
  1. 新疆和平解放五十年回顾

    A Retrospect of Xinjiang 's Fifty Years since Its Peaceful Liberation

  2. 1949年9月25日新疆和平解放。

    Xinjiang was peacefully liberated on September 25 , 1949 .

  3. 1949年,新疆和平解放。

    In 1949 , Xinjiang was peacefully liberated .

  4. 新疆和平解放以后,各族人民团结奋斗,共同建设美好的家园。

    Since the peaceful liberation of Xinjiang , the people of all nationalities , uniting as one , have worked hard with joint efforts to build their fine homeland .

  5. 新中国的成立,新疆的和平解放,这一历史性的伟大变革,为新疆妇女的解放与发展提供了条件与机遇。

    The establishment of New China , peaceful liberation in Xinjiang , this great historical transform prepares the ground for the liberation and development of Xinjiang women .

  6. 马克思主义在新疆的早期传播促进了新疆各民族人民的思想觉醒,为新疆的和平解放奠定了基础,最终取得了反法西斯战争的伟大胜利。

    Marxism in the early spread of Xinjiang to promote ideological awakening of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang , and laid the foundation for the peaceful liberation of Xinjiang , and eventually achieved a great victory of the anti-fascist war .