
  1. 这位学生名为AonghusO'Donovan,苦读四年后于爱尔兰利默里克大学毕业。

    Aonghus O'Donovan graduated from the University of Limerick after four years of hard work 。

  2. 要是他在利默里克水泥厂或者兰克面粉厂找到工作,不出三周就会丢掉它。

    If he gets a job at the Limerick Cement Company or Ranks Flour Mills , he loses it in the third week .

  3. 爱尔兰小红莓乐队主唱桃乐丝?欧莱登来自英国利默里克,在上世纪90年代以《逗留》和《僵尸》等成名单曲带领乐队走红国际歌坛。

    The Irish musician , originally from Limerick , led the band to international success in the 90s with singles including Linger and Zombie .

  4. 我妈妈婚前的名字叫安吉拉。什罕,她在利默里克一个贫民窟里长大,和她妈妈、两个兄弟托马斯和帕特里克以及一个妹妹艾格尼斯住在一起。

    My mother , the former Angela Sheehan , grew up in a Limerick slum with her mother , two brothers , Thomas and Patrick , and a sister , Agnes .