
  • 网络ROSEAU;Rosso
  1. 主要城市:罗索、约瑟夫、次茅斯。

    Major Cities : Roseau , Joseph , Portsmouth .

  2. 现代派雕塑家明大多·罗索的肖像艺术不肖之子败坏了这家的门风。

    The Portraits of Rosso , the Modernist Sculptor The unworthy son corrupted the ethics and moral standards of the family .

  3. 美国奥委会(USOC)发表声明,证实维罗索警长版本的事件真相,并表示,“这些运动员的行为不可接受,也不代表美国队的价值观念。”

    The US Olympic Committee ( USOC ) statement confirmed Mr Veloso 's version of events , and added that " the behaviour of these athletes is not acceptable , nor does it represent the values of Team USA. "

  4. 克罗索:这种力量不是凡人能达到的。克里费兰这人可很逗,罗达说。

    Clotho : This power was never meant for mortal hands .

  5. 四川罗索线虫生活史和生物学特性研究

    Investigations on life cycle and biological characteristics of ROMANOMERMIS sichuanensis

  6. 还是要这样反复罗索下去?

    Or are you just gonna keep repeating yourself ?

  7. 采用反相高效液相色谱法测定了枇杷叶中科罗索酸的含量。

    Determination of Ursolic Acid and Oleanolic Acid in Leaf of Eriobotrya japonica by RP-HPLC ;

  8. 正交试验法优选枇杷叶中科罗索酸提取工艺的研究

    Study on Optimum Process for Extracting Corosolic Acid from Eriobotrya japonica Leaves by Orthogonal Test

  9. 不过阿莫罗索和其他招聘者也表示,他们也在寻找拥有黑客心态的电脑科学家。

    But Amoroso and other recruiters say they also look for computer scientists with a hacker 's mentality .

  10. 它结出的果实被当地人称作“罗索夫卡”(Lozovka),不大不小,甜中带酸。

    Its apples - locally known as Lozovka - are medium-sized and sweet with a slightly tart taste .

  11. 没错,克罗索是撞倒了,但决不应会是尼尔,他既没碰到人也没挨着球。

    OK he was well beat but at no time did Neill'play the man and not the ball ' .

  12. 维罗索还说,一名保安正当拔枪,因为其中一名运动员开始表现怪异。

    One guard had justifiably drawn his gun after one of the swimmers began behaving erratically , Mr Veloso added .

  13. 无论我们对着电视镜头重看多少次最后那个犯规,没有一丝迹象显示尼尔有意阻挡克罗索进攻。

    No matter how many times you see the replay their is no intention on Neill 's part to intentionality stop Fabio Crosso .

  14. 麦卡伦以干爽芬芳的苏格兰威士忌闻名,此次提供一款特供美国的酒品,只在欧罗索雪利酒桶中陈化,巧妙地取名为珍品酒桶。

    Known for its dry and fragrant Scotch , the Macallan is now offering a special States-only release aged exclusively in oloroso sherry casks , aptly called Rare Cask .

  15. 现在已经成为小说家的罗索曾经在建筑工地工作,不是操作风钻的那个家伙,而是他的助手。

    Richard , who is now a novelist , worked on a construction crew , not as the guy who worked the jackhammer , but as that guy 's assistant .

  16. 扎实的学术背景也会增加你获得工作的机率:美国电话电报公司(AT&T)的安全总监爱德华•阿莫罗索表示,该公司最近招聘了10多名博士生,他们都是刚搞定毕业论文就被公司录取了。

    A strong academic background always helps : AT & T ( T ) has recently hired a dozen PhDs right out of their dissertations , according to chief of security Edward Amoroso .

  17. 沿着一个油浸蟹的吸水附近的油污靠近密西西比河南帕斯罗索甘蔗普拉克明帕里什,周日路易斯安那补丁浮动臂散步,2010年8月1日。

    An oiled crab walks along an absorbent boom floating near a patch of oiled roseau cane near the South Pass of the Mississippi River in Plaquemines Parish , Louisiana on Sunday , Aug.1,2010 .

  18. 但是,里斯本竞技队主教练保罗。本托强调他没有出售维罗索的打算,他透露说维罗索的转会条款明年一月以后才能生效。

    However , sporting boss Paulo Bento has forcefully underlined he has no intention of selling veloso , whilst revealing that the player 's release clause does not come into effect until after january .