
  • 网络new region;New Area;Uusimaa
  1. 如果你去要迁往一个新地区,即便那个城市物价高而你的预算又有限,这儿有帮你轻松安定下来的方法。

    If you do move to a new area , here 's how to easily settle down there - even if it 's an expensive city and you 've got a limited budget 。

  2. 综合找矿实践经验,运用新的矿产资源评价思路,预测出大型&超大型矿床的偏在部位,为突破新地区,发现新类型、新矿种,提供了新途径。

    According to the practical prospecting experiences and using a new evaluation thought of mineral resources , large and super large ore deposits would be predicted , which provided a new method for a break-through in finding out new types of mineral deposits in new area .

  3. H5N1型病毒向新地区家禽的扩散具有重要性,因为它增加了进一步发生人类病例的机会。

    The spread of H5N1 to poultry in new areas is of concern as it increases opportunities for further human cases to occur .

  4. 周一,IMF发布的最新地区经济展望(RegionalEconomicOutlook)预测中国今年经济增长率将从去年的7.7%放缓至7.5%,2015年增长率进一步放慢至7.3%。

    The IMF 's latest Regional Economic Outlook , released Monday , predicts China 's economic growth will slow to 7.5 % this year from 7.7 % last year , then further to 7.3 % in 2015 .

  5. 丝绸之路沿线陕甘新地区β地中海贫血CD17(A→T)的分布特点

    Distribution of β thalassemia CD17 mutant ( A → T ) in Shanxi , Gansu and Xinjiang along the Silk Road

  6. BrandZ表示,这些品牌靠近国内市场,这帮助它们从全球品牌手中夺取市场份额,它们还在新地区赢得市场份额。

    These brands are close to their domestic markets , helping them to gain market share at the expense of global brands , and they are also winning share in new regions , according to BrandZ .

  7. 老疾病则正在复苏,或向新地区传播。

    Old diseases are resurging , or spreading to new areas .

  8. 新地区的瓦斯预测

    Preliminary Estimate of the Gas Content in a New Coal Field

  9. 稍后,移民者也向西迁移去开发这些新地区。

    Later , settlers moved west to develop these new areas .

  10. 一般而言,新地区是亚马逊将来投资的自然之选。

    New regions are a natural place for Amazon to invest its cash .

  11. 基蒂刚搬到一个新地区。

    Kitty has just moved to a new neighbourhood .

  12. 政府正在开辟新地区给农民修建住宅。

    The Government is opening up new areas for settlement by peasant farmers .

  13. 陕、甘、新地区β地中海贫血的突变基因分析

    Mutation gene analysis of β thalassemia in shanxi , gansu and Xinjiang regions

  14. 我们对扩展业务很感兴趣,尤其是尚未开发过的新地区。

    We are always interested in expanding our business , especially in new areas .

  15. 这三支红军,都放弃了原有阵地,转移到新地区去。

    All three Red Army contingents have abandoned their old positions and moved to new regions .

  16. 全新的,更加详细的北美战役地图,包括众多新地区和新的游戏开始时间。

    A new , more detailed North American Campaign Map featuring new regions and a new start date .

  17. 这片空地上将兴建一个住宅新区。政府正在开辟新地区给农民修建住宅。

    They live in the new housing development . The Government is opening up new areas for settlement by peasant farmers .

  18. 新地区的开通会有益于任何想要在不同地区启动实例以作为失败保护措施的用户。

    This new region will benefit any customer that wants to start instances in different regions as a failure protection measure .

  19. 开拓新地区商业机会和对相近行业的收购计划同样也是实现加速竞争增长策略的一部分。

    Exploring new geographic opportunities and acquisition plans in contiguous industries is also part of the strategy to achieve accelerated competitive growth .

  20. 这是一个缓慢的过程,你的未来后代将会有大量时间来迁移到安全的新地区居住。

    This is a gradual process , and one 's future ancestry will have plenty of time to relocate to new regions that shall be safe .

  21. 向新地区的扩展得到一些企业家的帮助,他们从这项运动的发展中看到了商机。

    This expansion into new areas has been helped along by a number of entrepreneurs who have seized on the sport 's growth as a business opportunity .

  22. 疟疾这类在热带地区流行的疾病,正蔓延到像俄罗斯等新地区。当地人对这些疾病没免疫能力,也缺乏相关的知识及医疗配套设施来应付。

    Diseases of the tropics such as malaria are spreading to new areas such as Russia , where people lack immunity or the knowledge and healthcare infrastructure to cope .

  23. 另一方面,探讨四新地区规划的改善措施的优劣,找出在生态城市理念中的新区规划的基本原则。

    On this basis , talk about the new measures to improve the quality of urban planning and find a new eco-city concept of the fundamental principles of planning .

  24. 伊朗同意在8月25日前解决五个问题,但是其只解决了其中三个问题,而就提出新地区以进行讨论的最后期限也已经错过。

    But the five issues Iran agreed to resolve by August 25 , only three have been resolved , and another deadline for proposing new areas for resolution has been missed .

  25. 这些交易都着力于向世界新地区扩张现有业务,但收购标准银行大宗商品业务将是工行首次获得一条新的产品线。

    These deals have all focused on expanding into new regions of the world , but the Standard Bank deal would be the first time ICBC has acquired a new product line .

  26. 然后当它们到达换毛所在的新地区时,便会褪去以前的羽毛并放下货物—于是这些孢子便开始在世界的另一端重新开始生长。

    Then when the birds arrive in new places they molt , leaving behind the feathers and their precious cargo - to start growing again at the other end of the world . 。

  27. 到目前为止,在活体植物资源输送中最值得关注的是随之而来的病害向新地区的传播及其对农业生产的破坏性影响。

    Up to the present day , the overriding concern in the movement of living plant material is the parallel spread of diseases into new areas and their damaging impact on agricultural production .

  28. 中国三大石油公司近年来油气资源总量大幅度增长,不断向新地区、新盆地和新层系延伸,并在实践中总结出构造脊运移理论。

    The total amounts of oil and gas resources have increased steadily by a big margin in recent years in China . Future exploration will be directed to new petroleum provinces , new basins and new stratigraphic sequences and series .

  29. 本研究成果对于酒泉盆地下一步勘探具有非常重要的意义。5、通过开展目标描述,提出在建新地区钻探总3井的建议,并提出了下一步勘探部署建议。

    Through the research work of target description , the Zong 3 Well has be drilled in the Jianxin region , which is proposed to be a prospect area by this study , and further exploration plan for the area has been suggested .

  30. “赏叶人”在英语中也可以称为leafer,是新英格兰地区的俚语,常指游客在秋天慢慢开车穿过美国东北部地区,透过车窗欣赏每年的叶色变换。

    A " leaf peeper " , or " leafer " , is the New England regional slang term for a person , usually a tourist , who drives very slowly throughout the north-east portion of the United States during autumn while looking out the windows of their car at the annual foliage1 color change .