
ɡuó mín wài jiāo
  • people-to-people diplomacy
  1. 全国国民外交大会是华盛顿会议前夕在上海成立的一个全国性的民间外交团体。

    The National Conference of People-to-People Diplomacy founded in Shanghai at the eve of the Washington Conference was a nation-wide and non-governmental organization on diplomacy .

  2. 国人则成立了全国国民外交大会作为国民一致对外的总机关。

    The national established the National Assembly to fight against the external enemies .

  3. 抗战时期回族争取国际声援的国民外交活动

    Hui People 's Diplomatic Events for International Support During the War of Resistance Against Japan

  4. 论20世纪初的中国国民外交

    Chinese Civil Diplomacy Early in 20th Century

  5. 华盛顿会议期间的国民外交(1921.6~1922.2)

    Studies on the Civil Diplomacy during the Period of Washington Conference ( 1921.6 ~ 1922.2 );

  6. 第五章着重论述了北洋政府时期的国民外交运动历史意义。

    Chapter Five mainly explains the historic significance of the Civil Diplomacy Movement during Beiyang Government .

  7. 因此,舆论参与在此时的国民外交运动中起到了重要的作用。

    Therefore , the public participation at this time of national foreign sports played an important role .

  8. 第二章讨论了北洋政府统治前国民外交运动的发展状况及其对北洋政府时期的国民外交运动的影响;

    Chapter Two discusses the development of the Civil Diplomacy Movement before Beiyang Government and its influence on the latter later on .

  9. 国民外交运动的一次新探索&辽宁国民外交协会的缘起及其活动述评

    A New Exploration of the Nationals Diplomacy Movement & A review of the origin and its activity of Liaoning citizen diplomacy association

  10. 民族危机下的国民外交&太平洋国际学会第四届会议开幕争论之研究

    People 's Diplomacy at the Time of National Crisis & A Discourse on the Inauguration of the Forth Biennial Conference of the IPR

  11. 第五章主要就巴黎和会期间的国民外交最终的对内转向与参与型政治文化的生成进行了分析探讨。

    The fifth chapter basically just during the Paris peace conference of the national foreign eventually steering and internally generated participated political culture is discussed .

  12. 民间外交,又称国民外交或人民外交,它是指不以国家和政府名义处理外交事务的政党、集团、组织、团体以及有影响的个人所进行的对外交往活动。

    Nongovernmental diplomacy , also Civil diplomacy or Folk diplomacy , refers to the foreign exchange activities between nongovernmental parties , groups , organizations or influential individuals .

  13. 所谓国民外交,是指国民通过外交舆论、民众运动等手段,监督、支持、影响政府的外交决策和对外交涉,以实现自身的外交意愿和要求的活动。

    The so-called People-to People Diplomacy , is means that in order to realize own diplomatic intend and requirements , the national influence government diplomatic decision-making through diplomatic means , supervision and support .

  14. 第三章主要介绍了巴黎和会期间的舆论媒体在国民外交中所扮演的角色,其中既包括静态的电报、报章杂志等的报道,也包括各种民间团体组织的动态的活动。

    The third chapter basically introduces the Paris peace conference in national public media during the role of diplomacy , which includes both static cable , newspapers , magazines etc , also includes various reports of folk organizations dynamic activities .

  15. 第二章主要从清末民初的国内外大的政治环境、中国近代外交的兴起与职业外交家的出现、国民外交思想的产生三个方面介绍国民外交兴起的背景。

    The second chapter basically from the late qing dynasty and the domestic and foreign big political environment , the rise of modern Chinese diplomatic career diplomats appeared , in the national diplomatic thoughts produced three aspects of the background of the rise of national diplomatic introduced .

  16. 国际环境是决定南京国民政府外交决策取向的外部因素。

    The external element is the international , environment making the foreign policy .

  17. 僵死被动的外交作风是南京国民政府外交失败的直接原因;

    The inflexible style in the foreign affairs is the direct cause of failure .

  18. 对自身外交实力定位不当,是南京国民政府外交失败的重要原因;

    The important cause is that the KMT government lost . It 's position .

  19. 统治机能的强弱,是决定南京国民政府外交能力大小的关键因素;

    The key factor about the ability of the Nanjing national government is the function of rule . scavenging ability of BSCA were measured by the chemical simulation .

  20. 学人外交官:国民政府外交使节组成的新变化哲学家,律师,科学家,外交家和社会学家是一群受人尊敬的人。

    Scholar Diplomat : New Changes on the Composition of the Diplomatic Envoy in the History of the Republican China ; Philosophers , lawyers , scientists , diplomats and sociologists are a fine body of men .

  21. 取得了比较明显的成效,并对后来国民政府的外交产生了重要影响。

    All the measures mentioned above achieved remarkable results and had an important impact on diplomacy of National Government later .

  22. 对双重或多重国籍的国民如何行使外交保护的问题,目前已经成为了国际社会共同的研究话题。

    The problem how to protect the people who have own the dual or multiple nationality has become the research subject of the international community .

  23. 1927年初李大钊的外交活动,对于武汉国民政府争取外交上的主动,策应北伐战争的进行,有着重大的意义。

    Li 's diplomatic activities in early 1927 is of great significance for Wuhan Government to attain diplomatic initiative and support Northern Expedition ( 1926 - 1927 ) .

  24. 对南京国民政府初期外交政策的再认识李顿调查团与南京国民政府国联外交得失

    Reacquaint The Diplomatic Policy Of NanJin Republic Of China During His Initial Period Evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of both Li Dun Fact-finding Mission and the Nanjing Government 's foreign policy

  25. 根据这一材料我们可以看出李大钊为武汉国民政府进行外交活动的一个侧面和李大钊在英、美、法和日本外交使团中所作的外交努力。

    From this report we can see that what Li did for the Wuhan National Government in diplomacy and his efforts in dealing with the diplomatic corps of Britain , America and Japan .

  26. 太平洋战争时期国民政府对英外交

    The Diplomacy of National Government Towards Britain during the Pacific War

  27. 英国国民要弄清楚外交部能为他们做什么,不能为他们做什么,这一点很重要。

    It 's important that British nationals understand what the Foreign Office can and can 't do for them .

  28. 南京国民政府时期的国民外交运动论略

    On the Influence of the Civil Diplomacy Movements in Nanjing Government of the Republic of China