breathe .

  7. 我们不顾寒冷和下雨,在整个城市到处转。

    We explored the whole town , mindless of the cold and rain .

  8. 他从寒冷的户外进来,眼镜马上蒙上了一层雾气。

    As he came in from the cold , his glasses misted up .

  9. 那天晚上寒冷多霜。

    There was a hard frost that night .

  10. 寒冷的天气使地面都冻硬了。

    The cold weather had frozen the ground .

  11. 寒冷的春季会自然控制昆虫的数量。

    A cold spring will provide a natural check on the number of insects .

  12. 随着我们往上攀登,空气就寒冷起来。

    The air became colder as we ascended .

  13. 那是一个寒冷潮湿的冬天。

    It had been a wet raw winter .

  14. 日间天气寒冷,狂风呼啸。

    The day was cold and blustery .

  15. 外面非常寒冷。

    Outside it was bitterly cold .

  16. 外面极为寒冷。

    It 's freezing cold outside .

  17. 天气寒冷,皮肤变得粗糙。

    Cold weather roughens your skin .

  18. 天气寒冷彻骨。

    It 's freezing cold .

  19. 今天很寒冷。

    It 's chilly today .

  20. 天气寒冷又下着雨,最糟的是我们得走着回家。

    It was cold and raining , and , to crown it all , we had to walk home .

  21. 她害怕即将来临的寒冷冬季。

    She thought with dread of the cold winters to come .

  22. 寒冷使得已经较差的生活环境变得更糟糕。

    The cold has made already substandard living conditions even worse .

  23. 海洋储存热量,并在寒冷季节里慢慢地把它释放出来。

    The seas store heat and release it gradually during cold periods

  24. 现在是11月中旬,天气寒冷而且经常有雾。

    It was now the middle of November , cold and often foggy

  25. 数千人在寒冷的天气中冒雨赶来以示他们的支持。

    Thousands have braved icy rain to demonstrate their support .

  26. 雾蒙蒙的寒冷空气使他脸上感觉很舒爽。

    The cold , misty air felt wonderful on his face

  27. 这将会是一个极其寒冷的冬天。

    It 's shaping up to be a terrible winter .

  28. 该浴室设备陈旧,肯定非常寒冷。

    The bathroom , with its ancient facilities , is positively arctic .

  29. 天气变得恶劣、寒冷且变化莫测。

    The weather grew harsh , chilly and unpredictable .

  30. 9点15分时刮起了寒冷的东北风。

    By 9.15 a bitter north-east wind was blowing .