
nèi cún bù zú
  • out of memory;not enough memory;insufficient memory;there is not enough available memory
  1. 内存不足,无法保存web页。

    There is insufficient memory to save this web page .

  2. 报告类别cbug的内存不足。

    Insufficient memory for report class cbug .

  3. “电脑狂暴症”的产生有多种原因。2013年针对美国成年人的一项调查显示,近半数(46%)的电脑问题是恶意软件或电脑病毒导致的,其次是软件问题(10%)以及内存不足(8%)。

    Users can experience computer anger and frustration for a number of reasons . American adults surveyed in 2013 reported that almost half ( 46 % ) of their computer problems were due to malware or computer viruses , followed by software issues ( 10 % ) and not enough memory ( 8 % ) .

  4. 在运行“HTTP装入”例行程序时发生内存不足错误!

    Out of memory error in HTTP Load routine !

  5. 当JVM内存不足时,日志结束。

    The log ends when the JVM runs out of memory .

  6. 实际工程应用表明,GIS运行速度显著提高,解决了嵌入式系统内存不足的问题。

    Application results show that the GIS runs at higher speed and the problem of memory shortage in embedded system is solved .

  7. 如果希望避免因为内存不足而造成Domino服务器崩溃,则必须使用Java回收对象。

    Java must recycle objects if you want to avoid Domino server crashes caused by running out of memory .

  8. 这是发现Java进程内存不足的常用方法,因为许多应用程序都会在它们的生命周期过程中启动线程。

    This is a common way to discover that your Java process is out of memory because many applications start threads throughout their lifetime .

  9. 本机内存不足行为的一致性也比Java堆内存不足行为差,因为没有针对本机堆分配的单点控制。

    Native out-of-memory behaviour is also less consistent than Java heap out-of-memory behaviour , because there 's no single point of control for native heap allocations .

  10. 如果LPAR的内存不足,则提供相对于目标扩展内存大小的百分比。

    The percentage against the target expanded memory size , if the LPAR has a memory deficit .

  11. 它的主要目标是在物理内存不足的情况下,提高内存密集型应用或IO密集型应用的系统性能。

    It can improve the performance of memory intensive or IO intensive applications when lack of physical memory .

  12. 可能是Netscape内存不足或正忙。

    Netscape may be out of memory or busy .

  13. 例如,在本文编写之际,WebSphereApplicationServer有47个不同的组件领域,例如管理控制台、崩溃、EJB容器、内存不足问题等等。

    For example , as of this writing there are47 different component areas for WebSphere Application Server , such as administrative console , crash , EJB container , out-of-memory issues , and so on .

  14. 这将表现为时间上突然跳跃到GC并可能导致维持利用率目标的失败或者可能导致内存不足的错误。

    This would appear as a sudden jump in time to the GC and could cause a failure in maintaining the utilization target or possibly cause out-of-memory errors .

  15. 但是如果因为第二种情况发生同步GC内存不足错误则意味着GC不能跟上应用程序分配。

    But if a synchronous GC occurs because of the second case an out-of-memory error this means the GC was unable to keep up with the application allocation .

  16. 该方法有效地解决了利用FDTD方法对钢筋混凝土结构进行数值模拟过程中单台计算机内存不足及CPU受限的问题。

    This algorithm resolved the problems of memory insufficient and CPU-limiting of a single computer when applying the FDTD method to simulate a large-scale reinforced concrete structures .

  17. 没有很好的内存不足处理方案(malloc只假定内存分配是成功的)。

    There is no graceful handling for out-of-memory errors ( malloc simply assumes success ) .

  18. Netscape内存不足。请退出一些其它应用程序,或关闭一些窗口。

    Netscape is out of memory . Try quitting some other applications or closing some windows .

  19. 如果内存不足,可又有其它为用户提供更紧急服务的进程需要更多内存,Android可能会决定关闭一个进程。

    Android might decide to shut down a process at some point , when memory is low and required by other processes that are more immediately serving the user .

  20. 分析了嵌入式系统特点,设计了2级16格的嵌入式GIS网格数据结构,测试结果表明,该数据结构提高了GIS运行速度,解决了嵌入式系统内存不足的问题。

    A two-level and sixteen-grid data structure of embedded GIS is designed . Test results show that the GIS runs at higher speed and the problem of memory shortage in embedded system is solved by the data structure .

  21. 今年晚些时候,苹果公司将发布iPhone7。据报道,苹果公司会解决标志性智能手机最普遍且长期存在的一个缺陷:内存不足。

    When Apple releases the iPhone 7 later this year , the company will reportedly address one of the most common and longstanding complaints about its iconic smartphone : a lack of sufficient storage .

  22. 这听起来没有什么作用,但Java应用程序抛出的大多数OutOfMemoryError都是由Java堆内存不足造成的,这不会阻止运行时分配本机存储。

    This may sound unhelpful , but most OutOfMemoryErrors thrown by Java applications are caused by a lack of Java heap memory , which wouldn 't prevent the runtime from allocating native storage .

  23. 这些UTE错误消息是本机内存不足的一般症状,因为跟踪引擎在默认情况是启动且活动的。

    These UTE error messages are common symptoms of a native out-of-memory condition because the trace engine is enabled and active by default .

  24. 另一方面,配置较高的线程数可能导致内存不足异常。生成过多的线程会消耗JVM的所有堆内存,并导致服务器崩溃。

    On the other hand , configuring a high value may lead to an out of memory exception . The spawning of too many threads would consume all the heap size of the JVM and lead to a server crash .

  25. 大多数时候,这是由于内存不足。

    Most of the time this is due to insufficient memory .

  26. 由于内存不足,不能完成该操作。

    The operation can 't be completed because of insufficient memory .

  27. 无法完成请求的操作。存储内存不足。

    Unable to complete requested action . Out of storage memory .

  28. 可用的内存不足,无法完成这项工作。

    There was not enough available memory to complete this task .

  29. 处理大型数据时内存不足的解决办法

    Solutions of insufficient memory in processing a large quantity of data

  30. 由于内存不足,不能显示所有单元格。

    Unable to display all the cells due to low memory .