
  • 网络Marxist sociology
  1. 陈独秀与中国马克思主义社会学的开创

    Chen Du-xiu and the inaugurating of Chinese Marxist sociology

  2. 20世纪20年代是是孔德系社会学和马克思主义社会学两大学派在中国的逐步形成时期。

    Western Sociology School and Marxist Sociology School were formed gradually in China in the 1920s .

  3. 探析马克思主义社会学的研究方法&读政治经济学批判导言有感

    The analysis Of Marxist sociology research methods & by reading Critique of Political Economy 's introduction

  4. 他扎实的社会实践为中国社会学理论及其发展提供了可靠的现实基础,亦为马克思主义社会学的中国化作出了不可磨灭的贡献。

    His thorough social practice provide rich theories , thoughts and practical guidance for the development of Chinese sociology . It has also made indelible contribution to the sinicization of Marxist sociology .

  5. 中国古代有关和谐社会的思想是对和谐社会的朴素追求,社会主义和谐社会思想是对马克思主义社会学理论的丰富和发展,是对我国社会主义社会理论与实践的科学总结。

    There were some ideas about harmonious society in Chinese ancient societies . The view of socialist harmonious society develops the sociology theory in Marxism and concludes our sociological theory and practice .

  6. 他以自己独特的视角看待中国社会运行、社会结构和社会分层,并成功运用了马克思主义社会学分析和研究中国社会实际,解决了中国革命和建设中的一系列重大而复杂的问题。

    He viewed the Chinese society , social movement , social structure , and social stratification with his own unique perspective . Marxist sociology was successfully used in his understanding , analyzing and studying the real Chinese society .

  7. 自20世纪70年代以来,新马克思主义教育社会学流派从两个角度剖析了课程所内嵌的社会权力关系:再生产的角度和抵制的角度。

    Since the 1970s , the neo-Marxists in sociology of education have analyzed the social-power relationship in the curriculum field in two aspects , one of which is called the aspect of reproduction , the other of which is called the aspect of resistance .

  8. 心理学方法尚未得到总结,又为新的马克思主义哲学和社会学所摈弃了。

    It was replaced again by the methods of Marxist philosophy and sociology soon .

  9. 马克思主义的科学社会学确实需要修正和纯化吗?&评来自伯纳德·巴伯的责难

    Marxist Scientific Needs Amendment and Purification ? ── Refutation of Censure from Bernard Barber

  10. 交往作为实践的主要形式之一,建构了整体性的国际社会,塑造国际行为体的社会性,是马克思主义国际政治社会学的核心。

    Communication , as one of the fundamental forms of Praxis that constructs the whole international society and shapes the social nature of international actor , is the core of Marxism IPS .

  11. 以马克思主义观点指导的社会学研究.有一种马克思主义的简单指导。

    Sociological studies conducted within a Marxist frame of reference There was a crude Marxist guidance .

  12. 伯纳德·巴伯认为,马克思只承认“经济因素”对科学进步产生作用,因而提出对马克思主义的科学社会学要进行“修正和纯化”。

    Bernard Barber holds that Marxist scientific sociology needs amendment and purification because Marx only recognizes " economic factor " . As the one which has effect on scientific progress .