
fèi piào
  • invalidated ticket
废票[fèi piào]
  1. 如果法院有任何理由相信其中一方感到被迫签订了协议,因此成为废票。

    If the court has any reason to believe one of the parties felt forced to sign the agreement , it becomes invalidated .

  2. 较可能的解释是,一群对台湾政治现实与形式不满的公民团体,劝说人民投废票作为抗议。

    A more likely explanation is that civic groups disillusioned with the nature and style of Taiwan politics persuaded people to spoil ballots as a protest vote .

  3. 而且,我们也看到有异常高的废票比率,我们也开始样这些支持者收集这些证据、确实的证据。

    So , on the other hand , we have seen unusually high proportion of invalid ballots and also we have sought to compile all those information and solid information from these supporters .