
  • 网络Managua;Mga
  1. 我们一直在与50多个国家的学生交谈,从特拉维夫到雅加达,从纽约到马那瓜。

    We 've been talking to students in over 50 countries from Tel Aviv through Jakarta , New York to Managua .

  2. 据美国地质调查局消息,此次地震是相对浅层的地震,震中距地面约6.2英里,位于马那瓜以北30英里的地方。

    According to US Geological Service , the quake is relatively shallow depth of 6.2 miles where center 's about 30 miles north of Managua .

  3. 据报道,尼加拉瓜首都马那瓜发生6.1级强地震,城市北部城镇有人员受伤;

    A strong magnitude 6.1 earthquake did hit the area in Nicaragua capital of Managua has been reportedly caused some injuries in a town north of the city ;

  4. 委内瑞拉能源和石油部长拉米雷斯在10月25号申明,在马那瓜,情况是视不断持续的“革命”&这一为桑地诺民族解放阵线成员明显亲睐的情况而定的。

    On October25th Rafael Ram í rez , Venezuela 's energy minister , said in Managua that the deal was contingent on continued " revolution " & a heavy hint in favour of the FSLN .