
  • 网络Amendment;amendments to the United States Constitution;Bill of Rights;Amendments to the Constitution
  1. 法院以《美国宪法第一修正案》为由驳回了所有的指控。

    The courts have dismissed every charge on First Amendment grounds .

  2. 法官威廉·波利表示,电话追踪程序符合《爱国者法》和美国宪法第四修正案。

    Judge William Pauley said the phone-tracking program was legal under the Patriotic Art and Fourth Amendment .

  3. 裴礼以《美国宪法第10修正案》(第10修正案保护各州的权利依据认为纽约州对于同性婚姻态度如何是他们自己的事。

    Pleading the tenth ( states " rights ) amendment , he argues that New York 's stand on gay marriage is its own business .

  4. 美国宪法第四修正案禁止“无理搜查和扣押”,不过通常美国警方搜查嫌犯携带的个人物品是允许的。

    The fourth amendment bans " unreasonable searches and seizures " but police are usually allowed to search the personal belongings a suspect is carrying .

  5. 他的理由大体上是,根据美国宪法第四修正案规定,政府不得从事不合理的搜查和扣押,所以使用跟踪设备是违法宪法的搜查行为。

    And his argument was in essence that use of the tracking device was an unconstitutional search under the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution , which provides that the government may not engage in unreasonable searches and seizures .

  6. 1865年12月18号,美国宪法第十三条修正案生效,标志着奴隶制度宣布结束。

    On Dec. 18 , 1865 , slavery ended in the United States as the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was declared in effect .

  7. 1791年12月15日,美国宪法第十项修正案《权利法案》由维吉尼亚州的批准生效。

    On Dec. 15 , 1791 , the Bill of Rights , the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution , took effect following ratification by Virginia .

  8. 美国最高法院更改了此前对美国宪法第一修正案是否允许政治人物和政治组织在选举运动中说谎的裁决。

    US supreme court has doctored a direct ruling on the question of whether the first amendment of right of free speech gives politicians and political groups right to lie in election campaigns .

  9. 在美国的禁酒令时期,自1920年一月美国宪法第十八修正案签署到1933年禁酒令废止,制造、运输或者销售酒都是违法行为(但实际上饮酒却不违法)。

    During Prohibition in America , between January1920 when the 18th Amendment was signed until its repeal in 1933 , it was illegal to manufacture , transport or sell alcohol ( but it wasn 't actually illegal to drink it ) .