
zǒnɡ tǒnɡ xuǎn jǔ
  • presidential election
  1. 这项法律是2000年总统选举的必然结果。

    The law was an outgrowth of the 2000 presidential election .

  2. 他拒绝透露任何有关总统选举的消息。

    He declined to give any information on the Presidential election

  3. 美国每四年举行一次总统选举。

    In America , presidential elections are held every four years .

  4. 杰克逊是1988年总统选举中举足轻重的权力经纪人。

    Jackson had been a major power-broker in the 1988 Presidential elections .

  5. 他以压倒性多数赢得上月的总统选举。

    He won last month 's presidential election by a landslide

  6. 总统选举中的两位领先者都不是主流政治家。

    Neither of the front-runners in the presidential election is a mainstream politician .

  7. 新罕布什尔州党派激进分子对于总统选举终于启动感到欣喜若狂。

    Party activists in New Hampshire rejoiced that the presidential campaign had finally started .

  8. 总统选举原计划在去年12月举行。

    A presidential election was scheduled for last December

  9. 有人担心他脸皮太薄,经受不住总统选举的激烈竞争。

    Some fear he is too thin-skinned to survive the rough-and-tumble of a presidential campaign .

  10. 他告诉支持者们即使眼下他在总统选举中领先也不要松懈。

    He told supporters not to ease up even though he 's leading in the presidential race

  11. 在过去的总统选举中,密苏里州一直是国内其他州的晴雨表。

    In past presidential elections , Missouri has been a barometer of the rest of the country

  12. 总统选举在两年后举行,届时选民们可能会再次倒向另一方。

    In two years ' time there is a presidential election , and the voters could swing again

  13. 总统选举是明年政治日程表上的大事。

    The presidential election is the highlight of next year 's political calendar .

  14. 总统选举即将开始,有多少人宣布要参加竞选?

    Now that the election of the president is about to take place , how many people have flung their hats into the ring ?

  15. 那是蒂姆·罗宾斯关于总统选举的讽刺纪录片。

    That is Tim Robbins 's spoof documentary about a presidential campaign .

  16. 马林斯派克说,总统选举激发了很多人对Signal的兴趣,导致“用户数量大幅增加”。

    Mr. Marlinspike said that the presidential election had sparked a lot of interested in Signal , leading to a " substantial increase in users . "

  17. 在总统选举中,共和党候选人约翰·麦凯恩和乔治·W·布什都积极支持教育券计划。

    In the presidential campaign , G.O.P.candidates John McCain and George W.Bush are trumpeting voucher proposals .

  18. 1868年11月3日,共和党尤利西斯S.格兰特击败霍雷肖西摩赢得总统选举。

    On Nov. 3 , 1868 , Republican Ulysses S. Grant won the presidential election over Democrat Horatio Seymour .

  19. 上周美国总统选举之后,谷歌(Google)因虚假的网上新闻而被拖入一场争议。

    Google has been dragged into the controversy over fake online news in the wake of last week 's US presidential election .

  20. 再过两周,美国总统选举将迎来最后时刻。民调显示,罗姆尼(MITTROMNEY)和奥巴马(BarackObama)目前的差距仅有数个百分点。

    With three weeks to go , the polls show Mitt Romney and Barack Obama within a few points .

  21. 但在2008年,身为总统选举候选人的巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)表示,他的目标也是将税收与GDP的比率稳定在里根时代的水平上!

    Yet in 2008 , as a candidate , Barack Obama said he too would aim for the same tax-GDP ratio as during the Reagan years !

  22. 今年六月,随着伊朗人通过Twitter抗议争议颇多的总统选举,Twitter上的政治分歧现象愈加明朗。

    The political ramifications of the micro-blogging trend became evident in June when Iranians used Twitter to organize and publicize protests of a disputed presidential election .

  23. 总统选举也已经离开我们的视野两个星期,欢迎来到新的一周的CNN学生新闻。。

    the presidential election is two weeks off and you are right on time for a new week of CNN Student News .

  24. 2012年7月份,美国总统选举步入高潮,伦敦奥运会即将开幕,而大多数人都认为苹果(Apple)股价涨到1000美元只是一个时间问题。

    In July 2012 , the presidential election was kicking into high gear , the Olympics were about to begin , and most people thought it was a matter of time before shares of apple hit $ 1,000 .

  25. 投票站出口民调显示,极右翼国民阵线(nationalfront)得票率约为14%,低于该党党魁马琳勒庞(marinelepen)在总统选举中18%的得票率。

    The exit polls showed the far-right National Front winning about 14 per cent of the vote , less than the 18 per cent achieved by marine Le Pen , the party leader , in the presidential election .

  26. 韦氏公司总部位于马萨诸塞州。总裁约翰•莫斯称,今年“bailout”一词在与总统选举和财政政策有关的讨论中“频频出现,所以当选年度词汇并不意外。

    John Morse , publisher of Merriam-Webster Inc. , said this was not surprising given that the word ubiquitously featured in discussions of the presidency and fiscal policy .

  27. 瓦塔拉希望,暂停出口将打破去年11月总统选举中他的竞争对手洛朗巴博(laurentgbagbo)对权力的掌控。

    Mr Ouattara hopes that stopping exports will loosen the grip on power of Laurent Gbagbo , his rival in the November poll .

  28. 北约驻阿富汗部队新闻发言人ERICTREMBLAY谈及塔利班试图扰乱上周总统选举后的计票工作。

    ERIC TREMBLAY , spokesman for NATOs Afghanistan task force , onthe Talibans attempts to disrupt the ballot count afterlastweeks presidential election .

  29. 2008年的总统选举期间,候选人巴拉克。奥巴马承诺将停止DADT政策。

    During the2008 presidential election , then-candidate Barack Obama promised to end the DADT policy .

  30. 苏丹人民解放运动从总统选举中撤出其候选人YassirArman,称选举不会做到自由平等。

    The Sudan People 's Liberation Movement has withdrawn its candidate Yassir Arman from the presidential election , saying it would not be free and fair .