
  • 网络Waste Disposal;Solid Waste Disposal;Refuse disposal
  1. 近日,国家卫健委和生态环境部等部委联合印发的医疗机构废弃物综合治理工作方案提出,到2020年底,全国每个地级市都要至少建一个规范的医疗废物处置设施。

    A recent official plan requires each prefecture-level city to build at least one standardized medical waste disposal facility by the end of this year . The work plan about comprehensive treatment of waste from medical institutions was released by authorities including the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment .

  2. CFC在中国高放废物处置库预选区地下水研究中的应用

    The Application of CFC to the Groundwater Study in the Potential Repository Site for China 's High Level Radioactive Waste Disposal

  3. 高放废物处置库中COx黏土岩回填材料压缩特性研究

    Compression behaviors of crushed Cox argillite used as backfilling material in HLW repository

  4. 本文采用静态和碎岩柱实验技术研究了放射性Sr和Cs在核废物处置库待选点花岗岩上的吸附与阻滞。

    The sorption and retardation of radioactive strontium and cesium on the granite from the candidate site for nuclear waste repository have been studied in this paper by means of batch and crushed rock column techniques .

  5. 首次获得的我国高放废物处置库预选区花岗岩体深部地下水属偏碱性、高矿化、Cl·SO4Na型咸水。

    The deep groundwater collected for the first time in the preselected area for China 's high-level radioactive waste repository is the Cl · SO_ ( 4 ) - Na type saline water with alkalinity and high total dissolved solids .

  6. 研究了改性凹凸棒石(CA)在不同环境条件下(浓度、温度、pH、介质)对模拟核素Cs+的吸附性能及其平衡吸附时间,为评价中低放核废物处置效果提供一些参考依据。

    Thesis studied adsorptive equilibrium time and adsorption capacity of modified attupulgite ( CA ) on simulated nuclide Cs + under a few conditions including temperature , pH value , concentration and medium with the intermittence method and offered some references for valuation of mid-lower radiative waste disposition .

  7. 主要从事太阳能生物制氢、物质发酵制氢、机废物处置与资源化利用、源微生物应用等研究。ABR发酵产氢系统的运行控制及产氢效能研究

    Our work focus on the research field of Photobiological hydrogen production , fermentative hydrogen production , dispose and resource utilization of organic waste , application of microorganism resource . Performing Characteristics and Hydrogen Production Efficiency of an Anaerobic Baffled Reactor Used as a Fermentation System

  8. 危险废物处置中心厂址选择的环境可行性

    Environmental Feasibility of the Site Selection for Hazardous Waste Disposal Center

  9. 危险废物处置场废水处理的方案设计

    The Design of Waste Water Disposal in Hazardous Waste Disposal Site

  10. 利用瑞士政府贷款建设医疗废物处置中心

    Use Swiss Government Loan to Establish Disposal Center for Medical Wastes

  11. 核废物处置地球化学工程屏障研究

    Experimental research on geochemical engineering barrier used in radioactive waste disposal

  12. 沈阳工业危险废物处置工程运行管理

    Operation and Management on Shenyang Industrial Hazardous Waste Disposal Project

  13. 化工区固体废物处置初探

    A Primary Probe on Solid - Wastes Treatment for Chemical Industry Zone

  14. 全国危险废物处置设施普查的分析和思考

    Analysis and Thought about Nationwide General Investigation on Hazardous Waste Disposal Facilities

  15. 城市医疗废物处置设施空间选址评价

    Study on Spatial Site Selection Assessment of Urban Medical Waste Treatment Facility

  16. 中低放废物处置回填材料的膨胀特性研究

    Dilatability of the earth fill in the middle lower nuclear waste disposal

  17. 医院废水消毒处理与废物处置研究

    Research on Disinfection Handling of Wastewater and Treatment of Discards in Hospital

  18. 废料再循环正用于废物处置成为一种越来越可行的选择。

    Trash recycling is becoming an increasingly viable option for waste disposal .

  19. 兼氧-生物接触氧化法处理医疗废物处置废水变成废物,变成废弃不用

    Facultative OXYGEN-CONTACT oxidizing process to the wastewater treatment of medical waste disposal

  20. 核废物处置场环境影响评价中存在的若干问题

    Some Problems in Nuclear Environmental Assessment Associated with Radioactive Waste Disposal Site

  21. 西北处置场废物处置的辐射剂量分析放射性排出物检查处置

    Radiation Dose Analysis for Radioactive Waste Disposal at Northwest Repository

  22. 高放废物处置库花岗岩热-力耦合模拟研究

    Coupled thermo-mechanical analysis of granite for high-level radioactive waste repository

  23. 国内医疗废物处置与管理探讨

    Approach on Medical Waste Treatment and Management in China

  24. 核废物处置场岩体断裂的遥感分析

    Remote sensing analysing of rock body fracture in high radioactive waste disposal site

  25. 我国危险废物处置现状及运营模式探讨

    Probe into the Present Situation of Chinese Hazardous Waste Disposal and Operation Mode

  26. 放射性废物处置某场址地球化学工程屏障研究

    Study on the geochemical engineering barrier at a disposal site for radioactive wastes

  27. 它的主要目的是清理危险性废物处置场地的渗漏。

    Its principal purpose is the cleanup of leaking hazardous waste disposal sites .

  28. 我国放射性废物处置库场址预选的远景评价

    Prospective assessment of pre-selecting site of the disposal repositories of China for nuclear waste

  29. 煤矿废弃井巷可作为废物处置的安全场地

    Mine abandoned workings for safety disposal of wastes

  30. 核燃料废物处置化学

    The Chemistry of Nuclear Fuel Waste Disposal