
  1. Alphonso过会儿会来拿货的

    AIphonso 's gonna pick everything up later .

  2. 你能帮忙到码头去拿货吗?

    Could you help me to pick up the delivery at the port ?

  3. 这是你的第一次“拿货”。所以你可以第一个挑。

    It 's your first swag , so you get the first pick .

  4. 成为本公司代理后,您可选择直接向总公司拿货。

    You are able to purchase goods directly from company once you become our business associate 's agent .

  5. 今年我国工程机械企业中,有向国外配套件企业交完钱长达一年半,仍无法拿货的,如合肥振宇;

    This year China 's construction machinery enterprises , spare parts to foreign companies paid the money up to a year and a half , still not getting goods , such as Hefei Zhenyu ;

  6. TT们担心拿了货没有想象的那么好,怎么办?

    TT fear took a cargo do not imagine so good , how should I do ?

  7. 不能拿次货顶好货卖。

    Inferior goods should not be sold as high-quality ones .

  8. 拿着好货当次货,你可看走了眼了。

    You 've seen wrong . You took superior goods for inferior goods .

  9. 首先要在拿定主意之前货比三家,从而保证你买得巧。

    First , make sure you are getting a good buy by shopping around before you make a decision .