- 名operation on interior lines;carry out interior-line operations

On the other hand , we are in the position of operating on interior lines .
If we were bent on fighting on interior lines for the sake of convenience , we would fall into the enemy 's deadly trap .
As far as the operational lines are concerned , the Japanese are operating on exterior and we on interior lines . unattended wayside radio station
Chapter IV initiative , flexibility and planning in conducting offensives within the defensive , battles of quick decision within protracted war , and exterior-line operations within interior-line operations
One advantage of operating on interior lines is that it makes it possible for the retreating army to choose terrain favourable to itself and force the attacking army to fight on its terms .
An army operating on strategically interior lines suffers from many disadvantages , and this is especially so in the case of the Red Army , confronted as it is with " encirclement and suppression " .
Our forces are growing and we have more than a few victories to our credit . However , we must admit that fighting on exterior lines is not so easy and convenient as on interior lines .
When the enemy launches a converging attack , he is on the offensive and operating on exterior lines , while we are on the defensive and operating on interior lines . OFFENCE WITHIN DEFENCE , QUICK DECISIONS WITHIN A PROTRACTED WAR , EXTERIOR LINES WITHIN INTERIOR LINES
Taking the war of resistance as a whole , there is no doubt that we are strategically encircled by the enemy , because he is on the strategic offensive and is operating on exterior lines while we are on the strategic defensive and are operating on interior lines .
52 . Interior and exterior lines . The anti-Japanese war as a whole is being fought on interior lines ;