
  1. 论文对信息副总裁的职责以及信息中心的机构设置和职能进行了重点论述。

    The responsibility of CIO and information center is also discussed .

  2. 石油公司总裁公开职责众议院的这次投票,尽管他们对如此大比例通过并不感到吃惊。

    Oil executives denounced the House vote , though none were surprised that it passed by a wide margin .

  3. 无论大家有甚么反应,我想指出的是,身为金管局总裁,我的职责之一是要辨识以及尽力管理好危害货币稳定的风险。

    Whatever the reaction , I wish just to add here that , as monetary authority , I have a duty to identify and , to the extent possible , manage any risks to monetary stability .

  4. 总裁病了,所以由副总裁代替他履行职责。

    The president is ill , so the vice-president is acting on his behalf .