
  • 网络general- manager responsibility system;general manager responsibility system
  1. 公司实行董事会领导下的总经理负责制。

    The general manager takes responsibility under the leadership of the board of directors .

  2. 在组织结构方面,美国企业加速器普遍采用理事会领导下的总经理负责制。

    On the organizational structure , American business accelerator use a widespread mechanism of the council should assume overall responsibility under the leadership of the managing director .

  3. 阐述了在工程承包中,实行工程总承包和项目经理负责制,可以使承包方更有效地协调承包过程中的各个环节,及时解决其间的问题,从而加快工程进度。

    It indicates that for whatever project , the implementation of overall project contract and responsibility system by project manager can make the contractor effectively coordinate various links and timely solve the problems occurred in the period of contracting , thus speeding up the schedule of the project .