
  1. 利比亚国家过渡委员会一名官员说,赛义夫已经向国际刑事法庭投降,海牙方面曾指控他犯有战争罪。

    An NTC official said that Saif al-Islam had proposed surrendering to the International Criminal Court ( ICC ), which has indicted him for war crimes .

  2. 明显地,让平最近的评论,是针对非盟和平与安全高峰会拒绝国际呼吁,承认利比亚国家过渡委员会,引发的一阵批评声浪而作出的。

    Ping 's latest comments appeared to be in response to a storm of criticism after an AU Peace and Security summit rejected international calls to recognize the TNC .

  3. 非洲联盟拒绝要它们承认利比亚国家过渡委员会为合法政府之后三天,让平说,反卡扎菲的各派力量组成的包容性政府,将受到欢迎。

    Three days after the African Union resisted calls to recognize the TNC as Libya 's legitimate authority , Ping said the anti-Gadhafi forces would be welcomed once they form an inclusive government .

  4. 虽然的黎波里驻非盟大使阿里·阿布达拉·阿维丹已经在上星期转变了立场,如今投靠利比亚国家过渡委员会。但利比亚继续保留在非盟和平与安全理事会中的席位。

    Libya continues to hold a seat on the Peace and Security Council , although Tripoli 's ambassador , Ali Abdallah Awidan , last week switched sides , and now supports the TNC .