
  • 网络stakeholder;stake-holder
  1. 利益主体联动机制:西部新型农村合作医疗持续发展的关键

    Stakeholder Linkage Mechanism : The Key For the Sustainable Development of Western New Rural Cooperatives Medical Care System

  2. 论文的第二部分是理论研究,人文关怀、可持续发展理论和利益主体理论是命题研究的理论和思想指导。

    Second is a part of theoretical study , in which it is thought that humanism , sustainable development and stakeholder theories are the theory basis of the research .

  3. 随着社会主义市场经济体制的确立和加入WTO,我国的经济结构呈现出利益主体多元化。

    When China establishes socialist market economy and joins WTO , economic identity becomes more diversified .

  4. 参与者(及其利益主体)有理由取得SOA中可用资源的所有权;

    Participants ( and stakeholders in general ) have legitimate claims to ownership of resources that are made available via the SOA ;

  5. 面向多元利益主体的公共项目BOE模式研究

    Study on the Public Project BOE Mode with Multiple Stakeholders

  6. 首先,以苏南某市湖滨区w村两个农地征用批次为例,进行农地非农化收益分配机制实证分析,区分各利益主体的收益所得和对农地非农化的利益趋向。

    First of all , take Sunan City beach section W village two batches for example , it analyzes income distribution mechanism of farmland conversion , differentiates income of each benefit main body and tendency to farmland conversion benefit .

  7. 从人均GDP来看,目前我国已经进入中等发达国家之列,在这个特殊的历史时期里,各种利益主体的利益诉求都应当给予充分尊重并进行妥善处理,否则就会影响社会稳定和社会和谐。

    We have entered the range of moderately developed country according to GDP per capita in China . In this special historical period , benefit demand of various benefit body should be fully respected and appropriately handled . Otherwise , our society will be unstable .

  8. 争论的焦点主要在于现实中各种曲线MBO大行其道,存在着黑箱操作、掌勺者私吞大锅饭等等不公正行为,导致了国有资产流失,企业职工、中小股民等相关利益主体的利益受损问题。

    The main focus of the discussion is that MBO in reality has brought loss of state assets and that some relative sides , like employees and small stock holders , lose their due interest in the MBO process .

  9. 学术期刊评价中不同利益主体关系研究

    Study on Relationship among Different Benefit Mainstays in Academic Journal Evaluation

  10. 中国保险市场利益主体行为分析

    The Analysis on Behavior of Interests Main Body in China Insurance Market

  11. 利益主体选择与企业所有权安排

    The Selection of Assets Owner and the Ownership System of the Firm

  12. 我国职业足球俱乐部利益主体分析

    An analysis of profit beneficiary of the Chinese professional clubs

  13. 不同利益主体对乡镇企业用地的影响分析

    Economic Analysis of Different Stakeholders to Township Eenterprise Land Use

  14. 房地产经济中三类利益主体关系研究

    Research of the Relationship among the Three Interest Groups in Real Estate Economy

  15. 旅游地利益主体博弈关系变迁的演进论解释

    Evolutionary Perspective of Game Relationship for Tourism Destination Stakeholder

  16. 在其传播的每个阶段,以上六种利益主体都扮演着不同的角色。

    In each communication stage , the above six stakeholders play different roles .

  17. 运用博弈理论分析各利益主体的行为特征。

    Analyzed the behavioral characteristics of each stakeholder using game theory . 3 .

  18. 美国社会保障制度中各利益主体责任边界的变迁

    On Responsibility Boundary Changes of Different Interest Groups in Social Welfare System of America

  19. 土地集约利用中不同利益主体博弈行为分析

    Analysis on the Game Behavior of Different Interest Subjects Who Participate in Intensive Land Use

  20. 网络中利益主体互动影响宏观调控的结果。

    The interactions among the subjects in the network can influence the result of macro-control .

  21. 给出了农业产业化利益主体合作的一般原则。

    The thesis puts forward general principle of main bodies ' cooperation in agricultural industrialization .

  22. 有的利益主体会从中受益,有的利益主体会从中受损,并且各利益主体受益与受损的程度各不相同。

    Some interest groups will benefit from it , interest of some groups will be impaired .

  23. 利益主体不同,受平行进口的影响也不同。

    Parallel importers and local consumers , which is different to be influenced by parallel import .

  24. 玉狮场:一个被误解的普米族村庄&关于利益主体话语权的人类学研究

    Yu-Shi-Chang , A Misunderstood Pumi Village : An Anthropology Study about the Discourse Power of Stakeholder

  25. 城乡一体化拆迁中不同利益主体行为的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of Different Stakeholders Behavior to the Demolition in the Process of Urban-rural Integration

  26. 论文首先对旧城住区的更新目标从利益主体向度和时间向度上分别进行分析和论证;

    From the dimension of interests and process , the dissertation first analyses the goals of regeneration .

  27. 妥善处理不同利益主体的关系,切实维护并实现社会公平与正义;

    Handling well with the relations among different interest groups to uphold fairness and justice in society ;

  28. 其中,股份公司股东作为利益主体是公司治理结构的关键。

    Therein , it is key of company managing structure that stockholder of stock company is main body .

  29. 学校是教育政策的多元利益主体之一,拥有教育政策制定主体和客体的双重身份。

    Local educational policy making is the benefit transaction course , it is the equilibrium of multi benefits .

  30. 由于商业因素的广泛参与,媒介娱乐幻象中的商业利益主体变得更为复杂。

    Because of the great influence of commercial factors , commercial interests-based subjects are more and more complicated .