
  • 网络NASSAU
  1. 去年9月,总部位于巴哈马首都拿骚的度假村运营商bahamar宣布,将在香港开设办事处,以增强与中国合作伙伴的关系。

    In September , BAHA Mar , a resort company with its headquarters in Nassau , announced that it was strengthening relations with its Chinese partners by opening an office in Hong Kong .

  2. 银行在拿骚和威士敦的拐角处。

    The bank is on the corner of Nassau and witherspoon .

  3. 你不开一枪就洗劫了拿骚港。

    You sacked Nassau port without even firing a shot .

  4. 拿骚,位于新普罗维登斯岛上,是首都和最大的城市。

    Nassau , on New Providence Island , is the capital and the largest city .

  5. 骑士足球俱乐部是一家巴哈马足球俱乐部,座落于首都拿骚,目前参加新上帝足球联赛。

    Cavalier FC is a Bahamian football club based in the capital Nassau , which currently plays New Providence Football League .

  6. 虽然身处“比基尼之都”巴哈马首都拿骚,但现年37岁的摄影师塞布丽娜•拉伊波恩从不担心自己是A罩杯。

    Sabrina Lightbourn , 37 , a photographer in Nassau , the Bahamas , never second-guessed her A-cups , even in a land of bikinis .

  7. 73岁的乔尔刘易斯是拿骚(巴哈马首都)的一名出租车司机,当警方用专机将哈里斯摩尔从伊柳塞拉岛押送到拿骚机场时,他恰好在现场。

    Joel Lewis , 73 , a cabdriver in Nassau , was at the airport when Mr. Harris-Moore was brought in by police airplane from Eleuthera .

  8. 在百老汇45号工作、不愿透露自己姓氏的保罗称,上午9时30分左右,当他试图穿过拿骚街,警方把他拦下。

    Paul , who works at 45 Broadway and did not want to give his last name , was turned away by police as he tried to cross Nassau street around 9:30 am .

  9. 要是你没有拿着自己的鼓槌坐好或者出了一处错误一处我就把你赶回拿骚你可以一直翻谱子到毕业或者辍学

    If your ass is not on that stool with your own sticks in hand , or if you make one fucking mistake , one , I will drum your ass back to Nassau where you can turn pages until you graduate or fucking drop out .

  10. 第二部分着重介绍拿骚会议召开的导火索&1962年英美闪电危机。美国艾森豪威尔政府的闪电导弹研制计划无法满足灵活反应战略对核武器生存能力的要求,被肯尼迪政府终止。

    Part two expounds upon the " Skybolt Crisis " that erupted between Great Britain and America during the Nassau Conference in 1962 . The Skybolt missile designed by the Eisenhower government could not meet the survival capabilities of nuclear weapons stipulated by the " Flexible Response " strategy .