
nèi gǎng
  • inner harbour;inner harbor
内港 [nèi gǎng]
  • [inner harbor] 与外港相对而言,港口距海较远之部分。内港一般具有附加的防护体,常为主要停泊处

内港[nèi gǎng]
  1. 位于澳门半岛南湾和内港之间的这一带(西望洋山),有很多景点值得一看,所以建议在游览过程中要安排进餐的时间。

    There is a lot to see on the peninsula that lies between the Praia Grande and the Inner Harbour , so we suggest you break your itinerary for a meal along the way .

  2. 喧嚣中,泊于内港的一艘船上的乐声听起来有些离奇。

    Amid all the buzz , the music from a boat docked at the inner harbour sounds a strange note .

  3. 杜伊斯堡内港&一座在历史工业区上建起的新城区

    Inner Port of Duisburg & New District Built on the Historical Industry Area

  4. 港湾的一部分是个停泊游艇的内港。

    Part of the harbour is a yacht basin .

  5. 用生态方式与技术对内港的城市更新设计与环境整治加以整合;

    The ecological framework for the planning , design and management of the Inner Harbor ;

  6. 杜伊斯堡内港因港口企业的搬迁和关闭,变成了工业废弃地。

    With the moving and closure of enterprises the inner port of Duisburg came into industry wastelands .

  7. 戴佛斯寻思是否真有这么一个舰队躲在海防墙后面的内港里。

    Davos wonders if there is such a fleet hidden behind the wall dividing the inner and outer harbor .

  8. 城市中许多最著名的地区和建筑物,可以围绕维多利亚的焦点找到,内港。

    Many of the city most notable areas and buildings can be found around Victoria 's focal point , the Inner Harbor .

  9. 国际航运中心与内陆港互动发展研究

    Research on Interactive Development between International Shipping Center and Inland Port

  10. 铁路集装箱内陆港综合物流化运营的合作竞争战略研究

    On Cooperative and Competitive Strategy of Comprehensive Logistics Operation in Inland Railway Container Station

  11. 内陆港、海湾、小水湾等国际航运中心与内陆港互动发展研究

    A land-locked harbour , bay , inlet , etc Research on Interactive Development between International Shipping Center and Inland Port

  12. 希望此评价过程和结果对以后更好的运营该内陆港提供一定的参考价值。

    Hope that this evaluation process and the results will provide a reference value for better operating the inland port .

  13. 在此期间保护区内大丰港、射阳港以及风力发电厂等建设设施的完工及开放,对保护区影响很大。

    During this period , Dafeng Port , the Sheyang port and the Wind power plant seriously affect the reserve . 3 .

  14. 为满足二十一世纪经济发展的需要,迎接跨世纪的挑战,哈尔滨内陆港新场区正在加紧兴建。

    To meet the economic demand of the21th century and challenge of the cross-century a new container yard is just under construction with high speed .

  15. 保税港区在发展过程中,为拓展其业务,需要占领更多的内陆市场,因而保税港区尝试与内陆港建立合作伙伴关系。

    In the development process , bonded port needs to occupy more inland market in order to expand their business , thus it attempts to make partnership with inland port .

  16. 所以为了避免此种现象继续蔓延,在建设内陆港之前一定要进行科学规划,其中选址规划应作为重中之重。

    Therefore , in order to avoid further spread of this phenomenon , it must make scientific planning before construction of inland port and the most important is the planning of location .

  17. 内陆无水港又称集装箱内陆港,是指沿海港口在内陆地区辟建的拥有海关和检验检疫等口岸功能的集装箱场站。

    Another name of inland dry port is container inland port , means the container depot set up by the coastal port in inland area which has the port function of customs and inspection and quarantine .

  18. 从铁路集装箱内陆港的市场竞争力内涵入手,剖析了现代市场条件下,铁路集装箱内陆港综合物流化运营的合作竞争战略的核心及其发展。

    Starting from the market competency of inland railway container station , the paper analyzes the core and development of cooperation and competitive strategy of comprehensive logistics operation in inland railway container station under the condition of modern market .

  19. 第三部分,采用指数平滑法预测模型和腹地集装箱生产量预测法对广州港的集装箱吞吐量进行预测,预测的结果:在规划年度内南沙港的集装箱运输量是有保证的;

    According to the characters of the generation of the port container throughput , this paper is to give the prediction of the container throughput of Guangzhou port via index smooth prediction solution and the prediction technique of hinterland generation .

  20. 在这种形势下,内陆经济也必须更大程度的参与到国际经济中去,而内陆港是内陆经济同外界联系的桥梁,所以大力发展内陆港迫在眉睫。

    In this situation , the inland economy must also be more involved in the international economy , and the inland port inland economy is the bridge of contact with the outside world , so the development of inland port imminent .

  21. 港址选择所涉及的内容很多,除考虑港址自身的自然、技术、经济条件外,更需要对其进行区域经济地理比较,进行区域乃至城市范围内的港址选择。

    What involves in the site selection of a port is not only to consider the natural , technological and economic conditions of the port site , but also to compare with regional economic geography methods , make selection considering regional and even urban effects .

  22. 一九九八年内,本港一直维持全日供水。

    Full supply was maintained throughout the year .

  23. 处在四周由中低山环抱的福州盆地内的马尾港。

    The port of Mawei , the main port of Fuzhou , is located in the alluvial delta of the Fuzhou Basin .

  24. 年内,本港贸易逆差为872亿元,较二零零零年的853亿元为高。

    The year recorded a trade deficit of $ 87.2 billion , larger than the corresponding deficit of $ 85.3 billion in 2000 .

  25. 年内,本港各大银行曾多次调低最优惠贷款利率,合共调低438基点。

    The best lending rate quoted by major banks in Hong Kong was lowered by a total of 438 basis points during the year .

  26. 如果船只不能在买方通知的船期后日内到达装运港,买方应承担从第日起发生的货物仓储保管费用。

    In case the carrying vessel of the date of arrival has to be changed , the Buyer or its shipping agent shall advise the Seller in time .

  27. 特别是在过去两年内,维港投资取得了一系列令人瞩目的成功,这让该公司的名字几乎和它投资的那些突破性的高科技初创公司一样出名。

    It has had a string of big name successes , particularly over the past two years , which have made the name of Horizons Ventures almost as familiar as those of its ground-breaking tech start-ups .

  28. 近几十年来,在世界范围内形成了老港地区城市化改造的新潮流。

    Since near decades , the new trend of urbanization transformation of the old port area has already taken shape worldwide .

  29. 工业署的职责是在自由市场体制内,协助本港制造业及服务业发展。

    The Industry Department 's mission is to facilitate the development of manufacturing and service industries within the framework of a free market .

  30. 研究认为,在区域内具有基本枢纽港条件集装箱港口间的竞争中,影响航运企业对挂靠港选择行为的最重要因素是港口的通达性与临港服务业水平。

    It was found that level of connectivity and waterfront services of ports are most important factors affecting shipping lines ' choice for the call .